Proper Nutrition Search Results

How To: Make a Nutritional Meal Plan for Youth Sports Players

Kids love sports drinks, but are they healthy for them? This video answers that question, and dissects all of the information pertaining to the diet, nutrition and metabolism of a child playing sports. Healthy eating is important for any sports player, but there are some special considerations for young children. Variety is important, but you need about 40 different nutrients to keep the kid playing well. And believe it or not, chocolate milk is actually one of the best recovery foods.

How To: Divide a whole number by a proper fraction in math

Want to know how to divide a whole number by a proper fraction in basic arithmetic? Learn how it's done with this free video math lesson. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test).

How To: Have proper internet etiquette

Just because the internet renders you virtually anonymous does not mean social customs should be ignored. Just like in the outside world, there is etiquette that should be obeyed if you want to be treated as a friend rather than an annoyance online. In this how to video, Proper Ollie teaches you how you can have proper internet etiquette in social networking forums.

How To: Choose and buy healthy desserts

Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too. There are a lot of light or nutritional alternatives to a lot of the desserts that we commonly use or eat. Saving room for dessert is a must for adding any treat to the end of a healthy meal. Learn some tips for buying dessert foods in this nutrition how-to video.

How To: Increase flexibility with yoga

If you are not naturally flexible, you can learn quickly, but you cannot simply do average stretches and hope to see big results. Diet and nutrition play a very big role in increasing flexibility as well. This yoga tutorial teaches you how to increase your flexibility safely and quickly.

How To: Insert a proper PICC line into your patient

PICC stands for a peripherally inserted central catheter, and is usually inserted somewhere in your patient's uppper arm, giving access to the larger veins in the chest region. PICC lines are often desirable because they are the least risky way of giving central access to the veins near the heart, especially when your patient will need to have one for an extended period of time. This tutorial shows you everything you'll need to know about how to properly and safely insert a PICC line into you...

How To: Practice proper from for a dumbbell shoulder press

Seated dumbbell shoulder presses are an important part of strength training and weight lifting. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do shoulder presses with dumbbells. Begin by sitting down, grabbing the dumbbells, bring the dumbbells up to your shoulders and pushing up overhead. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for doing seated dumbbell shoulder presses.

How To: Practice proper form for barbell shoulder presses

Seated barbell shoulder presses are an important part of strength training and weight lifting. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do shoulder presses with a barbell. Begin by sitting down, grabbing the barbell, lowering it to the collar bone and bringing it back up. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for doing seated barbell shoulder presses.

How To: Practice proper form for dumbbell shoulder press

Dumbbell shoulder presses are an important part of strength training and weight lifting. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do shoulder presses with dumbbells. Begin the presses by placing the weights at shoulder height and pushing them up above your head. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for doing dumbbell shoulder presses.

How To: Practice proper knee tuck form

Knee tucks are an important part of strengthening the core and fitness. This fitness How To video tutorial shows you the proper way to do knee tucks. Begin the knee tucks by laying down on your back, hands underneath your butt, bend knees at ninety degrees and then tuck your knees up. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for doing knee tucks.

How To: Practice proper squat exercises

Squats are an important part of working out and fitness in general. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do squats at home or in the gym. Begin the squats by sitting on a bench, placing your feet in a squating position, stand up and sit back down. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for doing squats on a bench.

How To: Practice a proper up-right push up

Up-right push ups are an important part of working out. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do them on a bar or on the wall. Begin the up-right push up by placing your hands should width apart in front of you, feet back and on your toes, keep the body straight and lower yourself keeping your elbows out. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for doing up right push ups.

How To: Do proper step ups for working out

Step ups are an important part of working out. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do them. Begin the step ups by placing your foot on the step, push up with the heal of the front leg and bring yourself up and right back down. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for doing step ups.

How To: Practice proper lunge posture

Lunges are an important part of weight lifting and fitness in general. This fitness HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do lunges. Begin the lunge by having taking a nice big step in front of you, finding your balance and with your weight on the heal of your front leg begin to lower yourself. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for doing lunges.

How To: Practice proper barbell squat posture

Barbell squats are an important part of weight lifting. This weights HowTo video tutorial shows you the proper way to do a barbell squat. Begin the squat by having your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed outward and the barbell right below your neck. Keep watching to learn more about proper form for weight lifting.

How To: Buy vegetables at the grocery store

Vegetables are the foundation of a healthy, balanced diet, many experts recommending 3-5 servings a day. When choosing your vegetables, it's always best to choose fresh; although, frozen and canned still have nutritional value and benefits as well. Also, look for vegetables that are bright in color like this red pepper, also carrots that are brightly orange and brightly-colored green broccoli. The brighter the color, the more nutrients that are in it. Try these tips for buying vegetables in t...

How To: Keep your brain active by eating brain foods

Your brain actually needs to be refueled throughout the day, and our brains function best on carbohydrates. Brain foods like fruits and fish are important for fueling your brain all throughout the day. Learn some tips on eating brain foods and keeping your mind active in this nutrition how-to video.

How To: Complete a three minute ab workout for tight, sculpted abs

Many people go about spot fat removal wrong. First of all, there is no such thing as spot fat removal. It's impossible to get rid of fat in just one area, so if you want to make your abs flat and toned but there's too much flab covering it at the moment, you need to do lots of cardio to burn off the fat and strength training so that once your fat slides off your muscles are visible.

How To: Write a proper thesis statement with Jennifer Mensink

The key to a great essay or dissertation is a strong thesis. In this two part tutorial from teacher Jennifer Mensink, learn exactly what a thesis is, why it is important and how to craft the perfect one. This video lesson will cover everything including an anticipation set, input and an assessment. Jennifer teaches as though you are her only student, and you will love listening to her step by step breakdown. So, get ready for finals with this refresher course on thesis statements.

How To: Make fun meals with your kids

An easy way to start your children on the path to eating healthy is to involve them in the cooking process. In this tutorial from Modern Mom, get expert tips from Barbara Beery, an elementary teacher with a passion for cooking. Barbara is a cooking instructor for children and runs a kid's cooking school called Batter Up Kids] in Austin, Texas.

How To: Make a proper Mojito

Scouring over the Internet for a Mojito recipe for your next get together? Well look no further! Here is a two minute tutorial on how to make a proper Mojito. Ingredients you will need: rum, limes, sugar, crushed ice, soda water or lemonade, and a handful of fresh mint leaves. Be prepared to be pleased!

How To: Practice proper breathing for pilates

Proper breathing is a very important part of Pilates exercise. Many Pilates exercises are taught with specific instructions on how to use the breath with them. Often in our daily lives our breath becomes very shallow, most people only breathe into the upper part of the chest. Watch this pilates how to video to learn proper breathing techniques.