Property Investments Search Results

How To: Extend and customize an ASP.Net server control

In this video tutorial, Chris Pels will show how to extend a standard ASP.NET server control and customize it for a specific purpose. Specialized controls provide an convenient way to implement standardized user interface elements for multiple web sites for individuals or teams of developers. In this example, see how to extend the DropDownList control to create a special purpose year selection control. Learn how to add properties for custom attributes that control the behavior of the range of...

How To: Understand the properties of a rectangle

In this tutorial, we learn how to understand the properties of a rectangle. A rectangle has four interior angles that add up to 360 degrees. All of the angles have to be exactly 90 degrees in a perfect rectangle. Two opposite sides have to be congruent and parallel. The other opposite sides also have to be congruent and parallel. The diagonals of the rectangle are not perpendicular but they are congruent and they intersect at the mid points. Diagonals are not perpendicular, but they are congr...

How To: Understand the properties of a square in Geometry

In this tutorial, we learn how to understand the properties of a square in Geometry. The four angles on the inside of a square have to be right angles. All but be 90 degrees and add up to 360. A square has four equal sides, which you can notate with lines on the sides. The diagonals of the square cross each other at right angles, so all four angles are also 360 degrees. Diagonals have to be equal in length to each other as well. Once you better understand this, you will be able to learn more ...

How To: Edit HV20 HV30 video in Movie Studio or Vegas

First you need to do is to open up the HD video file of Canon HV20 and then you can set the project properties. So go to file, import, media and open up the video file. Now drag it to the timeline and go to file, properties, click on the file folder called "match media settings" and open the same video file which you just opened. Now click on apply and then ok. But now video proportion is not fine. To fix it go to option, preferences, click on video tab and check the box which says "simulate ...

How To: Get widescreen videos on YouTube

In this Computers & Programming video tutorial you will learn how to get widescreen videos on YouTube from normal videos. This can be done in Sony Vegas Movie Studio. Go to project > properties > video. Here you set the template width to 640, height 360, frame rate 30, field order as none, pixel aspect ratio to square, full resolution rendering quality to good and deinterlace method to blend fields. Next you save this template for future use and click apply. One of the quickest ways of conver...

How To: Get System Restore to use less disk space in Windows 7

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make the System Restore feature use less space in Windows 7. Begin by clicking on the Start menu. Right-click on Computer and select Properties. Under Tasks, click on System protection. In the System Properties window, select the hard drive and click Configure. Under Disk Space Usage, drag the slider to the left for a lower amount. Then click on Apply and OK to confirm. This video will benefit those viewers who have a Windows 7 computer and would l...

How To: Set up dual monitors

In your computer you can setup up two monitors on the same screen. This is the dual monitor setup which will give you more space to work with. So if your desktop is cluttered with icons and other program shortcuts, then you can use dual monitors. To setup a dual monitor system, the first thing you will need is two monitors. Now right click no your desktop and select properties from the menu. In the properties window go to the settings tab. If you see two monitor screen pictures over there the...

How To: Use the range property in Excel macros

Microsoft excel is a powerful tool used to work with numbers and data by filling them down in rows and columns of a table. Excels also supports macros, which are small scripts to automate certain functions. In Microsoft Excel you can select entire rows and columns using the range property. You can also use macros to select individual rows and columns as well as multiple variations of rows, columns, and individual cells all at once. In Excel a horizontal line of data is called as row and a ver...

How To: Explore Shamanism through Ayahuasca

"Shamanism: Other Worlds" explores the ancient spiritual Amazonian enlightenment drug Ayahuasca. This documentary investigates Ayahuasca and its use largely as a religious sacrament. Those whose usage of ayahuasca is performed in non-traditional contexts often align themselves with the philosophies and cosmologies associated with ayahuasca shamanism, as practiced among indigenous peoples like the Urarina of Peruvian Amazonia. The religion Santo Daime uses it. While non-native users know of th...

NR50: Welcome to Next Reality's 50 People to Watch in Augmented & Mixed Reality

Those of us that work with or around augmented and mixed reality have seen a powerful shift in the last year as the popularity and interest have grown in the field. With Microsoft's HoloLens release, the popularity of Pokémon GO, and the constant rumor mill known as Magic Leap, the terms augmented reality and mixed reality have started to become a part of the modern vernacular more and more each passing day.

How To: Create animated glowing text on Flash Professional 8

1. The following lines describes how to create animated glowing text on Flash. 2. Open a new Flash Project and select first Key Frame and place a Text Box and Type "HELLO" 3.Select TextColor as red. 4. Then Go to Filters->Glow a. select color as Dark Yellow b. increase the Blur x,y Property value to 5 c. strength value to 200 d. Quality: Low 5. Select 15th Frame and Right click->Select Insert KeyFrame. 6. Then increase the Blur x,y Property value to 50 and strength value to 300. 7. Then selec...