Protein Rich Snacks Search Results

How To: Make deviled eggs

Want to munch a quick and yummy snack that is also healthy? This video shows how to make deviled eggs, a quick, easy, delicious and nutritious snack that meets your protein needs. It is simple. Even kids can make them during their leisure and enjoy the pleasure of cooking. This dish is attractive, healthy and rich in protein. All you need is simple ingredients. This snack is good for pregnant ladies and kids.

How To: Function on little sleep

We've all had those nights where you had to cram in tons of things, and end up never making it to bed. If this sounds like you, or you are preparing to pull an all-nighter, this video will surely educate you on how to stay energized throughout the day.

How To: Make peanut butter protein granola bars

When you hit the grocery stores, there are so many different options to choose when it comes to snack bars. You have granola bars, protein bars, sugary bars, it's confusing. Despite all the various selections, not all have been created equally. This tutorial will show you the best way to make peanut butter protein granola bars from scratch. Not only do they taste good, but are also good for you as well. So sit back and enjoy!

How To: Make grilled salmon with garlic, ginger, & basil sauce

Packed with rich omega-3 oils, fatty acids, and more protein than a WWE wrestler needs before a big match, salmon is a wonder food of sorts. Omega-3s protect heart health, boost your metabolism, and reduce inflammation (which means fewer pimples for those that are acne-ridden), while protein helps you lose weight by keeping you fuller longer.

How To: Cook baby squid with caramelized onions

Chef Jose from Made In Spain is here with some authentic Spanish cooking to teach you. Join Jose as he cooks up some yummy baby squid with caramelized onions. This recipe is incredibly simple and full of rich flavor. Enjoy it as a snack at work or make it for dinner at home.

How To: Diet like a man

Ever noticed how guys can lose weight much faster than women? We did, too—and here's how they do it. You will need strength training, protein snacks, physical activity, and self-forgiveness. While genetics and gender do have a lot to do with how easily weight can be lost, these tips will help you keep the weight off. Watch this video weight loss tutorial and learn how to diet like a man.

How To: Make organic vegan quinoa salad

In this video, we learn how to make organic vegan quinoa salad. This super food is a complete protein that's rich in amino acids and protein. First, rinse the quinoa in a strainer, then put into a pot with 2 cups of water. Bring this to a boil while covered, then when the liquid is absorbed it's done. Now, chop up some bell pepper and cucumber and mix it up with the quinoa until it's well combined. Next, add in some roasted pistachios, cranberries, extra virgin olive oil, and maple syrup. Aft...

How To: Cook a Mediterranean quinoa salad

Turn cooked quinoa into an amazing salad with pine nuts, mint, currants and feta. Watch his how to video to learn how make a protein rich salad with quinoa. Quinoa is a lesser known crop but once you try this salad you'll be telling everyone about this salad.

How To: 12 Easy Snacks You Can Make for Your Next Road Trip

Gas stations may be convenient for travel snacks, but the cost of shopping there sure can add up. If you're looking for easy, on-the-go snacks that fit into your travel budget, look no further. We've got 12 kid-friendly, portable food ideas you can make before leaving on your journey. You'll be amazed by how much money and time you will save with these satisfying travel snacks.

How To: Know the differences in quinoa

In this tutorial, we learn to know the differences in quinoa. Quinoa is a complete protein that's very mineral rich. There is a tan and red variety, both are delicious. This is an ancient South American grain that is gluten free for the wheat intolerant. When prepping this, you will first need to rinse it off thoroughly. Cooked quinoa can be mixed with toasted sunflower seeds, lemon juice, sea salt, and olive oil for a great taste that is full with nutrients. It's a great replacement for rice...

How To: Feel full on a raw food diet

Natasha gives you some tips on how to feel fuller when eating raw foods. Natasha dispels claims that protein is what makes you feel full after a meal when it's really the fat. Fruits and vegetables are very water rich foods so they go through your body very quickly, therefore, making you feel hungry soon after eating them. Natasha suggests putting some hemp seeds in your smoothies and even coconut oil or coconut meat to add some bulk. She also suggests maybe making only half of your meal raw ...

How To: Make scrambled eggs with soy sauce

Eggs are very nutritious food and rich in protein. They are easy to cook and save a lot of time in preparation. This video is about how to cook delicious scrambled eggs with soy sauce. Break three eggs in a bowl and add some soy sauce to it. Beat it with a fork till soy sauce blends well with the eggs. Heat oil in a pan and when hot, add the egg mixture to it. Scramble it and you have mouthwatering food ready in minutes. This video will be an instant hit with those who would like to cook food...

How To: Lose Weight with Smoothies & Shakes

It should come as no surprise that, according to Details Magazine, nearly half of all people who make New Year's resolutions pledge to lose weight, eat healthier, and/or get fit. There are innumerable companies out there that are ready and willing to take advantage of this momentum: from those hocking "magic bullet" pills that will increase your energy or reduce your belly fat to the myriad shake- and juice-based diets that put you at a near-starvation calorie input—and will probably have you...

How To: Make tasty kebabs and snacks for kids' lunch boxes

Eating healthy does not mean crunching on cardboard 24/7, even if that's what your kids think. While it's always easy to reach for a neat package of Cheetos and toss that into your kid's lunchbox for school, doing so means you're giving them a hefy serving of artificial coloring (some of which has been linked to cancer), artificial flavoring, and high fructose corn syrup.

How To: Make a delicious protein shake

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a homemade delicious protein shake! There are two different recipes that both have good nutritional content. The first shake is a strawberry-banana cheesecake shake. First, take 1 c of frozen strawberries and place them into a blender. Then, add in 1/2 c of milk and blend this until it's slightly mixed. Now, add 3 ice cubes, 1/2 of a banana, 1 scoop of whey protein , 1 tsp of cheesecake pudding powder and 1 tsp of sugar free strawberry jello to the blend...

How To: Make homemade peanut butter

Rich, creamy peanut butter tastes great on sandwiches, in recipes, or even by itself. Try making this peanut butter recipe with your kids. You will need peanut or vegetable oil, roasted, unsalted peanuts and salt. The oil thins the peanut butter. For crunchy peanut butter, chop some additional peanuts. Pour them into the bowl, and stir them into the peanut butter. Spread the peanut butter on your favorite bread for a delicious snack at any time of the day.

How To: Make double chocolate protein cookies

Jennifer DiDonato gives you a delicious recipe to healthy chocolate chip cookies. Rather than taking the approach to deprive yourself until you lose control, replace your chocolate chip cookie recipe with my Double Chocolate Protein Cookies. They contain slow digesting complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, lots of protein, and minimal sugar. Watch this Made Fit TV episode to see how simple they are to bake.

How To: Stay slim and fit

Isn't it everybody's dream to stay slim and fat? This video will help boost your self-confidence and will give you tips on how to stay slim and fit. Anne Saccone is of the opinion that green tea with lemon helps her to maintain and manage her weight. She has it about eight times a day. Other food that helps in weight management are cereal with semi-skimmed milk, wholemeal bread, natural yogurt, cottage cheese, boiled egg etc. She advises not to be obsessed with food and to count calories but ...

How To: Make edamame

Edamame are immature whole green soybeans—the only vegetable with a complete protein that’s similar to animal protein. And because they’re actually kind of fun to eat, they’re an excellent snack. . . and pretty tasty with beer, too. They are cheap and good for you. Learn how to make edamame.

How To: Make home hair protein treatments

In this video, the user gives some suggestions on how to make at home hair protein treatments. She emphasizes that every good treatment consists of two components: a conditioning element, and a protein element. She suggests eggs, avocado, almond butter and soy milk for protein and yogurt, mayonnaise, nut and olive oils, and honey for the conditioning portion. She explains the importance of including both elements for moisturized hair and also that you should choose ingredients in response to ...

How To: Make a low carb protein bar

Watch this quick video to learn how to make your own low carbohydrate protein bar. Here's what you need to do to make your own low carb protein bar: Ingredients: 50 grams of hazelnut butter, 25 grams of whey protein isolate, 40ml of heavy cream Splenda (optional). Mix the butter and whey till dry. Add 40 ml cream and mix well. Shape into a bar and enjoy. This recipe has about 30 grams of protein and 3.5 grams of carbs.

How To: Lose weight with a healthy after workout meal

Darin Steen of Major League Health explains how to lose weight with a healthy meal after a workout. What you put in your mouth composes 70% to 80% of fitness fat loss gain. Meals that you eat after intense workout sessions are very important. Eat a meal that is predigested and absorbed quickly like whey protein and a banana. Eat your meal 30 minutes to 60 minutes after your workout. For people weighing 120 pounds to 140 pounds, use 15 grams of whey protein and a half of a banana. For people w...

How To: Make a high protein shake

The secret the fitness food companies don't want you to know !!! A guide of how to make a high protein milk shake with 33g of protein per pint for only 88p per pint!!!! Great for building up muscle fast and healthily !! Amazing

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