Protein Rich Snacks Search Results

How To: Make low-carb snacks

Michel Nischan shows you some great low-carb snacks, such as mozzarella sticks and peanut butter covered vegetables. However, the best low-carb snack is the Mexican pizza. Created with a toasted tortilla, refried beans, strained salsa, and low fat cheese. Bake it in the oven for four minutes, and you have one tasty snack

How To: Make Worcestershire sausage snack sticks

This is how you may make snack sticks with as few as 3 ingredients and meat. This video is more about techniques than the snack sticks themselves. There is some discussion on shelf-stability as well. This is a "cooked sausage" that is later dehydrated to improve presentation.

How To: Prepare a simple morning protein shake

In this video, Steve Kim shows us how to make a simple morning protein shake. You will need a blender, glass, oatmeal and protein powder for this. First, place a cup of water into the blender along with around 5-6 ice cubes, crush this together in the blender. Next, add a scoop of protein powder and a 1/2 cup scoop of oatmeal. Put the lid back on the blender and blend on low for about 30 seconds, slowly pick up the speed on the blender and blend until it's well mixed together. After this, pou...

How To: Get over the cold naturally by eating the right foods

This how to video shows how to fight a cold naturally or how to get over an infection. When you get a cold, there is an imbalance with your blood PH or an outside invader such as a virus. Some tips to get yourself feeling better are to boost your immune system with herbal supplements and getting a good source of protein. Protein helps to form antibodies, and without a good source of protein your body loses that source of protection. This video shows that the best source of protein is meat and...

How To: Make your own origami snack box

Looking for an easy, environmentally-friendly craft project? With this guide, you'll learn how to make a paper snack box with origami, the traditional art of Japanese paper folding. For more information, including a step-by-step overview of the folding process, as well as to get started making your own paper snack boxes, watch this free origami lesson.

How To: Cook Chinese shrimp chip snacks

These delicious chips make the perfect snack! Follow along with this Asian cooking how-to video to learn how to make Chinese shrimp chip snacks. This shrimp chips are sure to be a hit with your family. The ingredients you will need for this recipe are store bought shrimp chips and oil.

How To: Bulk up and gain weight quickly

It seems like people are always trying to lose weight..but what if you have the opposite problem? Whether you’re recovering from an illness, are a growing teen, or you are an athlete trying to bulk up, a little information can go a long way in helping you pack on a few extra pounds.

How To: This Awesome 3-Ingredient Fruit Dip Will Change the Way You Snack

Apples are great snacks, and they're often paired with peanut butter or sliced cheese for a well-rounded energy boost of carbs, fat, and protein. The apples are an important part of the equation, as they are low-calorie and full of vitamins, nutrients, fiber, and lots of other good stuff. It's the other half that's always the problem, as eating too much peanut butter or cheese is an easy way to polish off a boatload of calories and fat in one sitting.

How To: Toast pumpkin seeds for a tasty snack

Don't throw out your pumpkin seeds, toast them for a wonderful snack! This video shows the simple steps to making toasted pumpkin seeds. Cut open your pumpkin and scrape out the seeds. Make sure to rinse them well to get rid of the pumpkin guts. Next prepare a brine of 1 quart water and a quarter cup of salt. Soak the seeds for twenty four hours and drain them well. You'll be coating the seeds with a bit of vegetable oil and salt for flavor. Last they are toasted in the oven for about twenty ...

How To: Choose healthy snacks for preschoolers

Young children have growing bodies and need healthy snacks for supplying nutrients and energy, especially preschoolers. Their little stomachs just can't handle it. Therefore, it's very important to incorporate some snacks into their daily routine. Try these tips for buying snacks for preschoolers in this nutrition how-to video.

How To: Burn belly fat faster with simple nutrition principles

In this video tutorial, viewers learn about nutrition that will help lose fat and gain muscle. Users learn about the meal they should consume after a workout session. The meal should be predigested to help recover muscles rapidly after a workout. The meal advised to digest is whey protein and a banana. The amount of protein consumption depends on the weight of the user. Users can choose to simply consume the protein with just water or by blending it with other nutritional sources such as the ...

How To: Make simple and quick frozen grape snacks

Grapes as dessert? After watching this food video you'll think twice about these juicy purple orbs. While we think popping some grapes into our mouths is delicious enough as it is, this recipe combines grapey goodness with icy coldness for a delicious, almost popsicle like snack.

News: How Gut Bacteria Could Set Off the Immune System in Rheumatoid Arthritis

As if the swollen, painful joints of rheumatoid arthritis weren't enough, the disease is the result of our immune system turning against cells of our own body. Ever since this realization, scientists have worked to find the trigger that sets the immune system off. Scientists believe that gut bacteria may have a role in initiating the abnormal immune response. Now, a team of researchers from Boston has figured out how that might occur.

How To: Make snacks for kids

In this video, from happyauershow, we learn how to make some healthy snacks for kids. First, is a sweet Kid Kabob. You need a skewer, strawberry, pineapple, marshmallow, and Rice Krispies Treats. Simply make a pattern on the kabob however you'd like. You can use whatever fruit your children like best. The next snack is Kid Sushi. For this you will need Rice Krispies Treats and Fruit Roll-Ups. Roll up the Rice Krispies Treats in the Fruit Roll-Up, cut in sections, and you have the Sushi Rolls....