Provincial Laws Search Results

News: why people should vote no on Proposition 23

Proposition 23 is the act where they would suspend AB 32, the global warming act of 2006. If proposition 23 is enacted by voter this would pause the porvision of AB 32 until California's unemployment rate drops to a 5.5%. The unemployment rate at this current point is as high as a 12% and has been like that for the exception of 3 times since 1980. supporters call it California Job Anitiative and opponents call it the Dirty Energy Proposition.In this article it states the reason proposition 23...

News: Branches of Government-Judicial

The link to this site takes you to the official website of the Supreme Court of the United States. It is a useful source for information about Supreme Court cases, journals, and orders of the court. The US government is separated by three branches of government one of them being the judicial branch. The power of the Supreme Court is to uphold the law and they make final decisions. To be part of the Supreme Court the qualifications are: if the president likes you, needs to have a law degree, a...

Prop 23: Yes or no on the state's global warming law

From "AB 32 mandates that California must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2020. But California's crazy government-by-initiative system means that just because a law has been passed by the California House and Senate and signed by the governor doesn't make it secure. On the ballot this November, voters will get their own chance to weigh in on AB 32 by deciding whether or not to pass Proposition 23, the misleadingly named "California Jobs Initiative."

Congress: The Law Makers

The Website above is about congress. It has the recent activities of Congress. It also allows you to contact them to stop any law which you might disagree with. This is a great way to help make a decision that might effect others.

News: Rain Water Harvesting 101

This shows how to collect rain water for future use from the roof of your house. Very cool setup, but be careful not to break the law while you're doing it. I know that here in Colorado, it is actually illegal to collect rain water without a permit. Scary, huh?

News: Save the Internet!

Do you love the internet? Me too. That's why you should learn about Net Neutrality. Though this video was made a few years ago, the basic principles have stayed the same, and Net Neutrality laws are currently on the tables of governments all over the world. Get informed and save the internet!

News: Pizza Acrobat Defies the Laws of Physics

Hard to imagine such a thing exists, but the US Pizza Team is a group of freestyle, acrobatic, dough-tossing pizza makers with truly unreal talent. They represent America in Italy's annual Olympics of Pizza. Below, Nino Coniglio, owner of Brooklyn's Pizzeria del Corso and team member, performs in front of restaurant patrons and it's pretty insane (to say the least). Previously, Poor Italians, Can't Afford a Frisbee.

News: Is Gravity an Illusion?

Something so basic, yet so mysterious... Gravity seemingly a law that we must live by... or is it? Check out this fascinating article from the New York Times, examining one scientist's bid to redefine what we think about as gravity.

How To: Use the Bluetooth capability on a Blackberry Curve

Bluetooth capability allows your mobile phone to connect to a computer, lap top, a wireless head set, or even your car. With most states rushing to pass no cell phones while driving laws, a Bluetooth device keeps you connected. Watch this video cell phone tutorial and learn how to hook up and use the Bluetooth features on your Blackberry Curve. Use the Bluetooth capability on a Blackberry Curve.

News: LED Embedded Cop Heels

Hubba, hubba, Mrs. Officer! Insanely ghetto fabulous pair of cop heels that belong in a Lil' Wayne video. These babies blink like a siren, and are laden with teeny, tiny law-enforcement detailing, such as headlights, turn signals and strobe lights. Designed by Tim Cooper.

News: The Other Side of Fashion

The United States is a hierarchical country where the weak ones are at the bottom and the powerful ones are at the top. Garment workers are at the bottom of the list although they are the most important. Without them there would be no fashion industry. They sew and cut the garments that people buy, the raiment that models wear on the runways. After the garments are sewn, factory owners send the garments to contractors to get make the clothing. Contractors make sure the garment workers sew the...

How To: Undercut the door casing

This video demonstrates the proper technique for undercutting the door casing or the molding around the door. You will need to do this when you are laying a laminate floor, otherwise the laminate flooring will not seat underneath the door casing correctly. The first step is to figure out how much you will need to cut out of the door casing. This can be accomplished by measuring the thickness of the laminate flooring plus any underlay you may be using. The presenter demonstrates this with a po...

News: Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office

Los Angeles County Attorney's Office:This website shows pamphlets in English and Spanish; however, not all the pamphlets are available in Spanish. The great thing is that there is a lot of information available in order for victims or any person to understand the proces of: child abuse, domestic violence, crime victims, elder abuse, families surviving criminal homicides, hate crime, Marsy's Law and much more. It is important to be informed at all times for the unexpected. Works Cited "LADA Co...

Richard Stallman: CISPA neally abolishes people’s right not to be unreasonably

Soon, Americans may find every private email they write could be opened, copied and inspected by government snoopers. The latest cyber security bill – called CISPA – has passed the House of Representatives, coming a step closer to becoming law. President Barack Obama has threatened to veto the act, if it goes through in the Senate. He cited civil liberty concerns as the reason for his threat. CISPA has raised a massive outcry with internet users and freedom activists, who say it’s a hard hit ...

News: News Update 2/27/2012

Here's today's morning news: Rising Gas prices: The United States has seen a big inflation in gas prices throughout the nation. Many stations in New York have hit $4 per gallon, while Hawaii sells at $4.247. Experts predict another increase before memorial day. When will you reach your gas limit? Seen any outrageous gas prices?

News: Students Exploring the Branches of Government

Our class had been assigned interviews with political representatives from different branches. In these interviews we asked questions that we had generated about their career position, advice to young activists, our government system, getting involved, and their opinion on certain laws. Here are the results from the two interviews that were done.