Publicly Cheating Search Results

How To: Deal with a flirtatious boss or sexual harassment

He's not exactly demanding sexual favors, but his flirting is getting really gross. What's a girl who likes her job to do? You will need diplomacy and documentation. Assess his behavior. Now, don’t be offended, but we have to ask: Is he really coming on to you, or is he just a sociable, flirtatious kind of guy? If it’s the latter, just ignore it. Do your part to keep the relationship professional. Don't chat about how your last two boyfriends cheated on you and then expect him to know that di...

How To: Cheat to find the Hologram Tool in Spore

Here it final is. The video of the hologram tool people have been asking about. The search for the answer to weather or not you can get out of your space ship is over. It's yes and no, depending on what you interpret as getting out. The hologram allows you project yourself onto the planet. You're free to look around and move a little bit, but you cannot interact or do anything.

How To: Prank Friends, Cheat Games, & More with Android Bot Automation on Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2

During a contest in 2010 regarding which country Justin Bieber should visit next on his tour, North Korea won by a landslide. Unfortunately, he never went, and that's partly because nobody in the internet-less dictatorship probably voted. Instead, the contest was rigged by 4chan members and a few playful bots that voted for NK hundreds of thousands of times. What this shows is that not only is Justin Bieber an asshole, but that bots can be used as a very powerful tool—not only to cause mischi...