Publicly Disclosed Search Results

Bottled vs. Tap: 5 Reasons Why You Should Choose City Water Over Plastic

There is a huge myth that most Americans believe, and it might be the marketing triumph of the 20th century. We pay an absurd markup (Zero Hedge says as much as 280,000% for "designer" water) on something we can get for free because most of us believe that bottled water is healthier than tap water. But is it? Here are 5 reasons why tap water is probably better than that bottled stuff you drink. 1. It's Not Cleaner (& Might Be Dirtier) Than Your Tap Water

How To: Make Pokémon GO Work When You Have TWRP Installed

If you're a root user who has played Pokémon GO over the years, then you're probably familiar with the detection methods used to spoil your fun. The game's developer, Niantic, has publicly mentioned their ongoing battle with rooted Android phones and are unwilling to let up. They have a no-nonsense approach to try and keep you from playing, and they've stepped their game up once again.

How To: Quickly Look Up the Valid Subdomains for Any Website

Traditional subdomain enumeration techniques create a lot of noise on the target server and may alert intrusion detection systems to an attacker's intentions. For a stealthier approach, there's a tool with the capability of finding hundreds of subdomains related to the target website without alarming the server administrators.

Market Reality: Snapchat Does E-Commerce, Renault Drives into Star Wars AR & Christie's Taps Wealthy Art Buyers via AR

It doesn't matter how cool or groundbreaking a particular technology is, if it doesn't offer the promise of big returns on investments, you'll have trouble drawing interest from both Silicon Valley and Wall Street. That's why we're increasingly seeing existing augmented reality players doing everything they can to focus in on revenue generation, which was the message coming from Snap Inc. this week.

How To: Install Gitrob on Kali Linux to Mine GitHub for Credentials

GitHub is an extremely popular site that allows developers to store source code and interact with other users about their projects. Anyone can download public, open-source files on GitHub manually or with Git, and anyone can fork off someone's project to expand or improve it into its own project. It's a really great site for programmers, developers, and even inspiring hackers.

How To: 12 April Fool's Day Pranks for Your Smartphone-Addicted Family & Friends

April Fool's Day, aka National Screw with Your Friends Day, is finally here. You can always pull a conventional prank, like strategically placing a whoopee cushion on your mom's chair, but that joke has been exhausted generations before smartphones were around. We live in a day and age where smack cam is the new level of pranking, so it's time to step your game up, novices.

How To: Clean minerals and deposits from bathrooms

In this video series learn from Mark Williams a 6th year Registered Plumbers Apprentice with over 11,000 hours of experience as he discloses tips and techniques such as what chemicals to use to clean your bathroom; how mineral deposits build up; what causes certain stains to form; how to get rid of stains and deposits; how to prevent stains, deposits, and decreased functionality of your sink, toilet, and bathtub.

How To: Exploit EternalBlue on Windows Server with Metasploit

Particular vulnerabilities and exploits come along and make headlines with their catchy names and impressive potential for damage. EternalBlue is one of those exploits. Originally tied to the NSA, this zero-day exploited a flaw in the SMB protocol, affecting many Windows machines and wreaking havoc everywhere. Here, we will use EternalBlue to exploit SMB via Metasploit.

How To: Detect BlueBorne Vulnerable Devices & What It Means

Armis Labs has revealed eight vulnerabilities, called "BlueBorne", which put 5.3 billion Android, iOS, Windows, and Linux devices that use Bluetooth at risk. With it, hackers can control devices, access data, and spread malware to other vulnerable devices through networks. In this post, we will learn about the vulnerabilities, then look at how to find devices that have them.

How To: Enumerate MySQL Databases with Metasploit

It's been said time and time again: reconnaissance is perhaps the most critical phase of an attack. It's especially important when preparing an attack against a database since one wrong move can destroy every last bit of data, which usually isn't the desired outcome. Metasploit contains a variety of modules that can be used to enumerate MySQL databases, making it easy to gather valuable information.

How To: Remotely Silence Alarms, Messages, Calls, Notifications & Other Sounds on Your iPhone to Keep Others from Finding It

Imagine a scenario where you're nowhere near your iPhone, but it's on loud, and you really need to silence it. An alarm may be blaring, notifications could be spitting out sounds left and right, and calls may be ringing. Things can get annoying real quick for whoever's around it. Plus, all that attention makes it easy for someone to find and possibly steal your iPhone. Luckily, you can quiet it down.