Pure Disappointment Search Results

How To: Make 950 Platinum Ruthenium Alloy

Filmed at Kraftwerks from PM West, Robert Lumabao demonstrates how one refiner makes beautiful and reliable platinum casting grain. By utilizing hydrogen, a spectacular light show of molten platinum is carefully blended with pure ruthenium. Come let Robert show you how to make a 950PT/RU alloy! Make 950 Platinum Ruthenium Alloy.

How To: Make easy pizza dough

Don't bother ordering out for pizza tonight… try making your own with this easy pizza dough recipe. It's the perfect pizza doughy to begin with, because it's super quick and easy. Most people think that making dough is hard, but this recipe breaks the myth. Just follow the step-by-step instructions and get some pizza sauce ready, and the rest is simple.

News: So there's this new Predators movie.....

We don't often get super excited about upcoming flicks over at thesubstream.com, especially during the long, hot & more-often-than-not disappointing stretch of cinematic cruelty that summer has become. We've been hurt before. We've been buoyed up on cresting glorious waves of hype and what-ifs and heady nostalgia only to be sent hurling like a fat guy from Ohio on vacation down onto the cruel, razor sharp Jar-Jar Binks reef.

News: Why is ACL Injury More Common in Female Athletes?

The sudden deceleration, shifting in the knee, popping sound and screaming from the intense pain that immediately follows is becoming increasingly common among our young athletes. Those who have witnessed or suffered a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) are familiar with the pain, surgery and intense 6 to 8 month rehabilitation that accompanies the injury, not to mention the disappointment of ending a season. Nationwide, this will occur more than 500,000 times this year, and female athlete...

News: Amazing Solar-Powered Printer Uses Sunlight to Sculpt 3D Objects Out of Sand

No matter if you've used one or not, you've got to admit that 3D printers are pretty darn awesome, especially the self-replicating ones that extrude molten plastic and the shoebox-sized versions that use mesmerizing stereolithography to build tiny objects layer by layer. But what's even cooler? A solar-powered printer that uses the sun's energy to melt sand and make 3D objects out of glass.

Mineral Makeup: How to Choose It and Use It!

What's so great about Mineral Makeup anyway? Mineral Makeup is by nature, a long-wear, water-resistant product. This means less touch-ups and lasting coverage-even in the summer! High quality minerals are lightweight, inorganic and non-comedgenic. "Inorganic" means that bacteria and microbes cannot live in the makeup. This means less clogged pores, and no infections leading to nasty breakouts!

How To: Make Icosahedral Planet Ornaments

In honor of the new Astronomy World, I thought we should look at a few planetary icosahedrons. The icosahedron is the most round of the Platonic solids with twenty faces, thus has the smallest dihedral angles. This allows it to unfold into a flat map with a reasonably acceptable amount of distortion. In fact, Buckminster Fuller tried to popularize the polyhedral globe/map concept with his Dymaxion Map.

How To: Build a Water Elevator in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Getting up and down in Minecraft can be extremely time consuming without the assistance of fly mods or speed hacks. If you're a pure player looking for a safe and effective way to travel vertically, why not try the Minecraft water elevator? It's a simple to use device that neither requires neither expert know-how or miles of redstone wiring. It's even faster than many piston elevators.

News: 20 Amazing Minecraft Costumes at MineCon 2011

MineCon 2011 (held at the Mandalay Bay in Vegas) was in a word, awesome. The crowd was overwhelmingly young, the vibe was fun and nerdy, and best of all, the costumes were inspired. Below are my favorites, which unfortunately aren't of the best quality (lighting was low and super yellow, which wasn't helped much by my standard point-and-shoot). If you happened to attend Minecon as well, post about your experience to the community corkboard... if you're pictured below, please comment!

How To: Make a Thanksgiving Turducken

Ah, turducken. The fondest of all portmanteau words and the tastiest of all Thanksgiving day meals. Turducken is a turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken—three glorious poultry meats molded into one marvelous, boneless hunk of flesh that any sane carnivore wouldn't dare resist. It's slapped together with pork sausage stuffing, sometimes even three different kinds, and caked with Cajun seasonings.

News: XBox 360 Remake-O-Rama!

The aging and maturity of video games as a medium has lead to some unfortunate consequences. One of these, perhaps drawn from the film industry, is the spate of remakes that has overtaken the game market over the last few years. It hasn't been as bad as the remakeorama trend in cinema, but developers have recognized the value in releasing the same thing they already made and making more money off it. Below, a roundup of some remakes of classic games released for XBLA recently, some fantastic,...

How To: Enjoy Baking Yeast Bread

Baking bread might feel intimidating in advance. The fear to screw it up can make one chicken out and instead keep buying bread as usual at the store. Personally, I am very picky about which bread to eat, and learned over time that home baked bread bits them all when made properly.

News: Friday Indie Game Review Roundup: Old-New School

This week's FIGRR is all about games that are old-new (or new-old, if you like) school. Each celebrates a different vital, yet largely taken for granted, aspect of video game history in the decidedly new-school world of indie games. Their titles betray them. Blocks That Matter is all about blocks. Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale is all about item shops. Neither are particularly sexy aspects of gaming, but both are ubiquitous elements of great games that can stand on their own.

News: 10 Unconventional Hangover Cures

For most Americans, the bane of the hangover is typically remedied by lots of water, painkillers, greasy food, and a day wasted on the couch. But if you're tired of potato chips and fried eggs, perhaps it's time you enter unfamiliar territory. Below, a combination of unorthodox methods for taming the beast, derived from science, sparkly Whole Foods new ageism, and the far East.