Pure Disappointment Search Results

News: Birds as the Ultimate DIY Architects

The widely used expression "free as a bird" intimates an enviable existence: delicate, yet mighty wings transporting to destinations no human could so breezily venture. But despite their fanciful, superhero ability, in truth, the avian race leads one of the most difficult existences in the animal kingdom. Yes, birds have existed for eons—they likely evolved from small dinosaurs of the Jurassic period—but for these creatures, life can be ruthless.

News: Basic Math Operations

It was brought up a while back in a Community Call to Arms that *math* is handy for encryption (and let's face it, everything) so let us go over things you just have to know. "In its simplest meaning in mathematics and logic, an operation is an action or procedure which produces a new value from one or more input values."[source]

How To: Make A Homemade Medical Remedy For All Abdominal Disorders

Everyone in these days have so many pressures. Either he or she is a working professional or student and these pressures create tension which can cause stomach disorders. As I myself experience very chaotic routines in my life, I've suffered with stomach disorders for ten years of my life. I have tried each and every type of medicine from allopathic to homeopathic and found no results. I lost hope. By chance I discovered something very simple to cure my troubled stomach and since then I have ...

News: The Value and Worth of Daily Positive Affirmations

I've been dealing with emotional difficulty for many years. It started when I had surgery for the epilepsy I was dealing, and quite literally, dying with. Since the surgery on March 28, 1990 I have had no seizures, but I have had plenty of emotional difficulty. Along with that, surviving some traumatic events has added some emotional baggage...in other words struggling...along the way.

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