Qualified Driving Search Results

How To: Remove the foam padding on a 4th Generation iPod Photo

Check out this instructional electronics video that illustrates the simple process of removing the foam padding of an iPod Photo. In order to get the case to close when installing the battery you may need to remove some of the blue foam padding from the underside of the hard drive. This video from iPodJuice demonstrates how to safely remove the light-blue foam from the bottom of the hard drive on an iPod Photo.

How To: Add LED lights to avoid speed detection while driving

Tired of getting speeding tickets? Not prepared to start driving by the letter of the law? Well, this instructional video shows a way to con the speeding radar. Regular LED lights can be modified with infrared LED bulbs and will avoid speed detection by the police. Learn how to stop getting speeding tickets and avoid police radar detection by adding LED lights by watching this how-to con video.

How To: Drive off road and get un-stuck

Learn how to stay in one piece while driving off the road. Ray Mears from the BBC shares his top tips on driving on the sand. With patience, concentration, and the ability to keep your thumbs out of the wheel, you can learn how to float across the top of the sand before getting stuck! (Getting stuck is inevitable, he says!) This video is helpful in teaching tricks for how to get un-stuck.

How To: Free up hard drive space on a Mac

http://AskTheTechies.com Brandon Jackson is back with D.Lee Beard to answer "What files are safe to trash on a Mac to free up hard drive space?" What files are the biggest hogs? Have you really trashed all the files you thought you had? Also in this episode: how to sort web browser bookmarks.

How To: Get music off an iPod and onto a Mac

Want to learn the easiest way to get music off an iPod and onto a Mac? A Webb from howdoimac.com recommends using iPodDisk, a great little application that mounts your iPod as a hard drive. Your simply drag your music off the drive onto your computer and into iTunes!

How To: Make a Full System Image Backup on Windows 10

Just recently, I was experimenting with a dual-boot Windows setup, and somehow managed to wipe my primary Windows installation in the process. "Why," I asked myself, "Why didn't I make a backup before I started this?" Still to this day, I'm going through the painstaking process of installing and configuring all of my favorite programs, and I may not ever get things back exactly the way they were.

How To: Lock Your Files & Create Password-Protected Folders in Windows 7/8

Technology has progressed by leaps and bounds and has blessed people in a number of ways, but at the same time, it has troubled them also. Computers are now used in every aspect of life. No matter if you are a businessman, an employee, a student, or even a housewife, a computer can assist you in your routine work. You save your personal information, documents, and other similar sensitive stuff on your computer that can hurt you if they get compromised.