Queen's Golf Search Results

News: Golf Cart Bullfight

This will take place in a Bullpen. Two people get in one golf cart (teams). They all start driving around, then they release the bull. Which ever team is the last driving around is the winner. I understand this is more of a stunt than a prank but i think this is an amazing stunt, and will be more entertaining than a prank. It also is relevant to jackass with the golf carts and bulls.

News: Yup, it's Oscar Season

So the Big Surprise News of today is that The King's Speech is Kicking Major Nomination Ass with twelve count-em 12 nominations, just brutalizing stuff like The Social Network (eight - nice try), The Fighter (seven - really? seven? that's the best you can do idiot movie?) and True Grit (ten - double figures is respectable... I guess...). How come that happened? I'll tell you. It's because North Americans freaking love rich British people.

News: Suck Queen Neck Rape

Ive noticed when Im drunk I SUCK HARD. By that I mean I give some serious hickeys. Not a little romantic pink mouth size thing. Im talkin some major black, blue, purple, red broken blood capillary, teeth included, raping the whole side of a neck type shit. It looks majorly brutal and takes months to go away.

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: NOSEGAY

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: NOSEGAY [n] A nosegay is simply a bouquet of flowers, typically given as gifts. It comes from Middle English, from the words nose and gay, which in this case means brightly colored and showy. It does not reference homosexuality; the modern sense of gay.

News: OMG! World's Strongest Beer!!

What is the Strongest Beer in the World?? Long live the Queen and move over Sean Connery because the Scottish have done it! The strongest beer in the world belongs to a company called Brewdog out of Fraserburgh. The beer is called Tactical Nuclear Penguin and has an alcohol content of over 32% -WOW! That is more than many hard alcohols and its creator warns it should be drunk in "...spirit sized measures." This means no 12oz. bottle for this mother of all beers. Instead try a 2oz. shot glass!

“Man, there’s nothing to DO!”: 5 Underrated Inexpensive Summer Activities

The joys of summer are many! If you, like me, live in a place where the summer is short, you’re going to want to maximize your fun in the sun by doing as many awesome things as possible before the sun goes back to wherever the hell it hibernates during the cold and dark times. The most important ingredients for fun in the sun are friends and…well…the sun, so you can do almost anything with a group of exciting creative people, but here are my favorite el cheapo activities for summer.

The Whole World is Watching: Faces of the World Cup

Possibly the greatest thing about the World Cup? Nearly the entire world has joined together to watch. Opposing teams, sure. But there's something amazing about the simultaneous excitement across the globe. The World Cup is the most widely viewed sporting event in the world. An estimated 715.1 million people watched the final match of the 2006 World Cup held in Germany!

News: Soba Noodle Champion Slurps 399 Bowls in 10 Minutes

Eat your heart out, Joey Chestnut. There's a new super-speed-eater in town, and she means business. 45-year-old Hatsuyo Sugawara downed an incredible number of 399 bowls of soba noodles in just ten minutes at the annual All-Japan Wanko Soba Eating Championship this past Sunday. The noodle queen calls herself a food fighter, and has been coined "the witch".

News: Pay for Your Sins

Jackass character dressed as priest driving a golf cart trying to run over other Jackass Members and hit them with a golf club. Priest is “Screaming all Sinners Must Pay!!! and Fore” (swinging the golf club at crew.)

How To: Perform a card trick using mental powers

Join Magician Ryan Oakes as he reveals step by step a really cool card trick! Grab and audience a deck of cards and get ready to have a magic show of your own! So cool! You will need one deck of playing cards. Sometimes we use materials that require adult supervision... like scissors so make sure you have friends and family around whenever you do magic tricks.

Important Astronomers: Isaac Newton

In my opinion, Isaac Newton is definitely the number two astronomer, right below Galileo Galilei. His discoveries were very important to uncovering the secrets of space, and he deserves to be remembered.

News: The Hideous "Buy" Button

Buy, buy, buy. Buy this, buy that. Many wizards are buying crowns and earning or buying gold points to buy an in-game item. I, myself am saving up for the Great Fortress, a giant 50,000 coin Dragonsyre house. But right now, I still have to face the hideous greyed-out Buy button:

News: MyndPlay Gives Mindf*** Movies a New Meaning

Were you horrified when Gwyneth Paltrow's head ended up in a box in Se7en? Do you share Harrison Ford's opinion that Han Solo should have died in Return of the Jedi? Think Kurt Russell could have handled aliens better in The Thing? Well, sorry—you're out of luck. There's nothing you can do to prevent William Wallace's beheading or Carrie's mayhem. But thanks to MyndPlay, controlling the plot to future films is totally possible.

News: Wig head (couldn't spell manniquin)....jk

You need a car with a sun roof. You get the wig head and act like it's a real person standing up with their head out of the sun roof. All of a sudden, you slam on the brakes, and the head goes flying. Or, you drive past one of the Jackass gang and they hit the head with a baseball bat or golf club Like Tiger's ex-wife did. Again, the head goes flying, hopefully to scare the shit out of some unsuspecting bystander.