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Mac for Hackers: How to Organize Your Tools by Pentest Stages

With all of the bare-bones setup out of the way in our Mac for Hackers series, your Apple machine should be ready to run a significant amount of pentesting tools. We can pull tools from GitHub and compile them, we can pull dependencies or tools from Homebrew, we have both Python and Ruby. Everything is ready to go and now it's time to start building a toolbox on our local host.

News: MSG Is the Ultimate Healthy Flavor Hack

Hear me out. No, really. Before you sharpen your pitchforks and give me anecdotal evidence of your Chinese restaurant syndrome, I think you need to know a few things about monosodium glutamate. First of all, it's a naturally-occurring chemical compound that can be found in anything from tomatoes to cheese, and is used in all kinds of foods from KFC to breakfast sandwiches. So spare me the comments on MSG and Chinese food—you probably eat MSG on a daily basis without even knowing it. (And also...

How To: Build a Directory Brute Forcing Tool in Python

While attempting to hack a web app, there may come a point where the attacker may have to escape the default directory in order to access unauthorized files. This is known as a directory traversal attack. Much as the name implies, this attack involved traversing the servers directories. But in order to move to an unauthorized directory, we need to know where those directories are. Today we'll be building a tool to brute force these directory locations based on HTTP response codes. Before we g...

How To: Hide a Virus Inside of a Fake Picture

In my last tutorial, I talked about creating a virus inside of a Word Document in the scenario of a mass-mailer attack. In this post, however, I'm going to be covering creating a fake image or screenshot with a meterpreter backdoor hidden inside to be used in a similar scenario. Step 1: Creating the Virus

How To: The Only 'Recipe' You'll Ever Need for Roasting Veggies

I've never had a problem with veggies—we've always been the best of friends—but I do have a lot of other people in my life that have been less than enamored with this basic food group in the past. Some cite the bitter flavor associated with veggies like Brussels sprouts, while others dislike the various consistencies that come with boiling or steaming vegetables such as broccoli or eggplant.

How To: The Ultimate Potato Cheat Sheet: Which Potato Goes Best with What?

I've been a fan of potatoes ever since I can remember... but mainly because they weren't a big part of my daily diet (which usually consisted of rice). And because my experience with potatoes was so limited, I only knew of two varieties growing up: big, brown Russets and sinewy sweet potatoes. As for cooking with potatoes—well, I'm embarrassed to admit that the only time I cooked potatoes when I was a kid was with the instant kind.

News: What Is a White Hat Hacker?

In recent weeks, some people have been shunned from the Null Byte community because they expressed "black hat" aspirations. This is because Null Byte is the "white hat" hacker training/playground. Although most of us think we know what that means, it does beg the question; "Who and what is a white hat hacker?"

Advice from a Real Hacker: How I Would Build the God's Eye of Furious 7

In the recent hit movie Furious 7, the storyline revolves around the acquisition of a hacking system known as "God's Eye" that is capable of finding and tracking anyone in real time. Both the U.S. spy agencies and an adversarial spy agency (it's not clear who the adversary is, but the location is "beyond the Caucasus mountains," which could imply Russia?) desperately want their hands on this system.

How-to Ruby : Simple SSH Bruteforcer

Hello fellow training hackers. I do not know if many of you are familiar with ruby, but since it is a useful scripting language, that hasn't been covered too much here on Null Byte, I thought why not do some How-tos about it now and then.

How To: Take Pictures Through a Victim's Webcam with BeEF

Recently, I've been experimenting with BeEF (Browser Exploitation Framework), and to say the least, I'm hooked. When using BeEF, you must "hook" the victims browser. This means that you must run the script provided by BeEF, which is titled "hook.js", in the victims browser. Once you've done that, you can run commands against the victims browser and cause all kinds of mayhem. Among these commands, there is an option to use the victims webcam. This is what we'll be doing here today, so, let's g...

How To: Bypass File Upload Restrictions Using Burp Suite

When attempting to gain access to a server, there may come a point when you need to get around file upload restrictions to upload something. If we can find a way to get around the restrictions, then we can upload anything we want to the server, effectively compromising it. That is what we'll be doing here today, so let's get started!

Where Do I Start: Learn the Fundamentals

I am very new to Null Byte but I find much of its content and community incredibly interesting. I spent quite a bit of time just chronologically going through the posts and I noticed a common theme in many of the beginner posts. Many people seem to want to know the 'secret' or a paragraph on "How to Hack" and become a hacker in a few minutes. I started off this post as a reply to a question from a beginner but thought it might be beneficial to have for those stumbling across this site.

How To: Crack WPA/WPA2 with Wifite

Hi there again, aspiring hackers (and veterans as well)! I'm going to explain how to perform a dictionary attack on a WPA/WPA2 protected network with Wifite. Please note that this doesn't work with WPA Enterprise For that end, you'd have to use an Evil Twin to get the "Enterprise" auth attempt, and then crack it.