Questioned U Search Results

How To: Buy and win eBay auctions

Help yourself win that must-have item with these tips. You Will Need: a computer with internet access, money, & patience. Create an account. Browse the categories to familiarize yourself with the site, especially if you don’t have a specific item in mind. If you know what you want, start searching by using broad terms and synonyms to yield the most results. Add quotes around your search terms or qualifiers, such as a specific color or size, to narrow the field. You can also post on the “Want ...

How To: Practice Jnana yoga

Jnana yoga refers to wisdom and discernment in meditation. Learn how to practice Jnana yoga in this video lesson. To practice Jnana yoga you should center on a question, reject all knowledge, and meditate on intuitive knowledge. With the steps from this how to video you will be able to practice Jnana yoga.

How To: All the Sites You Can Check for Coronavirus Testing Locations

One of the scariest things about the COVID-19 virus is that you can show no symptoms but still be infected (and contagious). Naturally, we all want to know whether we're carrying the new coronavirus, but if you're showing signs of COVID-19, how can you be tested to know for sure? Websites are popping up to help with that, screening for symptoms, and directing you to a testing site if needed.

How To: There's an Easy Way to Stop Random Popup Ads on Android

"Why do I keep getting popups on my phone when I'm not even doing anything?" I see this question asked all the time. The answer? You have a shady app on your phone and it started showing full screen ads. But people either don't know this (so they don't know they just need to find and uninstall the problematic app), or if they do know it's a bad app, they don't know which app is causing it.

How To: Add Variety to Your Favorite Pandora Stations

Whether you're out for a drive, commuting to work, or just taking a stroll, listening to your favorite tracks on Pandora takes the legwork out of choosing which songs to play next. After a while, however, you go-to playlist can get repetitive, as the same songs from the same artists seem to play over and over. Luckily, Pandora makes it easy to add variety to your stations in just a few taps.

How To: Facebook's Adding a Way to Watch Videos Together with Friends Around the Globe Using Messenger

For all its faults, you can't say that Facebook hasn't been instrumental in connecting friends and family together, no matter where in the world everyone is. That's why one of its upcoming features — watching videos together with Facebook friends directly in Messenger — is so novel. It's just another example of the internet bridging gaps that couldn't be bridged just a short while ago.

How To: iOS 13 Makes It Easier to Request Desktop & Mobile Sites for Webpages on Your iPhone

Ever since iOS 7, you could ask Safari on iPhone to show you the desktop version of a website, and in iOS 9, it became even easier to do. However, it's always been a hidden feature, something you wouldn't know is there without reading articles or tips online telling you what to do. Apple's iOS 13 update shines a light on it so everyone will know it's there, ready to use.