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How To: Walkthrough God of War III — Helios's Head

In the City of Olympia, you'll find Helios. This is one hard battle Kratos must endure, and your want to get the Head of Helios. At first, Helios will be protected by a bunch of men with shields who you can't immediately attack. Once you win, you'll need to lay your hand over Helios to block out the sunlight. Watch the walkthrough for Helios's Head in God of War III on PS3.

How To: Walkthrough God of War III — Opening Introduction

See how it all begins in God of War 3 with this video walkthrough of the opening introduction to the video game. Learn all about Kratos and his status as God of War. The hands of death could not defeat him, the sisters of faith could not control him, and on this day, the man, the legend, the Kratos, will have his revenge! Watch the walkthrough for the Opening Introduction of God of War III.

Walkthrough The Saboteur: Act 2, M20: Repo Man

Make a mad escape at the end of the quest in The Saboteur for the Xbox 360. The twentieth mission in Act 2: Repo Man is where only an asshole gets killed over a car. Vittore gives you this story mission. Get into disguise before you get to your destination, because the place is crawling and doing once you get there is a pain. Carefully make your way toward the tank and hop over the wall. For more info, watch the whole gameplay.