Quoted U Search Results

How To: Get your suspended YouTube account back

Falsely suspended on YouTube? Get you account back within a month. When your account is suspended on YouTube, all your videos will still be intact. Search "reopen account" without quotes in YouTube. Open the first video that is displayed. The video will show you link to contact YouTube. To get things straight, visit the link as stated in the video. You will get an email from YouTube explaining your penalties which are usually copyright claims. Click on each penalty and you'll be given a set o...

How To: Create a table for the VLOOKUP function in Excel

In this video tutorial, viewers will learn how to create a table for the VLOOKUP function in Excel. Create a dynamic table for the VLOOKUP function as well as a dynamic lookup area so that as you add new data or columns to the Lookup table. Create dynamic ranges using the Excel Table feature and Table Formula Nomenclature for the Data Validation drop-down list, the VLOOKUP table and the MATCH table. See an IF function formula that creates new labels as new columns are added to the lookup tabl...

How To: Edit sites with JavaScript code

Editing the sites with JavaScript code is one of the easiest method in the internet. First go to any web page, clear the address bar and the paste the code below, "javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0"(Without the quotes) and hit enter. Yep that's it, now you can select or click any part of the web page and edit what ever you need. If you follow the steps in this video you would be able to edit sites with JavaScript code easily.

How To: Understand no limit Texas Hold'em

This video is sponsored by My Poker Corner and introduces the novice into how the game "Texas Hold 'em" is played. The complete process of the game from the number of players and their positions such as the Dealer are explained. The Small Blind position and the Big Blind position in the game are forced to place blind bets before they view their cards. Different betting rounds of the game such as "The Flop," "The Turn" and "The River" are explained and how the betting works and the option the ...

How To: Get rid of acne, pimples, and other skin problems

Ultra Wellness explains tips and tricks to help you get rid of acne, pimples, and other skin problems. Discusses the increasing age for acne, dermatologists, diet, and how each part can work together to help prevent acne from appearing and how to help get rid of acne. Specifically, diet being one of the most important parts of acne treatment as it was quoted "beauty from the inside out". You can learn a few things from this video about your diet and keeping yourself free and clear of acne.

How To: Determine the Value of a Used Car

Everyone hates to feel like they've been taken advantage of, especially when buying a used vehicle. The thought comes across every car buyer's mind... "Did I just get taken by that smooth-talking salesman?" When it comes to cars, how do you know if you're really getting a good deal, or if you're being offered a fair price for your car? After all, cars are most peoples second largest investment, so we need to make this decision wisely.

How To: Customize the Firefox Menu Button with New Colors and a Different Name

Browser customization is one of Firefox's best attributes. You can personalize your Firefox with extensions, add-ons, themes, and so on. And if all of that still doesn't cut it, you can even customize the Firefox Menu button to say whatever you want. To start off, you'll need to download a user file editor called ChromEdit Plus. Click Add to Firefox, then hit Allow when prompted and wait for it to install. You will need to restart Firefox afterwards.

How To: Hide DDE-Based Attacks in MS Word

In a previous article, we learned how to take advantage of a feature, Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), to run malicious code when a Microsoft Word document is opened. The biggest challenge of this attack is that it requires getting the user to agree to a pop-up prompt. Fortunately, since I posted that article, many new obfuscation techniques have been discovered to make this easier. Today, we explore and combine some of them to make the ultimate hidden DDE attack.

News: Night Mode Is Coming to Android!

For years, users have been clamoring for a "dark mode" theme in Android, but it has always seemed like Google is so committed to the white motif from their web services that such an option would never become a reality. But in a stunning turn of events, Google is finally embracing the idea with a night theme that will work in any app, and I'll cover all of the specifics below.

How To: Negotiate a salary right out of school

This video tutorial is in the Business & Money category which will show you how to negotiate a salary right out of school. Of all the questions you can get asked in an interview, probably the toughest one to answer is "what are your salary expectations?" if you quote too low, you might leave some money on the table. And if you go too high, you may price yourself out of the job. So, what does a college student do? If they asked you the question in an interview, be clear that it's a negotiation...

How To: Use YouTube's autoplay feature when embedding video

Learnasyouwatch shows viewers how to automatically play YouTube videos. First, you need to open your web browser and go to YouTube. Find the video you want to automatically play or upload your own video to YouTube. On the ride bar there is a section that says 'Embed'. Click on the pin wheel icon next to it that is 'customize' and you can set various parameters. Now, you need to copy the embed code and right click and copy this code. Paste this code into a word document. You will need to add '...

How To: Understand Forex trading strategies

Forex— what is it? Any investor could tell you a complicated description of what Forex is, but the basics of the FX currency markets is— an over-the-counter financial market for trading currencies. The foreign currency exchange market has no central exchanges like the stock market and little regulatory oversight. With this beginner’s guide, learn the trading basics.

How To: Ship a car when moving

You've boxed up and shipped all your other possessions for the big move and all you're left with is the little issue of how your getting your car there. There are companies out there that will ship your car to you, just make sure your car is prepped for the journey.

How To: Connect an Xbox 360 or PS3 to the Internet with MS XP

The future is now, which means you can do crazy things like connect to the world wide web through your Xbox 360 and PS3. Cool, right? Definitely. But before you start surfing the Internet you'll need to adjust the settings on both your computer and gaming console. This instructional video tutorial demonstrates the process and offers helpful user tips in setting up an Internet connection on your video game system using Microsoft Windows XP.

News: Apple Just Released iOS 13.2.3, Includes Fixes for Mail, Messages, Search & Other Bugs

While we all refer to Apple's latest iPhone operating system as iOS 13, in truth, we're well beyond that number. The company has issued numerous updates to its big 2019 release since September, including major steps like iOS 13.1 and iOS 13.2. We've also seen minor updates, like iOS 13.2.2 eleven days ago. Today, Nov. 18, Apple releases another "minor" update, this time dubbed iOS 13.2.3.

How To: Get the Most Value from Your iPhone Trade-In

Phones these days are expensive. The iPhone 11 Pro is presumed to start at $999, following the iPhone XS and iPhone X's leads. One way to bring down that cost is to trade in your old iPhone, but there isn't one clear-cut way to do that. You could trade your iPhone into a participating website or put yourself out there and sell the iPhone on your own. It's all about what's best for you.

How To: Order an Uber Ride Without a Smartphone

Taxi drivers and cab companies across the globe are in an uproar over Uber, and for good reason, too—you just can't compete with the low fares and ease of use that Uber brings to the table. The only downside is that the groundbreaking ride share service usually requires a smartphone—but that shouldn't be an issue anymore with one simple tip that I'll outline below.

How To: Introduction to Botnets and RATs : Part 1

Hello everyone. I'm Calypsus and i've been around for a while learning from various tutorials, expanding my knowledge and this is one of the best platforms for newbies to sharpen the skills. Today i decided to register myself and contribute to this wonderful community. Since this is my first post, any kind of feedback is appreciated.

How To: Build the Ultimate DIY RoboCop Helmet with Cardboard

"Dead or alive, you're coming with me!" That iconic quote from the 1987 movie RoboCop was repeated by kids like me for years. The 2014 reboot introduced the baddest robot-cop on the planet to new audiences worldwide. While it didn't live up to the amazingly high expectations set by its predecessors, RoboCop 2014 did show off some newly upgraded gear. The modern look is cool and all, but rolling to a party rocking the 1987 helmet with the retro visor cannot be beat. With Halloween coming up, i...

How To: Calculate Shipping Costs with UPS

This video demonstrates how to calculate shipping costs with UPS. UPS provides an easy-to-use online calculator to help customers accurately estimate shipping costs. By following a few simple steps, this tool can help customers control their shipping costs and avoid confusion during the billing process.

How To: Automatically Delete Spam Messages in Gmail

Most of the spam messages are commercial advertisements, phishing websites and get rich quickly messages that asks users to provide personal details and other confidential information.Spam filters in Gmail prevent its users from these spam messages and restrict them to enter in user’s Gmail inbox.Generally, it acts like a firewall between spam messages and Gmail Inbox.Gmail filters detect the sender’s email address and accordingly send the received messages in Inbox or Spam folder.

How To: Sell baseball cards

Tired of grandpa's baseball card collection rotting away in your attic? Well, unlike his pop bottle collection, baseball cards could yield a decent amount of income for you, if you know how to sell them. There are different outlets available for selling an individual baseball card or card collection. Know how to sell the fruits of your hobby and avoid getting ripped off.

How To: Advanced Techniques to Bypass & Defeat XSS Filters, Part 2

Cross-site scripting can be one of the easiest vulnerabilities to discover, but to be successful with this type of attack, it is essential to learn how to get past filters. In the previous guide, we explored some ways to do this, such as abusing attributes and event handlers and tricking the application into accepting unusual characters. Now, let's take a look at more techniques used to defeat filters.

How To: Buy and win eBay auctions

Help yourself win that must-have item with these tips. You Will Need: a computer with internet access, money, & patience. Create an account. Browse the categories to familiarize yourself with the site, especially if you don’t have a specific item in mind. If you know what you want, start searching by using broad terms and synonyms to yield the most results. Add quotes around your search terms or qualifiers, such as a specific color or size, to narrow the field. You can also post on the “Want ...