Raising Tiger Search Results

News: The Soft Fur Rat

The African Soft Fur Rat though new to the pet trade is a unique little rodent with unusual qualities. Not only is this little rat a great step up for people who feed reptiles it is virtually odorless and that is definately a plus for those who would like to have a pet rat or mouse they can keep inside the house and not spend a fortune in bedding or spend a lot of time cleaning to keep the rodent odor down.

An App for Stalkers: "Creepy" Geo-Locates Based on Social Networking Activity

With the globally rampant use of such social networking platforms as Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare, the issue of privacy has become a prevalent concern for many. And for good reason—there's the violation of Facebook employing user names in ads, the Etsy slip-up, and of course, the everyman act of recklessly sharing too much information via common social media outlets: a night of drinking results in morning after embarrassment, or worst case scenario, sloppy Facebook posts and tweets resul...

News: Creepy Theremin Utensils Howl the Pain of Slaughtered Ghost Chickens

One of the creepiest musical instruments ever is undoubtedly the theremin, a device originating from the early 20s that emits eerie sounds with a just a wave of the hand. If you've seen the original movie The Day the Earth Stood Still, you know what I mean—freakishly creepy. Playing the theremin can be off-putting for some, since it's a relatively pricy gizmo, but a new geek gadget called the EaTheremin aims to make all of us professional, dinnertime theremists.

How To: Play career mode in FIFA Soccer 11 on the Xbox 360

Join John Mahalo on his quest to be football king in this video series for career mode in FIFA Soccer 11 on the Xbox 360. This video game is full of all your favorite soccer action, and you can control one of any number of teams from all across the world, or create your own Pro Player and raise him to greatness, as in this example of John Mahalo. Follow international soccer superstar John Mahalo as he shows you some cool features of the game and helps you dominate the football world.

News: Shibumi

In the dojo, what ISN’T said is often as important as what IS said. To most of us who’ve been raised in the USA, the reticence we encounter in the dojo can be off-putting. American society is very “content” oriented. Our legal contracts, for instance, run for pages and pages. Everything needs to be spelled out. In “context-oriented” societies there is far less reliance on such a literal approach. Much more importance is placed on the relationship between the two parties entering into an agree...

How To: Hack Frequent Flyer Programs

Screw the airplane man. Ticket prices are too high. Competitive consumer choices are pretty much nonexistent. And need I go into the pain of being crammed into those tiny seats, elbow-to-elbow, thigh-to-thigh with a perfect stranger? Even your average Richie Rich winces at the astronomically high prices for a First Class seat.

How To: Improve Your Shooting Ability For Soccer

Shooting technique: Locking your ankle and pointing your toes down when striking the ball is probably the most important factor in developing the proper shooting technique. It is probably the hardest skill to learn in soccer, but not anymore because I am here to guide you through and help you improve. Down below I have put down some steps to improve your shooting ability and I have also applied some pictures to make it easier for you to understand and apply while shooting. Enjoy the rest of t...

How To: Get Six Pack Abs

The abdominals can be considered one of the best signals of fitness and strength and is one of the most sought-after muscle groups to develop by both men and women. While the abdominals are very desirable, it can be one of the most difficult areas to distinguish and maintain. This article's purpose is to give you the hard truths, advice, and workout for gaining a hard body and new look.

How To: Jack Up a Chevy Venture Van

This article will show you how to lift a Chevy Venture van using a floor jack and jack stands. This procedure may work on other vehicle types and models, such as cars and trucks. The key is to use the proper sized heavy duty floor jacks and jack stands to lift your vehicle, and locate the proper area of the vehicles frame to place the jack and stands.

How To: Understand and Provide Indirect Care for CNA Certification

What is Indirect Care? Does it affect the CNA's exam result? Indirect Care entails your behavior in terms of how you communicate with the resident, valuing residents' rights and residents' safety and security. Indirect Care is absolutely important because: (1) it is a graded performance, (2) it has separate score ratings, and (3 )it greatly affects the testees' overall performance during the clinical skills exam.

How To: Do preacher curls with a dumbbell

This video demonstrates how to do a preacher curl with a dumbbell. you hold a dumbbell in your right hand so that the edge of the bench is under your armpit and your arm is fully extended over the bench surface. Raise the weight towards your chin, keeping your wrist locked at all times. Lower the weight in a slow and controlled manner. Then switch arms and do a set for the left arm. Do preacher curls with a dumbbell.

How To: Care for chickens

In this video series, watch as poultry animal expert Dr. T. K. Roy teaches how to raise chickens. Learn the different breeds of chickens, how to care for laying chickens, how to de-worm a chicken and check it for lice, how to make a chicken nest, and how to sell pant hens. If you are a farmer or chicken raiser, this free video series contains crucial information on the proper care of chickens, so treat your chickens right and watch these free videos from the experts at Expert Village. Care fo...

How To: Build a Mechanic in MapleStory (Levels 10-159)

The Mechanic character class is now live in Global MapleStory (GMS), the international version of Nexon's popular free massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Celebrate the release by building a super-powerful Mechanic to call your own! No idea how to invest your skill points? No problem! The build guide excerpted below eliminates the guesswork, permitting you to focus on what matters: playing the game.

News: Fun Times On The Server

Today I was the only admin online at like 2:30 to 3:45. I had to deal with 27 people....asking me to World Edit all of their builds, and I explained how to apply online 3 different ways to 1 person...it was horrible. The other people who were online with me were getting super upset at this Guests. They were rude, and not able to understand super simple things.

News: Book Review - The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay

The Power of One is one of those books that I really should have read years ago. I’ve certainly meant to read it for a long time so this was a satisfying title to cross off my list. It’s stunning that this was Bryce Courtenay’s first novel. I look forward to reading his others because if this is where he started, he’s a talented writer.

Creating Killer Cacti: How to Make a Cactus Farm in Minecraft

How underrated are cacti in Minecraft? Cactuses can be used for so many wonderful things, so why not have a great way to farm them? Cactus is known for its use in making "cactus green," which is a colored dye that can aid in making cyan wool, lime green wool, and green wool. Cacti can also be a great defense mechanism against mobs and other players and can help make death traps even more lethal.

News: Art as a Weapon

Although most religions have inspired a variety of art, Buddhism seems to have a special relationship with the arts. Something about the endless circle of birth and rebirth seems to intrigue the minds of artists. Of course even if the art is not directly related to Buddhism, the Buddha has always been a fan of art. The Buddha has been quoted several times speaking about art, and most of his sayings are truly profound:

How To: Make The Perfect Red Mexican Rice

I grew up eating for the most party delicious Mexican food, so naturally, once in a while I will cook some of that comfort food to remember the best days ever ( being raised by my lovely mom who I love to death). My mom is the best cook ever, and I would love to one day be as great as a cook as she is, but I know that will take lots of time and practice.

News: Moshi Monsters Rise from Indie Game to Kiddie Empire

Four years ago Mind Candy was a pretty small game company. They were best known for their revolutionary but short lived ARG Perplex City, and had no other successful franchises to fall back on when that ended. Their plan to save it? Start a free online social game for children ages 7-12 called Moshi Monsters, where kids can create monster pets, raise them, and socialize with one another in a controlled, safe environment.

News: Do Cats & Boobs Belong on Google+?

While using Google+, it's been apparent that there are two types of posters. There are the people who post thoughtful, serious posts about everything from tech to dealing with cancer. And then there are the meme propagators, the people who decide to rick roll others (ahem, +Bryan Crow), and constantly put up animated gifs. Sometimes they are the same people, and this is where it gets a little controversial.

The Aether: Welcome to Minecraft Heaven

Minecraft has been out nearly two years now. Hard to believe, isn't it? Fans of the game have been spoiled with a lot of new content over that span from its creator Notch, as well as its modders. A couple months ago, Notch tortured the Minecraft community by tweeting some screens of a "Sky Kingdom" that he was working on.

News: Indie and Mainstream Online Games Shut Down by LulzSec

Anybody who spends most of their day on the internet should know all about lulz. Lulz are most often jokes made at the expense of web users, as popularized on 4Chan. Today, a consortium of hackers called LulzSec is attempting (and in some cases succeeding) in efforts to shut down some of the games that offer web users a giant share of their online fun. World of Warcraft, League of Legends, EVE Online, and Bethesda Softworks have all been targeted by LulzSec's hacking efforts in the last week,...

News: Was Worms the First Indie Video Game?

In the mid '90s, there was no such thing as a widely available indie video game. Brick-and-mortar stores were the only places for consumers to buy games, and magazines were the only outlets to hear about them. For video game creators, the need for a publisher to market and distribute was logistically essential to attract players.