Random Chat Search Results

L4D2: The Riverbank and the Wedding Witch

The Passing takes place before Dark Carnival in L4D2, right after Dead Center. The chapter starts with random chatter between characters of part 1 and 2. You'll see either Francis or Zoey on the bridge, but they don't always say the same thing. Zoey! We miss your slow witted jokes! The game uses the aging Source engine, modified throughout the years with new effects to keep it current. Outdoor scenes look great but indoor scenes suffer.

How To: Get Free Netflix for Life

Null Byte is looking for moderators! In today's Null Byte, we're hacking Netflix. As most of you know, Netflix is a subscription service that streams movies and TV shows to your devices over the internet. A common stance amongst my Xbox Live friends is that Netflix isn't worth the cost. The instant movies predominantly consist of old titles, and new movies aren't added often enough.

Skyrim Hack: Get Whatever Items You Want By Hacking Your Game Save

Here's another Null Byte on hacking our Skyrim game saves. Some of the rarer items in Skyrim are really fun to play with. However, seeing as they are rare, you will probably not see all of the best weapons in the game. Null Byte doesn't take too kindly to games that don't give us the rarest items when we please. Let's beat this game into submission by hacking our game save files via hex editing.

How To: Downgrade and Jailbreak Your iOS Devices Stock Firmware for the Holidays

Lots of people are going to be getting the latest iOS devices this holiday season. But what good is a portable device if you don't hack it? Jailbreaking on the latest stock iOS, version 4.3.5, is a bit of a trivial endeavor. Not many people know how to downgrade from this firmware to a firmware that can be jailbroken (pre-iOS 5). If you want the added functionality and the complete control over your device that comes with jailbreaking, then read on.

How To: Windows 7 Won't Boot? Here's How To Fix Your Master Boot Record

With a lot of Null Byters playing around with Linux because of its excessive use in the hacking world, some of you are bound to run into some trouble with the installation at some point or another. If you make a mistake, or you're intimidated by the wonky-looking installation screen, you may want to just stick with Windows. However, you may notice it can be hard to go back once you've crossed a certain point in the installation. Your Windows installation may be broken or unbootable.

How To: Fix the Unreadable USB Glitch in VirtualBox

Many users of the virtualization software VirtualBox may have noticed that the USB system has been pretty buggy for quite a long time. I've had my USB randomly duck out on me way too many times to count. This can really be difficult to deal with when you require access to the devices and files from the host system.

How To: Install Linux to a Thumb Drive

Let's face it, CDs and DVDs are a thing of the past. We no longer use them as a storage medium because they are slow, prone to failure in burning, and non-reusable. The future is flash memory. Flash memory is cheap, fast, and efficient. Eventually, flash drives might even replace discs as the preferred prerecorded selling format for movies.

How To: Bulk Delete Messages Faster with This Hidden iOS 13 Gesture

On the surface, deleting conversations in Messages seems harder in iOS 13 after Apple removed the "Edit" button on the main page. Fortunately, they added a new gesture that lets you remove entire threads and individual messages with ease.

How To: Remotely Monitor Your Kid’S iPhone/iPad

Maybe your kids are using iPhone/iPad too much, as a parent, you want to know what they are having to deal with to help guide them through of that. Here is the tutorial on how you can parental control your kids on iPhone/iPad. You are able to monitor as well as take control of their devices. Kids’ activities on iPhone/iPad like SMS, chats, web browsing will be recorded and you can check them remotely with e-mail without getting access to the devices. OK, here comes the steps: Step 1:

News: New Videos Coming!

After a long winter vacation, LifeModders is preparing to release some new videos. We will try to post as many new videos as we can to help you when you are bored, or are looking for something epic and awesome to do! We hope you enjoyed our few videos from last year, and hope you enjoy the new ones to come out soon.

News: Automatic Video Editor Shootout: Magisto vs. Vidify vs. V.I.K.T.O.R.

Since the launch of Edit on a Dime several weeks ago, I’ve been putting a variety of automatic video editing apps though their paces. One of the first tested was Magisto, a web-based app that’s directly accessed through YouTube, which I enjoyed, but found some obvious problems with. Since then, I’ve been in contact with Oren Boiman, CEO and founder of Magisto, who was kind enough to address my concerns.

NORTHWAY Games: Cool Indies by a Restless Company on the Road

Game design is sedentary work. Generally its practitioners do their work with their butts planted securely in front of a computer in an office (be it home or away) as their muscles and verbal skills atrophy. Even game journalists are prone to this condition. Not so with Colin and Sarah Northway (pictured below), the husband and wife team behind NORTHWAY Games. Not only do they make really cool indie games, but they do it with just a laptop while traveling the world meeting indie developers of...

How To: 7 Extraordinary Uses for Aluminum Foil

It turns out that the silver crinkly material traditionally used for wrapping leftovers and making funny hats to block out messages from extraterrestrial beings is pretty darn useful for a number of other random but handy tasks, such as sharpening your scissors and keeping bugs away from your vegetable garden. What can aluminum foil not do? Seriously.

How To: Turn Your iPhone Photos into Digital Glitch Art

Find Hipstamatic too nostalgic? Instead of trying to emulate film from fuzzy bygone days, iPhone app Decim8 goes in a different direction—futuristic digital destruction. The $0.99 app creates digital artifacts, putting your photos through a glitchy blender and spewing out surprise results. The app arranges/activates effects at random, and never churns out the exact same effects twice. It allows for full size photo output, and saves the original, uneffected image, in addition to the glitched i...

How To: 8 Ways to Get Started as a Guerrilla Street Artist

Contrary to popular belief, you don't need a gallery space or expensive art education to share your art with the rest of the world. Take a cue from today's innovative artists who share their creative experiments directly out on the streets and in public spaces for the everyday pedestrian in unique and quirky ways. And no, you don't have to be a skilled graffiti tagger, either. Just some yarn, random knick-knacks, photos, and Post-it notes as well as other basic office supplies.

How To: Transform Multiple Screens into One Big Virtual Display

The Junkyard Jumbotron is an amazing project that allows a collection of random web browser enabled displays—laptops, smartphones or tablets—to share a single image split across the group, creating one large virtual display. Created by Rick Borovoy at MIT's Center for Future Civic Media, the app is completely free and open, meaning you can do it yourself in a matter of minutes. It works like this:

Eye Candy of the Day: WiFi Networks Visualized

Norwegian designers Timo Armall, Jørn Knutsen, and Einar Sneve Martinussen visually capture invisible WiFi signals by light painting signal strength in long-exposure photographs. The trio set up a four-meter long WiFi-detecting rod with 80 LED bulbs to depict cross-sections through the WiFi networks of various Oslo neighborhoods. Armall says:

News: Golf Cart Derby

There would be 9 teams of 2. Everyone on Jackass will have a golf cart and they will be the driver of there team. Then they would pick one of the producers or other celebrities to be the passenger. The passenger will do things to mess up there opponents. They can shoot paintball guns or throw baseballs to mess up the other drivers. The Golf Cart Derby will be the exact same thing as a Car Derby but you guys will be using golf carts and having a passenger messing up other drivers ahahaa. It wo...

News: 5 Finger Buffett

Alright, this one is for Preston. Go to a ghettofab grocery store and ride one of those fat carts around in a bathrobe slightly ajar. You must wear really thick bi-focals so nobody will notice you and have a fake beard complete with flip-flops. As you walk through the store just start picking up random-ass food taking bites out of whatever you choose, and put it back on the shelf. Go around the store doing this ignoring anyone who tries to stop you. Go to the chip aisle, grab some ice cream, ...

News: Girl Time

Dress up the Jackass guys like women, including high heels. Place them in a rodeo arena. Have the Jackass crew sit at a table in the middle of the rodeo. Act out a bad theatre play with the crew discussing random thing and drinking coffee. Release a bull into the arena to chase down each of the Jackass guys. The last person to leave the arena is declared the winner. The losers get to enjoy a nice cup of bull piss.

How To: How Long Would It Take to Crack Your Password?

If you have any doubt about how secure that strong password you created really is, there's an easy way to check online. Just visit HowSecureIsMyPassword.net, which uses a combination of math and statistics to determine how long it would take for a PC to crack your password. It's sponsored by Dashlane, one of the top password managers available, and also gives you tips on how to make your password or passphrase stronger. The site claims the password submitted is not sent over the web, and its ...