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How To: 7 Ways to Make Your Living Space Smell Nice

If baking soda can be used to deodorize your refrigerator, it can also be used to keep your general living space smelling nice. Simply fill a glass mason jar about one-third of the way full with baking soda and add 5 to 10 drops of your favorite essential oils. Cover the jar opening with a lid that has holes poked through it, and set it somewhere in your home.

How To: find the half naked man in Halo 3

For those of you who are not gaming enthusiasts, this is a gaming "Easter Egg". The creation of video games and animated movies require thousands of hours of toiling behind the computer. So, it is little surprise that the engineers leave behind random, little Easter egg surprises of self expression in unexpected places.

Dead Island: Almost Dead on Arrival

Dead Island (PC, PS3, 360) had the worst launch of any game in recent memory. The wrong version of the game was released on PC, matchmaking was down for three days on PC, saves were deleted without notice making people start from scratch, and the Feminist Whore (a file found describing one of the character's skills) fiasco. The game just wasn't ready for release.

News: Thankful for the Beauty in a Summer Margarita

I'm most thankful for the simplest things in life...and how they can be so beautiful. Take this margarita I was sipping on a patio with my friends. Just a few friends, chatting...watching the people pass by on a busy street...the summer air so calm and relaxing....and the sip I'm about to take from this beautifully salted margarita. A relaxing moment in time. So simple, yet so precious to me.

News: Minecraft World's Weekly Workshop: Mob Traps

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Long ago some smart folks figured out how to make water, lava, and some blocks do the mob killing for them. More recently, with the addition of redstone, these mechanisms for resource collection have gotten rather complex.

News: Balloon Twisting Hints and Tips

Here are just a few little random tips that may help you while making balloon animals for fun and profit. This list is only a collection of random balloon tips and tricks that I've come up with on the fly tonight. If you have any other suggestions or questions, please feel free to post them in the comments section and I'll do what I can to help as well.

News: DIY Video Chat Robot Lets You Be Two Places at Once

Want to keep an eye on your home while on vacation? Terrorize your family pet while at work? A homespun telepresence robot might be just the ticket! Luckily, thanks to shrinking hardware costs and the efforts of renowned hardware hacker Johnny Chung Lee, building a physical avatar has never been easier! Lee's robot has two important parts: an iRobot Create and a lightweight netbook running Skype. Notable extras include a wide-angle lens and a plastic stand to raise the computer to tabletop he...

News: I Found a New Server..

So, at first, I miss everyone :( and i missed playing minecraft a bit... sooo i found inspiration and i went on for the search for a server as amazing as wonderhowto... OFCOURSE i did not found one wich was better, or wich could even get close to what he had... But i found one, wich allows you to build, rank and have fun... You get a world ( well, 320x320) and how much you rank, how bigger your "world" gets.. you get 100.000 blocks of WE from the very start and you get voxelsniper... wich is ...

How To: The Hacks Behind Cracking, Part 1: How to Bypass Software Registration

If you've ever wondered how software pirates can take software and crack it time and time again, even with security in place, this small series is for you. Even with today's most advanced methods of defeating piracy in place, it is still relatively easy to crack almost any program in the world. This is mainly due to computer processes' ability to be completely manipulated by an assembly debugger. Using this, you can completely bypass the registration process by making it skip the application'...

How To: Hack a Radio to Pick Up Different Frequencies - Including Law Enforcement & More

Hardware hacks are something I feel we don't get enough of at Null Byte, so today I figured I would introduce a fun one. I've always been a curious hardware hacker. Taking things apart and learning how their internals work has always been a part of my nature. Quite some years ago, my father showed me a really cool trick on how to hack normal radios to scan frequencies that are normally non-listenable. This little hack allowed us to scan frequencies belonging to law enforcement, and even frequ...

How To: Hack Coin-Operated Laudromat Machines for Free Wash & Dry Cycles

Most people have had the unfortunate experience of not having a washer and dryer at some point. Apartments in my area tend to charge at least one hundred dollars extra for the units with washer and dryer hookups, and even more if you want a unit with an actual washer and dryer installed already. If you are young and just starting out, this may be hard for you to manage with your current salary. If you have no washer and dryer, the only alternative is the laundromat.

News: Flaw in Wal-Mart Returns System Allows Major Thefts to Go Unnoticed

We love tearing apart security here at Null Byte. Several years back, upon returning items to Wal-Mart due to a malfunction, I noticed something very peculiar about the way their overall procedure goes. I brought the item up to the desk, and the woman asked if it didn't work, which I responded affirmatively. Without a moment's notice, she takes it right off to the defective items area and asks if I would like cash or store credit.

News: Hack Your Computer's BIOS to Unlock Hidden Settings, Overclocking & More

Your BIOS, or Basic Input Output System, is the firmware on your motherboard responsible for initializing your computer's hardware when it is first powered on. It probes for video adapters, RAM, the whole works. The BIOS provides a small library of basic input/output functions used to operate and control the peripherals such as the keyboard, text display functions and so forth, and these software library functions are callable by external software such as the OS and system software within sai...

How To: Defend from Keyloggers in Firefox with Keystroke Encryption

Null Byte is looking for moderators. More threats to computers exist every day. Not only do we have computer viruses and malware, but we have rootkits and other nasty pieces of code that can log your keyboard strokes or even add your computer to a botnet to attack other websites. Your computer can be infected even if you have anti-virus software installed. I can't stress enough how easy it is for a hacker to write a piece of code that gets around every piece of anti-virus software.

How To: Hack Your Xbox Gamerscore

Nearly everyone has the capacity to be a cheater. Sometime or another, all Xbox users have yearned to get their gamerscore to unimaginable thresholds—for bragging and egotistical purposes. I can relate to this desire. However, I also don't want to mod my gamerscore, because it's just unfair and not nearly as much fun as doing it the honest way. To me, it's synonymous to entering the cheats into a game after you've beaten it. Cheats can add new life into a game once you're done, but since the ...

How To: Copy & Convert your Skyrim Game Save from the Xbox 360 to your PC

Gamers like myself who have switched back and forth between Skyrim on PC and Xbox lack the ability to share game saves. This really sucks. I love playing Skyrim on a console. It's a very comfortable, easy and relaxed gaming experience. You don't have to worry about your frame rate being optimized, or wrist pains from using a keyboard. However, gaming on the PC can allow you to use texture enhancing mods and get an overall smoother experience due to a lack in glitches and bugs that plague the ...

News: A Last Resort Method to Fix the Xbox 360 E74 Error (The Red Ring of Death)

I've come across a few very stubborn Xbox consoles in my day. A previous Null Byte demonstrated how to fix the Xbox with just eight pennies and some electrical tape. But if you've got one of those hell-born boxes that just refuses to be fixed in any way, shape, or form, there is always one last ditch approach. I'm talking about the infamous "towel trick". It works over 90% of the time, from my personal experience. Though, please note: This is only a temporary fix.