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How To: GPU Accelerate Cracking Passwords with Hashcat

How to Crack Passwords Faster by Putting Your GPU to Work with HashcatSecurity on the internet is always changing. Not too long ago, having a 10 character password meant that you were safe from all forms of hash cracking. Hash cracking is when you take a string of characters that have been passed through a cryptographic hash and try to reverse them. The normal processors that are housed inside of our computer cases are general purpose. The processors are not meant for handling complex math an...

How To: Fix a Bricked iPhone or iPod Touch After a Failed Jailbreak

I can't believe it, but I've actually read about dozens of people getting their iTouch, iPhone, or iPad stuck in a bricked recovery loop and then going out to buy a new one. This is overly unnecessary. When it gets stuck in the recovery loop, some people mistake themselves by thinking that it is impossible to get the device back into DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) mode. Getting the device back into DFU mode would at least allow us to jailbreak the device, essentially bringing it back from its ...

News: The Many Methods for Hypnotizing Chickens

Chicken hypnotism is pretty mind boggling. We were enthralled when young Ciaran hypnotized a chicken with his infectious little boy charm (and more importantly, the gentle back-and-forth sway of his arms). There are a wealth of videos on YouTube depicting the process—a bonafide practice tried and true among both farmers and scientists. So, what is the why and how-to behind the art of fowl hypnosis?

How To: Increase FPS (Frames Per Second) in Windows for Gaming

Introduction In the competitive world of today's video game scene, PC gamers are known to squeeze out the best possible visuals in their games. Every few months a new video card rolls out, and RAM is ever increasing; constant upgrading is the norm of staying ahead the curve. One of the most important things a PC gamer looks at is how many FPS (frames per second) he gets. It defines his gaming experience.

How To: Make Someone Disappear on Facebook

Is there a certain someone whose pictures and status updates you would rather not see? Like, ever? Wish you could hide a person on Facebook without publicly defriending him or her? Your new best friend is a Michel Gondry-inspired Google Chrome extension named Eternal Sunshine.

How To: Play blues on an electric guitar like Billy Gibbons

If you're a musician in need of some lessons, there's no better way to learn than with MusicRadar's so-called "Tuition" instructions. Although the title tuition is misleading, this video class is anything but costly, because it's free, right here. Whether you're looking for help with your voice, bass, electric guitar, drums, guitar effects, piano, Logic Pro or production techniques, Music Radar is here to show you the way.

News: office chair jousting

Basically go into a random office in a random building somewhere. Walk into a office where people are working and Have two guys dressed up in medevil jousting gear sitting in office chairs being pushed really into each other:) And hopefully shocking people, making them laugh or really pissing them off.

News: Winner Winner

This contest can be the ultimate prank on a fan- or another one can be created. Upon winning, the first day of the "prize" can start with a flight on a crappy airline with 2 long layovers. (one can be a hopper flight with a pilot that appears intoxicated) Once arriving in LA, the winner should be met by a driver waiting to take them to their hotel in a beat up old limo. (having them sign a waiver to be filmed first of course) The driver should stop on the way at a drive thru and tell the winn...

How To: Encrypt the Windows system partition with Truecrypt

Truecrypt 5.0 adds many new features, most importantly Windows system partition encryption. To put it in slightly inaccurate layman's terms, this means encrypting your entire C: drive. Even if you already write your sensitive data to an encrypted space, files are sometimes squirreled away in unencrypted temp space or in the page file where they may be recovered. Using Truecrypt to encrypt your Windows XP system partition will help eliminate this problem.

News: Digital Picture Frame Snatches Photos from Public Wi-Fi Networks

You're sitting in your favorite café enjoying a hot cup of joe, then you open up your laptop or turn on your tablet computer to get to work, but as always you get sidetracked and head straight for Facebook. Someone just tagged you in a photo, so you check it out, then you see it out of the corner of your eye—your Facebook picture digitally displayed on the wall in a nice, neat digital photo frame.

Receipt Racer: A Paper and Laser Tangible Video Game

Video games have been a purely digital medium for some decades now. They exist in the electronic nether, embedded on discs and projected on screens. Since digital distribution has gained popularity, even the physical manifestation of the game disc is going away, leaving games (especially digitally distributed indie games) more ethereal than ever before. It is unclear whether this slightly unsettling fact was on the minds of the three people who made Receipt Racer, but regardless, it stands as...

News: Flickr Images Corrupted by GlitchBot

The term glitch always seemed best suited for computer programs, video games and electronic equipment, where a slight irregularity in the device or system would create a temporary malfunction with annoying, sometimes even amazing unexpected results. Only the effect was never really considered artistic—until now.

News: Keysmash Your Way to Convincing Hacker Code, Just Like in the Movies

Hacking can't be that hard, can it? At least, that's what it seems like thanks to movies like Hackers, The Net and that last Die Hard flick. Even the Jurassic Park girl's got some game. They all look like they're typing 20wpm, yet can generate a screen full of code in the blink of an eye. Amazing. As long as they're some isolated computer nerd who's glued to their PC all day long (which is pretty much all of us these days, thanks Internet), they're a bona fide hacker.

Amazing Invention of the Day: The Fastidious Icky Goo Scooper

Outstanding advancements in medicine and super creepy Androids aren't the only jaw-dropping inventions out there. Every once in a while, an incredibly random—and at first glance, seemingly useless—device comes along and strikes a chord of strangely deep satisfaction. Behold, the SWITL, a mysterious goo-scraper robot hand created by factory equipment manufacturer Furukawa Kikou: From what I can glean from a very rough Google translation, it sounds like the SWITL was developed for food producti...

News: Beezag!

There are hundreds of websites that claim you can win cash or prizes by signing up and using their website. Sadly, most of these are scams but there are a couple out there that are legitimate. I have investigated many of these websites and tried them out personally, with many failures. The one that sticks out the most, for me and many other people, is beezag.com. Beezag is a website that hooks you up with companies that are currently offering cash or sweepstakes entries for prizes they are gi...

How To: Unblock Wall Posts

In the past you may have blocked wall posts so you wouldn't get fuel, goods, and other random things from your applications. But you may wish to rethink this, at least for a while as the new truffle hunting feature requires wall posts.

News: Rear End Illusions

Let's take a look at the softer side of illusions! Check out the images below and see if you can crack what's really behind these photos. This type of optical illusion is usually referred to as an ambiguous image. Your brain tries to make quick sense out of the information coming in, and sometimes an interpretation of one image gets preference over the other.

6/28 Review: Tame Impala @ The Echo

My friend from Brooklyn and I went to this free show on Monday. The vocals were crisp and less distorted than on the album. Overall great energy and the crowd was totally feeling it. The crowd was made of the typical mix of big messy hair, plaid, and skinny jean wearing indie kids, along with a few random old guys. My friend said NYC shows are a lot more homogenous and was surprised by how diverse shows in LA are. I was surprised by how many tall guys (lots of guys well over 6'2) were in the ...

Left 4 Dead 2 New Content: The Passing

New content for our favorite Zombie game! The Passing, released 04/22/2010, bridges the storyline between the first and second game. Free on PC, 540 fairybucks on Xbox 360. We have it downloaded it and ready to go for tonight, we'll write back with impressions!

How To: Speed Up Your Lagging Nexus 7 Running Android 4.2 Jelly Bean with This Quick Fix

A lot of Nexus 7 users have been experiencing a long list of issues after upgrading to Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. From random reboots to abnormal battery drainage, people have had plenty to complain about. One of the most common (and annoying) problems is lag. If you're one of the unlucky users experiencing slowness after upgrading, there's a quick fix you can try, discovered by XDA member fishingfon. Turns out, Google's news application, Currents, could be causing the issue. After changing one ...