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Community Byte: HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 3 - Legal Hacker Training

Welcome to another Community Byte announcement from Null Byte! The goal of the Community Bytes is to teach people in a co-operative, hands-on manner. Learning from experience and immersing yourself in a subject is the best way to learn something foreign to you, so that is exactly what we do! In our sessions, we have started to both code and complete HTS missions. This means that there is something for everyone here, so make sure you join us.

Community Byte: HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 2 - Legal Hacker Training

With the rather large success of the Community Byte activities, both programming and HackThisSite, I have decided to continue to do both activities every session! With that said, when programming sessions occur, they will be lead by Sol Gates in Gobby. Also, the programming mission will no longer be to code a tool, we have changed it to be even more "noob friendly". This means that instead of coding a tool, you will be walked through puzzles and challenges that must be solved by coding a scri...

Goodnight Byte: Coding a Web-Based Password Cracker in Python

Our mission for this week's Community Byte was to create a Python program to crack web-based passwords, like the ones you would see on an email or router login. I wanted it to be universal in the sense that it could be easily modified and adapted to another website just by changing a few variables. That was a success! Even though people weren't on time to the coding session, everything went well.

News: Google+ to Support Pseudonyms, Google Apps & More

Since its inception, Google+ users have been a loud, vocal bunch, and they've made their displeasure known about many issues, especially on the lack of support for pseudonyms, Google Apps, and brand pages. It's been especially galling for many Google loyalists, who found their Google+ profiles suspended, when they ended up violating the Google+ "common name" policy.

A Closed World: MIT Video Game Confronts Sexual Identity Issues

University video game design programs have been spreading like wildfire around the world over the last ten years. They allow students, researchers and game developers to work on their craft in an academic environment away from the harsh realities of the market, and have led to some interesting products like Fl0w from USC and Ulitsa Dimitrova from Germany. Both games take on topics not often addressed in mainstream games and do so in simple, poignant ways that aim to influence the rest of the ...

Mastering Security, Part 1: How to Manage and Create Strong Passwords

I've seen numerous tutorials on how to create a "strong" password. This makes me laugh. These titles imply "one" password, which is wrong in and of itself. A person should have many passwords, all different, and all extremely long. People may ask how they're supposed to remember lengthy passwords and why their current password isn't good enough. Well, I'm going to show you.

News: Freemium Games Start Their US Invasion on the iOS Front

For more than a decade, free-to-play games with microtransactions (also called In-App Purchase or IAP) by which players can pay real money for in-game content have been the industry standard for online success in Asia. Mainstream American gamers have long resisted these "freemium" games, with World of Warcraft and other subscription based online games reigning supreme, and being seen as more AAA than their free-ish counterparts. Casual games developers have encountered no such problems, and m...

Jonathan's Starbucks Card: A Social Experiment in Sharing Ends

Last month, mobile application consultant Jonathan Stark unleashed his Starbucks Card to the public as an "experiment in social sharing of physical goods using digital currency on mobile phones." Basically, he purchased a Starbucks Card and registered it via the Starbucks Mobile App for iPhone (there's an Android one, too) which allows caffeine addicts to pay for coffee and baked goods with their mobile device. He then took a screenshot of the barcode and let anyone on the web download it for...

News: PopCap Bought by EA, Earns $750 Million Bonus Points

Electronic Arts is the biggest game publisher in the world, and have been for years. And yet, their only successful internally developed games nowadays are the EA Sports mega-franchises like Madden. Most of their success has stemmed from their ability to buy other companies on their way up, squeeze the creativity out of them, and then sell them to someone else or just let them go. This week they made their largest acquisition ever when they purchased PopCap Games for $750 million upfront—as m...

News: Video Games Deemed Art AND Protected Free Speech!

It's been a great year for video games, kind of. Sure, the AAA release lineup has been a trainwreck and hacking has been a bigger problem than ever. But two things have happened involving the federal government that have made video games more legitimate in the United States than ever before. The Supreme Court ruling establishing that video games were the equivalent of movies and books, not porn, was the more significant decision. But in May, the National Endowment for the Arts made another si...

News: The Soft Fur Rat

The African Soft Fur Rat though new to the pet trade is a unique little rodent with unusual qualities. Not only is this little rat a great step up for people who feed reptiles it is virtually odorless and that is definately a plus for those who would like to have a pet rat or mouse they can keep inside the house and not spend a fortune in bedding or spend a lot of time cleaning to keep the rodent odor down.

News: Unknown, but They Shouldn't Be.

Although in recent years street art has reached a high point of public appeal many of the great artists are over shadowed by the likes of banksy and shepard fairey (who are amazing artists for sure, just not the only amazing artists out there). Some of the best urban artists have never had a gallery show or exihbit, and most have only been out of their own country once or twice. But of course, thanks to the internet and movies, i )along with many others) have been lucky enough to see the work...

An App for Stalkers: "Creepy" Geo-Locates Based on Social Networking Activity

With the globally rampant use of such social networking platforms as Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare, the issue of privacy has become a prevalent concern for many. And for good reason—there's the violation of Facebook employing user names in ads, the Etsy slip-up, and of course, the everyman act of recklessly sharing too much information via common social media outlets: a night of drinking results in morning after embarrassment, or worst case scenario, sloppy Facebook posts and tweets resul...

News: ChaCha

Have you ever gone on a long internet binge, researching and surfing mindless things, and thought to yourself: I wish I could make some money surfing the internet and sharing the (sometimes useless) information I had just acquired? Well, now you can!

News: Secure your Wizard Booty!

Hello readers again! Sorry about the long wait (scary computer problems). Today I am going to talk to you about security problems on Wizard101. I have recently encountered many security flaws on Wizard101, including hacking, frauding and other crazy things. Wizard101 is the target for many online predators, many of who are fully-grown adults aged 60 or 70. Here is the link to an article I found about it: Wizard101 Internet Predators

How To: Select Home Exterior Paints

Find out if there are local restrictions on color Before you fall in love with “Brilliant Blue”, “Gauche Green”, or any other paint color, check to see if any local authority restricts the colors you can use. This is especially important if you live in an historic area, newer subdivision, or townhouse community. It’s not uncommon to find a list of “approved” colors in these types of neighborhoods.

News: Fun with Blogs!

Blogs are a gold mine Some of the best sentences you will ever get when building your vocabulary can definitely come from blogs. The language and vocabulary usage in blogs is always changing to reflect how people talk in this day and age, and therefore are the perfect research tool for vocabulary sentence building.

How To: fix the error "transaction was not successful"

So many of you like to save up your gold coins to buy things like castles, treasure cards and clothing. But sometimes when you buy something, an error message pops up. One of them is this extremely annoying one: "Transaction was not successful."This error happens mostly when buying clothes. Let's say you want to buy a robe, but it is too expensive. You change the color of the robe to brown, yellow or white and try to buy it. When you click Buy, the error pops up. You switch realms. No differe...

News: FarmVille Orchard and Tree Gifting Links

Free Tree Gift Request Links With the new orchards and tree mastery system everyone is looking for more trees! As wishlist requests often end up with errors, I've created this list that will provide links you can put your ID into allowing people to send you the item without getting the "gifterror=notfound" message.

Metro 2033: Eye Candy

Picked up Metro 2033 from the Steam Sale. Wow is it pretty. At 1080p with DX11 and gorgeously detailed, it's hard to not stop and stare at every single thing! I wish there was a way to somehow convey this feeling..

News: Facebook Privacy Settings

You could read through Facebooks Privacy Guide, but I found it a little confusing and a lot of people have been asking me for specific settings. SO here are some screenshots of the privacy settings so you can find where everything is located really easily!

News: The Infant Drop

For this crazy insane prank it will involve 3 people and it will have to take place in a mall with two floors for shopping. You will need a fake baby, with a loud voicebox installed so everyone can hear it cry, you will need to drill a hole into the fake baby's head and fill it up with fake blood, and you will need to make sure that when the baby is dropped the blood will explode from the head on instant impact. The prank starts out with a careless woman walking to close to the guardrail with...

News: The Fireball Fire Rockets

This prank/stunt is to get a couple of big giant rockets and make a big hole on the top so that way people could either stand or sit on top of the rockets while someone takes a match and sets them off and go flying really high up in the air over a lake and landing in it. The people I could see doing this prank/stunt would be Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Preston, Bam Margera, Wee Man, and Dave England.

How To: Manage Your Time Planning a Scavenger Hunt

When you're aiming to set up a scavenger hunt, you might be pondering how much time frame you are committing oneself to. It's a great thought, and one which does not have a single size that matches everyone's resolution. But this unique guideline will furnish the facts you need so that you can figure out just how long implementing a scavenger hunt or clue hunt will take. You might want to be aware of a small amount with regards to which variety of quest you are preparing. Is it a common scave...

News: Bombs Away

In this prank we would have to be on top of a building with a ton of condoms. We can fill them with lotion and water, or iceing and water to simulate sperm, and then yell bombs away and drop them on innocent people walking around. for the main event we could throw some cherry or rasberry filling or iceing and really screw with people. I know if that happened to me randomly I'd either cry or freak the fuck out