Random People Search Results

How To: Use cherry and olive pitters

People always want to know the difference between cherry pitters and olive pitters. This how to video should help a bit. Yes, a cherry pitter will pit olives--if you're careful. But if you want to do a bunch of olives fast, the olive pitter is much easier to use. An olive pitter will not, however, pit cherries--they usually smoosh them.

How To: Prepare for an anxiety situation to keep your cool

There are always certain situations that unnerve people. One of the biggest unnerving situations you may encounter is a job interview. The nervousness breaks out and you look like a total fool, but it's just the nerves. It happens. And why can't you control it? It's hard for some to keep their cool, but Chantilliscious offers up some advice on what she does to prepare for an anxiety-causing situation.

How To: Choose colors that you won't get tired of in your home

Choosing paint colors for the living room or wallpaper for the bedroom can be tough. How do you know you won't get sick of it? Well, this video will help you choose the colors that will fit you best. Learn how to choose colors that you won't get tired of in your home. If you're looking for a magical color palette, forget about it. Everyone gets tired of the colors of their clothes, and some people weary of their hair color. That's only natural. So the bottom line is: decorating with color isn...

How To: Fix the volume on your iPhone

In this video the instructor shows how to repair the volume on your iPhone. This video advices caution and is not responsible for any damage caused to your property. While using iPhone people often face different kinds of problems with volume like low volume or no volume at all. If the warranty expires then throwing away the iPhone and getting a new one because of this is not a good idea. To get around this follow the given procedure given in the video. Now open your iPhone and use a safety p...

How To: Draw a dog by memorizing a funny tale

Dogs are one of the simplest animal to draw. In the first step draw a small stick i.e. simple line with two arms below and a small round on the top. In the second step draw a round circle outside this one. In the third step draw semi-circle on top of the circle adjacent to the outer circle. In the fourth step draw two small circle for the eyes inside the semi-circle and make a small dot inside the small circle. In the final step draw the ears on both sides equally in the way such that it shou...

How To: Bake rice krispie treats

If you want to see what it really looks like to make rice crispy treats with regular people and people in the kitchen just like you probably have then this video will do just that. RKTs are easy to make but can be a little tricky if you don’t know where you keep the pans.

How To: Draw architectural landscape

This video, which is part of series of videos that teach drawing, shows how to draw a complex drawing of beautifully landscaped buildings. This video shows line by line drawing of an architectural landscape and would be easy to follow along. After drawing buildings, stairs with railings, trees, planting boxes, walkways, courtyards, decorative garden items and people, the artist then adds color. By using a few colors, texture and detail is added to this complex drawing. This video makes drawin...

News: Public Bathroom Fiasco

Any random public bathroom in anytown USA. Release bugs or mice or any other critter, real or fake, and see what happens as people are using the john or urinal when the critter (s) runs past their feet! No one should really get hurt with this prank other than maybe making a massive mess or a random heart attack Idont have a picture of this actually happening so I present you my doggie. He says "WUZ UP"

News: trust fall

This is simple, Yet fun to get random people reactions. Just go through a city, town, store, yelling out trust fall and falling backwards at people to see if they will catch you. Go up to peoples cars and do it while they are in idle or stopped at a stoplight.

News: Save Me!

Dress yourself and friends as unique super heros and some evil villans. Go around saving random people from everyday things such as shoping bags and ice cream cones. also fight off you evil villan friends. It would be hilarious to watch

News: Phone Number Tats

The idea behind this prank is two of the guys will go head to head trying to get one girls number and one guys number, both just random people on the street. Sounds simple right? No, they must tattoo the number on themselves right there in the street to make it count. The first one to win gets to smash a cake shaped like a penis in the the losers face.

News: the pool party

one day you guys should go to a public pool and have nothing on but white shorts with nothing under them play some loud music go in the pool for a couple secounds then walk up to random people and dance in front of them!!!!!!

News: old man and the bloody pool

ok i know lately the jack ass guys have had to resort to the old man bit to get some funny stuff in joe public so iv had this idea first as a high school prank but my friends thought it was just wrong so i assume its perfect for you guys (at least i think it would make a good prank) anyway. the prank goes that we go to some random public pool and fill the whole thing up with red die or enough to make it look like a body was thrown in there and then just throw some random plastic body parts li...

News: Golf Cart Derby

There would be 9 teams of 2. Everyone on Jackass will have a golf cart and they will be the driver of there team. Then they would pick one of the producers or other celebrities to be the passenger. The passenger will do things to mess up there opponents. They can shoot paintball guns or throw baseballs to mess up the other drivers. The Golf Cart Derby will be the exact same thing as a Car Derby but you guys will be using golf carts and having a passenger messing up other drivers ahahaa. It wo...

News: It's contest time! That means FREE stuff!

Hello fellow farmers, I'm so excited to be your new admin for this fabulous site that I'm going to be giving away some great goodies for your farm! I've been to 7-11, and I'll go again if this is a big hit, and picked up a bunch of Zynga's 7-11 promotion items.

Receipt Racer: A Paper and Laser Tangible Video Game

Video games have been a purely digital medium for some decades now. They exist in the electronic nether, embedded on discs and projected on screens. Since digital distribution has gained popularity, even the physical manifestation of the game disc is going away, leaving games (especially digitally distributed indie games) more ethereal than ever before. It is unclear whether this slightly unsettling fact was on the minds of the three people who made Receipt Racer, but regardless, it stands as...