Rapid Smartphone Search Results

The Passport: BlackBerry's Last Stand

BlackBerry was one of the first companies to put anything that resembles a modern-day smartphone on the market, but now, seeing one out in the wild is like stumbling upon a fossil. Now that they've announced the BlackBerry Passport, it seems as if this is their last-ditch effort at remaining relevant.

How To: Hack Your Old Phone Line into an Emergency Power Supply for Your Cell Phone

"Ahoy-hoy." If telephone titan Alexander Graham Bell had his way, we'd all be answering phones like Mr. Burns. Thankfully, frienemy Thomas Edison had enough sense to realize we weren't always on the briny. He preferred "hello" as our standard telephone greeting, which he is credited with coining in 1877. Fellow American pioneer Davy Crockett actually used it as a greeting first in 1833 (as compared to an exclamation)—but in print, not over the phone.

How To: Silence the Annoying Camera Shutter Sound on Your Samsung Galaxy S3

SNAP. That's the sound of your Samsung Galaxy S3's camera going off. Not that big of deal, unless you're trying to take some top secret pics or some candid shots of your friends. The shutter sound gives you away, and the next thing you know, you're deleting pictures. On most other smartphones, if the users turns the phone on silent or vibrate, the shutter sound is killed. If that doesn't do the trick, usually muting the shutter sound itself in the settings will do the trick. But for some of y...

How To: Group and Organize Your Start Screen Tiles in Windows 8

Keeping your computer organized and your desktop clutter-free can be pretty difficult. And with last week's official release of Windows 8, users have another screen they need to get used to organizing—the new Metro-style Start Screen. It uses large rectangular or square tiles in place of the standard icons you've seen on older Windows operating systems. For better organization and grouping, you can group similar items onto a page (similar to many smartphones), you increase or decrease the siz...

How To: Stop severe bleeding (British Red Cross)

Everyone gets cut every once in a while, but sometimes those cuts can be more serious than expected. It could turn into severe bleeding, and there's a certain way to deal with this type of bleeding in a victim. How would you treat someone who was bleeding severely?

How to Walkthrough Darksiders: The Hollows

There's plenty of action on this level of the Xbox 360 game Darksiders. In the Hollows, there's Gas Mains, Tremor Gauntlet, Three Platform Room, Turntables, Pump Room, Griever, and Chronomancer. You enter way looks to have once been a train station. As you approach the Redemption lying on the ground you'll be ambushed by the Griever. Quickly pick up Redemption and begin to alternate between rapid fire shots and charge shots. You need to aim for the blue glowing belly of the monster. Dash arou...

How To: Use the Panasonic HVX200 with Avid Media Composer

Download the P2 Step-by-Step Reference Guide. With Avid, editing footage captured with the Panasonic HVX200 camera is fast and easy. Avids system uses the same native file format as Panasonic P2 memory cards, so theres no need for any transcode, capture or file conversion process at all. You can edit directly and immediately from the P2 cards if you like or have Avid Media Composer create a rapid backup of your files. Nothing could be simpler or more immediate.

How To: Completely Prevent Apps from Accessing Your Camera & Microphone on Android

We're thinking more and more about our digital privacy these days. When we first started using smartphones, we'd download apps with reckless abandon, allowing permissions lists as long as novels in order to play free games. Now, we know that apps have access to things like our cameras and microphones, even when they shouldn't. Luckily, taking away these permissions is easy.

News: The Best Touchscreen Gloves to Get You Through the Winter

Not that long ago, touchscreen-friendly gloves were an outlier accessory, something you had to track down at a specialty brick-and-mortar store or solely online. But as the smartphone has become an integral part of our lives, so, too, has the need for fashion accessories that cater to our desire to be always connected. So now, touchscreen gloves are everywhere.

News: Oculus Quest Is the Best Way to Experience VR on the Go

At Next Reality we mostly focus on augmented reality, but that doesn't mean we're not also absolutely obsessed with virtual reality, too. If the thing that's been keeping you from diving into the deep end of VR has been clunky tethered headsets or the expensive but necessary gaming PCs, then it's time for you to try the Oculus Quest, which is currently available to buy here for less than most gaming systems on the market.

How To: Make Your Headphones Always Control Your Favorite Music App on Your Galaxy

I don't know about you, but I like to listen to music throughout the day. As I am writing articles or doing some cardio at the gym, I go through my playlist, only stopping the music in situations where I have to. And ever since I switched to the Samsung Galaxy S10+, this has gotten even easier to do.