Readers Visit Search Results

News: All Aboard the VIA Rail Train to Churchill, Manitoba

This is a snapshot of the 1700 kilometre journey up most of the length of the Province of Manitoba by VIA Rail train from Winnipeg to Churchill - an arctic city on Hudson Bay. Filmed by Bea Broda, the trip takes place at the height of summer. While most travelers that are curious to experience polar bear sightings visit during the autumn season, there are also many to be seen in the summer months.

How To: Damn, This Dude Knows How To Fold Paper

I've seen lots of amazing origami, but seriously, Benjamin Parker can fold. His intricate origami tessellations are incredible. Parker has been folding since the age of six, and has exhibited in galleries in the U.S. and Europe. To view all of his work, visit his flickr stream.

News: Papercut Zine Library

A picture from the old Papercut Zine Library located in Cambridge, MA. They have since moved to Somerville, MA. The Papercut Zine Library carries over 13,000 self-published publications that focus on a variety of subjects. Visit their website to learn more! ... And if you're ever in the Somerville area, be sure to check them out!

How To: Replace the clutch on a Porsche

Mad Mike is always Ballin on a Budget, this episode Mike visits Callas Rennsport a Porsche specialist. Mike demonstrates how to build up his new used Porsche. Take a look at a brand new multi-disk clutch. Callas Rennsport replaces the belts, installs new fun-hub clutch bearings and Mike is back on the road. Replace the clutch on a Porsche.

How To: Learn your favorite drum licks

Darren talks about learning your favorite drum licks using the intro to Led Zeppelin's "Rock n' Roll" as an example. Visit to try the Amazing Slow Downer, software that allows you to slow down music without changing the pitch. Learn your favorite drum licks.

How To: Feed Flickr photos to a WordPress blog

This video demonstrates how to feed Flickr photos to a WordPress blog. From the people who brought you the Dummies instructional book series, brings you the same non-intimidating guides in video form. Watch this video tutorial to learn how to feed Flickr photos to a WordPress blog, For Dummies.

News: Workers That Drive the World

Humans like to think we are the workers of the world and it all relies upon us, but without these little creatures, life as we know it wouldn't exist. This little bee is just off to work for the day—one of thousands of flowers he'll visit before sundown. How inspirational is that?

Rumsfeld: Israel needn't notify US about strike

While US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta attempted to convince top Israeli politicians and security officials not to launch a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities during his visit to Israel last week, his predecessor Donald Rumsfeld, seems more prepared for a possible attack. Rumsfeld: Israel needn't notify US about strike - Israel News, Ynetnews.

News: The Electric Toilet Seat

The title basically explains it all, you hook up 2 or 3 electrodes to a toilet seat inside of a port-o-let or some other restroom where the guys visit, place a camera in one of the top corners of the room, or port-o-let, to monitor who's going in, and when they have a seat to drop a deuce, zap them. It would probably be best to wait a while until they get somewhat comfortable enough to drop some cargo. That way, they could spring up from the shock and make a satisfying mess. Thanks you guys, ...

How To: Shop for an eReader

These days, eReaders are everywhere. For die-hard book nerds, eReaders offer the convenience of a full library without having to sacrifice shelf space. Sure, there are the paper buffs who swear that you just can't take an eReader with you into the bathtub, but when's the last time anyone actually did that? Face it, eReaders are convenient and here to stay. But there's a dizzying array of information out there, so what should you look for in an eReader?

News: Army Admits Re-Education Camp Manual “Not Intended For Public Release”

Fort Leonard Wood Public Affairs director Tiffany Wood has provided the first official response to the shocking U.S. Army document that outlines the implementation of re-education camps, admitting that the manual was “not intended for public release” and claiming that its provisions only apply outside the United States, a contention completely disproved by the language contained in the document itself.

How To: Read Your Own Palm Lines

Palmistry is the art of characterizing or foretelling the future through the reading of palm lines. Though there are certainly many variations and techniques when it comes to interpreting the meaning of palm lines, you can brush up on Palmistry 101 by getting acquainted with your four major palm lines: the heart line, head line, life line, and fate line.

Edit on a Dime: Weekly Wrap-Up

Edit on a Dime has made it through its first week, dear readers. As the collection of links and blog posts below make apparent, we’re entering into an exciting, dare I say fecund, time for low cost and free editing solutions. We'll have no shortage of apps to try out, argue over and utilize to make some, hopefully great, movies.

Nostalgia Challenge: Ex Libris

When I see Kindles and e-readers, I can't help but get a little sad over all the things those e-books are missing. The weight of literature in your hands. The feeling of turning pages one by one. The texture of the cover. The wonderful smell of an old book that's been sitting on a shelf for years, waiting for me to choose it.

News: ScanMe Makes Social Networking Easy with QR Code T-Shirts

It's called a Quick Response code, but most know it simply as QR code, a matrix barcode dedicated to the world of smartphones. The information contained within the square black modules could be text, a URL, vCard, or some other kind of data. And even though mobile tagging has been around for eight years, it's just now spreading like wildfire across the globe, being incorporated into artistic portraits and wall art. And most recently... "social clothing".

News: Traveling with Augmented Reality

Searching for some new new in Augmented Reality Apps I came across Augmented GeoTravel. I would have loved to have this app when I went to Europe. Being able to travel and hold up the camera & get more information on cool places I was seeing would have been awesome. It is like an ultimate travel guide and so much more. Check out some of the things it can do below.

News: People Are Awesome

Usually there's something semi-dissatisfying about greatest hits compilations on YouTube, but People Are Awesome is pretty amazing. And being this is WonderHowTo, we are all about celebrating people doing amazing things. (*In fact, if you're continual reader, you will see many familiar faces below.)

News: Welcome!

Hello readers, My name is Ryan and I am a movie freak, fanatic, addict, or whatever you want to call it. Get it? Got it? Good. Well anyway I'm going to try to write some movie reviews and we'll just have to see if anyone else agrees or disagrees. Movie review number one will be later for me since I will be going to sleep soon. Yes it's daylight but I'm a zombie, what can I say? Just be ready for the first movie review by me later and oh yeah I almost forgot!

News: Scrabble Beats Words with Friends to NOOK Color

Electronic Arts (EA) and Hasbro have always been a little slow at adapting Scrabble for the cyber culture. They failed to beat Scrabulous to the Facebook market by a whole year, but managed to save face by targeting the mobile market, specifically iPhone and iPod touch, making Scrabble one of the very first mobile apps in the iTunes App Store.

How To: Create Google+ RSS Feeds

Earlier last month, I wrote on how to subscribe to Google+ users using PlusFeed. I used it, and then I realized that I wasn't getting my own feed anymore. I discovered that the free service had been disabled due to cost issues, as detailed by the creator +Russell Beattie. The code is open source, and you can roll your own service, if you have the know-how and the time. If you don't, but still want to create RSS feeds for your own public posts, or just to track your favorite Google+ users, the...

News: Video Game Landscape Brought to Life: A Real World Tour of "Fallout: New Vegas"

Following in the footsteps of great historical figures is a great way to learn about them. Michael Wood famously did so in the 1980's for his PBS documentary and book In The Footsteps of Alexander The Great. This March, UK-based marketing director Chris Worth completed a similar endeavor—not by tracing the path of a real-life emperor or explorer, but a humble video game character. One known simply as "The Courier".