Real Conclusion Search Results

News: Google Pixel Speaker Sound Distorted, Popping, or Staticky? Here's How to Fix It

The brand new Pixel and Pixel XL, Google's first direct attempts at taking on the iPhone, haven't rolled out exactly how Google would have liked. The devices have already had more than their fair share of issues, starting with the camera, and now extending to the built-in speaker. The camera issues were marked as "solved" by Google, but the lens flare is still very much there, just not as prominent.

News: Volvo Takes Showrooming to the Next Level with a HoloLens

While the early stages of any new technology always seems amazing because of the utilitarian, almost altruistic software concepts it inspires, mixed and augmented reality will still see its fair share of corporate apps. That might be a good thing, however, as Volvo's plan goes past general information and advertising to make a truly helpful tool for prospective car buyers.

News: Augmented Reality Turns Rock Climbing into a Real-World Video Game

Augmented reality (AR) generally exists through the lens of our smartphones as information layered on top of what the camera sees, but it doesn't have to. Developer Jon Cheng worked with an indoor climbing facility in Somerville, Massachussetts, called Brooklyn Boulders, to turn rock climbing into a real-world video game where participants compete in a time trial to hit virtual markers on the wall.

How To: Schedule Meetings in MS Outlook

In this tutorial First, we will discuss what a meeting is, How can we schedule it in Outlook. A meeting can be defined as a mass of two or more people have a common motive. All the people present in a meeting can share their ideas and exchange information, to carry out the actions to achieve their goal. This tutorial helps those people who are looking for the steps to Schedule a Meeting in MS Outlook.

Sorting (Part 3.0): Insertion Sort

Note: a bug was found in the Insertion Sort implementations. The bug was corrected in each language. Please refer to the pastebin links for the most up-to-date versions of the sample code. Any screenshots may be behind. More about the bug can be found here.

How To: An Extended Guide on Runtime Crypters

Hello again, folks! I'm back with another (final) guide on runtime crypters which is an extension on my previous runtime crypter guide. If you have not read it yet, I highly recommend that you do since the fundamental theory of the PE format. Again, this will be a Windows-specific guide, so I'll repeat this: If you're a hater and cringe at the slightest sound of Microsoft's grotesque baby, feel free to close this tab, delete your history, exit your browser, pour some oil onto your machine and...

Raspberry Pi: Physical Backdoor Part 2

In my last post I introduced how to use ncat to connect to your Pi remotely, but what's the point to if you can't actually hack? This tutorial I'm gonna show you how to use very simple tools for a much bigger purpose. With that said, boot up our Pi and lets wreck havoc.

How To: Hack TOR Hidden Services

A lot of people think that TOR services are unhackable because they are on a "secure environment", but the truth is that those services are exactly the same that run on any normal server, and can be hacked with the same tools (metasploit,hydra,sqlmap...), the only thing you have to do is launch a transparent proxy that pass all your packets through the TOR network to the hidden service.

How To: Create a Bind Shell in Python

Hi guys, I'm gonna keep this short because I got assignments and a lot of notes to study and also other how-tos and forums to reads. lol...Since I'm keeping this story time just scenario. And I want to thank n3stor for giving me the idea to post this.

News: How to Write Better Code

Programming is an essential thing in hacking/pentesting, and at times, I do not feel that it is being addressed enough here, at Null-byte. I understand that this is a forum dedicated for hacking, but I'll address some of the stuff I feel is muy importante about programming. I am not a professional programmer, but I do have experience and I do want to share some of the stuff professionals have taught me.