Real Experience Search Results

News: Convict Sleepover

Get a scary looking dude. Print up a fake newspaper with the guy’s face on it saying he just broke out of prison. Give the victim the newspaper. Later that night disconnect the phone line and take his/her cell phone. Make sure there are no weapons in the bedroom. After the person falls asleep lock all the doors and windows. Cut off all the power to the house. (Inform the neighbors of the prank, just in cause someone calls the cops). Sneak the “convict” into his/her bedroom. Lock the door so h...

News: Dirty Diaper Double Cross

For this prank you need one of those creepy realistic trainer babies, an mp3 player or phone that can play a baby crying on loop, a crowd (like at a park, mall, or bus stop), a diaper and a few snacks. You have one of the guys approach the crowded area looking disheveled and acting like an ass or a drunk. After he's in place you have a woman come in with the realistic baby, the baby crying noise playing on loop, and a diaper full of chocolate pudding cups, candy corn, peanuts (whatever looks ...

News: Mumblety Peg

Google Mumblety Peg and you'll realize this is a real game our grandfathers played in the schoolyard. The object of the game is to throw a knife at the ground by your foot. Whoever gets closes wins. Sticking the knife in your foot also wins. One variation is to throw the knife at the other person's foot. This would be the jack-ass version and of course, it wouldn't end until a knife was stuck in someone's foot.

News: One on Three

Fill three glasses with coke, water, beer or stuff like that. All the members of the cast have to spit into two of those glasses and (who wants to) sneeze in them two... to make it really disgusting! Then, one blindfolded member of the cast has the three glasses in front of him, if he will be lucky he will drink the normal glass with the normal fluid in it, if he's out of luck he will drink one of the shitty glasses with all that poo in it... The guy must drink it all until the glass is empty...

News: She Man

This is the she man ok what you do is get a make up artist to make one of the crew to be dressed up like a 35 year old woman and make sure he looks very good looking and go to a club or a restaurant somewere were there men and hit on him so he or you will ask you out or ask him out and when you go out act very manly even go to the mens room when you come out have toilet paper on your foot and be very loud and laugh real loud eat like a pig it will be the funnyest thing. (optional) and then ju...

News: Scaredive

You start a casual conversation about skydiving with someone afraid of heights, you suggest to them a good prank would be to dive from a plane blindfolded and find your friends (who are also falling) so they can put on your parachute guided via a radio headset. While they tell you about how much they think it is a bad idea your buddies pounce from behind, blindfold them, tie them up and make out like your going to try the stunt.

News: DRAG Queen Eharmony or some dating website

Well I'm from Denver Colorado, which the nickname is Menver!!" I Have been a Denver Single Mad Man for quite sometime... I tried some online dating (Horrible experience, but everyone is doing it!!From Menver) My Only date from that BS Eharmony, The girl was smoking hot in her pictures but showed up huge as Hell!! And Bragged about how much she loves to eat!! Couldnt believe it!! So I think a Prank should be dressing up like a girl but looking for men (Strait people)... It could goes as far as...

News: pizza guy

we should someone go get a pizza dressed as osama bin ladin or some tarerest he should walk in and ask for a "large pizza with extra american i mean cheese" the pizza guy should be set up kinda like the taxi cab one.he should pull out a real pistol full of blanks and say"get the F**k out get out ill shoot" and have one of knoville walk in, the guy sould shoot knoxville and start spilling fake blood and then tell whoever got the pizza to get out there and pull down his pants then slip a fire c...

News: Dumb suiside

the first thing you do is get a dummy and go on a high bulding and tape a little speeker on the dummy and through him off screaming into the mic so people will think its real it will be so funny and make sure some of the guys are down there so no one down there will get hit.

News: the nut cracker

its just like in the giant hand prank but you have a plastic or real fist hidden on the ground (under a small sheet of paper or under a rug) call your friend over and you hit a button then with force the fist would come up and hit them in the nuts.

News: Mad Cow Meat Joust

Build wooden horses for the boys to joust on. The horses are built from the shoulder up so they can be ridden low rider style, (and a fall won't totally take out a cast member. But if you feel like making scale wooden horses, be my guest.). The horses must have some sort of hard to control motivator on them, like a sheet of thick ice, casters, or I suppose regular skate board wheels would work. (but skateboard wheels would offer maybe a bit more control than I had imagined).

News: Pallet Potty

I don't have any pictures; however, I did experience the most challenging event ever! My Best friend and I live in a very "bon fire friendly" area (not much to do while under age, so we would frequent the motorcycle park and made many friends! One time, we had 4 wood pallets burning on a hot camp fire, the flames were about two feet above the fire ring, then the urge to visit the little girl's room hit me and I had to tinkle. Since the boys could go anywhere, I interpreted that as a challenge...

News: The Real Laser Tag

My idea is simple but, imo, funny. Have the gang have an all out laser tag war with running, diving, obstacles, the works, in a padded arena or outdoors. But each harness is connected to one of those flat tasers (the kind that looks almost like brass knuckles) pushed in their backs, or chest, or crotch (or all three if you prefer, each one connected to a different sensor: back shot is back shock, front shot is chest shock, head shots are crotch shocks). When you get shot you get shocked. It w...

News: Ice Cream Truck Abduction

Child abduction is not funny, but this will be. I've seen some sketchy ice cream truck drivers in the Cincinnati area and have always wondered which are for real and which are secretly out to steal unsuspecting children and their $2 in quarters. Heres what you do: Get a crappy looking ice cream truck. Get one of the creepier looking guys to drive it. Plant a child on a street corner/ busy area (similar to the child in the bad grandpa sketch). Truck pulls up innocently. Kid goes to get ice cre...

News: Werewolf Prank Gone Bad

So... This is a prank on a prank. The first prank involves everyone getting drunk one night and drugging the "victim" (say a friend of a friend, because any jackass member would know it's a prank) to the point of unconsciousness, tearing portions of their clothes and leaving them covered in fake blood in the middle of the forest surrounded by fake dead animals (humans preferably). Thick Werewolf type hair could be stuck to the blood against their skin to imply that they were turned on that fu...

News: Limo driver arrested for kidnapping

Ok, so this is going to be a prank on the driver that picks us up from the airport when you guys fly us to L.A.. The driver will pick us up and all the way to where ever we're goin we'll just be cool or we could act like we're on the phone or something so he'll be wondering what we're doin it the back seat. Then he'll get pulled over by a bunch of cops, fake ones of course(or real if you want to ha), and they'll pull their guns out and tell him to get the fuck out of the car. The cops will be...

News: Fake Prince Albert

step 1: create a convincingly real prosthetic penis with fake blood inside the head of the penis. step 2: have a jackass cast member (or myself) attempt the most gnarly piercing ever, the Prince Albert, with the cameras rolling.

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