Recognized Producers Search Results

Hack Like a Pro: The Basics of the Hexadecimal System

Welcome back, my novice hackers! It has become clear from some of your questions that quite a few of you are unfamiliar with the hexadecimal system, or simply, hex. The hexadecimal system is used throughout computing and if you have never studied this Base16 numering system, it may appear relatively opaque.

How to Hack Wi-Fi: Performing a Denial of Service (DoS) Attack on a Wireless Access Point

Welcome back, my neophyte hackers! As part of my series on Wi-Fi hacking, I want to next look at denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, and DoSing a wireless access point (AP). There are a variety of ways to do this, but in this tutorial we'll be sending repeated deauthentication frames to the AP with aircrack-ng's aireplay. Remember, hacking wireless networks isn't all just cracking Wi-Fi passwords! Our Problem Scenario

How To: Read a Tape Measure

If you don't work in construction or are a woodworking master, you probably aren't entirely sure what all those marks are on a tape measure. Sure, you likely know the basics, like there are 12 inches to a foot, but what are all those little tick marks for? Don't let all those little lines dissuade you from using a tape measure. Follow these guidelines to help you read all those little ruler marks.

How To: Repair a lawnmower

In this series of expert videos, you will learn more about lawnmower maintenance. Watch these videos to see how easy do-it-yourself lawnmower maintenance can be! You will learn how to clean your lawn mowing machine, and keep it free of dirt, rust, and grass clippings. Get tips on changing the oil and air filter on your lawnmower. Learn how to mix two-stroke fuel for your mower. Watch as our expert removes gas, foam filters, and dirty spark plugs from a lawnmower. When changing the blades of y...

How To: Copy Text from Anywhere on Your Phone — Even if the App Blocks Text Selection

It's easy to copy text from webpages, messages, documents, and other views on your Android device — except when it isn't. Many apps block or prohibit text selection, forcing you to take screenshots or write out the whole excerpt manually. But you don't have to resort to those methods since there's a simple workaround to selecting and copying text from uncooperative apps.

How To: Instantly Turn Gray Skies Blue to Brighten All Your Dull, Gloomy Photos

When you expect to take photos of landmarks, buildings, landscapes, and other outdoor scenery with clear blue skies in the background, you may end up with nothing but overcast weather, resulting in a completely different mood in your pictures. Instead of forgetting about all your images with dreary gray skies, try turning those grays to blues for happier, more shareable photos.

How To: Reset Safari's Experimental Features to the Defaults to Fix or Troubleshoot Browsing Issues

Safari's advanced experimental features give you access to new browser initiatives, upcoming web tools, element changes, behavior adjustments, and other preliminary feature tests in development by Apple. If you use them on your iPhone, you can either improve your Safari experience or wreck it. Resetting the flags provides a fresh start.