Reputable Gravel Search Results

How To: Start a gravel vacuum for a fish tank

Instructional video explaining how to start a siphoning gravel vacuum. Create a siphon or suction through a tube to clean a fish tank. The carbon gravel will clean the water of junk or debris. Fish tank maintenance is critical to keeping the fish and aquatic life healthy and happy.

How To: Force flower bulbs to bloom

This video explains how to force flower bulbs to bloom. The instructor first takes a pot and fills the bottom of it with gravel, which then the bulbs are placed right on top of the set gravel. The rest of the bowl is filled with polished show rocks mid way up the bulb to set them properly inside the pot so they are unable to move freely. The instructor then explains that using the gravel and rock filling forces the bulbs to bloom faster then with standard potting soil. The instructor explains...

How To: Stencil with gravel and spray paint

Watch this demonstration of a spray paint layering technique. All you need is some gravel and spray paint to add a unique stenciling effect to the surface of your artwork. Use any object to create negative space with spray paint. Use this technique on collages, paintings, assemblage pieces, and clothing.

How To: Use the Helghast StA-14 rifle in Killzone 2

Killzone 2 is the latest iteration of one of the Playstation 3's only reputable exclusive series. It's a great shooter, and has many guns that are well-balanced and each offer distinct advantages. If you want to master the game, you'd better know how to use each one properly. This video will teach you everything you need to know about the Helghast StA-14 rifle, a semi-automatic but powerful rifle for medium-range combat.

How To: Install a star-drip irrigation system

A drip irrigation line is placed around the base of a tree in a ring. A section of the ring is cut open and made into a T shape with the addition of another piece of drip emmiter wire going from the ring outwards. The next end of the additional wire is bound to the ground with a pin. An additional wire is placed at the irrigation ring and the opposing end bent,covered and also pinned outward from the ring. Holes are pierced into the plastic bedding of gravels on the ground to allow water to p...

How To: Build a garden retaining wall

This video describes the easy process of building a garden retaining wall. First you will need to map out your area for your wall with strings and dig your trench for your stones. You will be filling the trench with gravel to hold your stones in place. Make sure to pack to gravel securely into the ground. You should have a leveling tool to ensure your base is very level. After you make sure that first level is secure and in place you will stack your next level of stone. Once the homeowner has...

How To: Make a humidity tray

This video tells you about humidity trays and how they are good for tropical plants like orchids. The tray consists of gravel or small stones and water in the tray. You have to have enough gravel to keep the plant out of the water. This video also discusses ways on how to make sure the humidity tray doesn't scratch your furniture. After watching this video you will have gained some insight into keeping and maintaining tropical plants as well as ferns.

How To: Create a TNT or sand cannon in Minecraft 1.8

If you're looking for a big boom in Minecraft 1.8, try building one of these cannons. The first part of the tutorial will show you how to build a vertical TNT cannon that can create a huge explosion. The second part of the tutorial showcases the creation of a sand or gravel cannon in Minecraft 1.8 that is equally impressive!

How To: Easily embed a video in PowerPoint

Using videos in presentations, can easily help boost your argument, if they come from a reputable source and relate to the topic. So using them can be a pretty good idea, but how can you do it? Well, this video uses screenshots to show you step-by-step how to easily embed a Youtube video into a Microsoft Office Powerpoint presentation.

How To: Build a flagstone patio and walkway

Many people tend to focus on decorating and tidying up their house, often forgetting to care for their patio. This makes little sense to us because the doorway and patio is the first thing all your guests will see as they enter your house. So spruce your patio up by building a patio and walkway out of flagstone.

How To: Use the Helghast StA-11 SMG in Killzone 2

Killzone 2 is the latest iteration of one of the Playstation 3's only reputable exclusive series. It's a great shooter, and has many guns that are well-balanced and each offer distinct advantages. If you want to master the game, you'd better know how to use each one properly. This video will teach you everything you need to know about the Helghast StA-11 sub-machine gun. This SMG is great for close-quarters combat with it's high rate-of-fire and small size.

How To: Use the ISA M327 grenade launcher in Killzone 2

Killzone 2 is the latest iteration of one of the Playstation 3's only reputable exclusive series. It's a great shooter, and has many guns that are well-balanced and each offer distinct advantages. If you want to master the game, you'd better know how to use each one properly. This video will teach you everything you need to know about the ISA M327 grenade launcher, a rapid-fire close-range highly-explosive weapon great for clearing an area.

How To: Grow ivy plants

Every one knows what ivy is, but most think of it as the poisonous ivy that gives a horrible itchy rash, but poison ivy isn't the only kind out there. There's beautiful ivy that can make your home more elegant than ever. Growing the prolific ivy plant will convince you that you have a green thumb while adding fresh beauty around your house, indoors and outdoors.

How To: Paint instance objects in Blender

This tutorial teaches how to use Blender’s particles system to “paint” instanced objects onto mesh surfaces. Similar to Maya’s “Paint Effects,” though not nearly as powerful, it’s a very nice way to fill a scene with flowers, vegetation, rocks, pebbles, gravel, debris, etc. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular open-source 3D computer graphics application or are a seasoned digital artist merely on the lookout for new tips and tricks, you're sure to be well served by this free...

How To: Draw Justin Bieber step-by-step

Justin Bieber is a Canadian pop/R&B sensation. Discovered on YouTube by Scooter Braun, who would later become his manager, Bieber was almost immediately flown out to consult with R&B hit maker Usher after being discovered. Beiber then went on to become one of the youngest artists to ever be signed to reputable record label, Island Records. Besides being known as a singer, Beiber has become quite the heartthrob amongst young tweeny bop girls!

How To: Get rid of that smell coming from your shower

In this tutorial, we learn how to get rid of that smell coming from your shower with Bob Schmidt. First, you will want to clean out your drain pipes to make sure the smell is not coming from there. If the smell is coming back out, you will need to do additional work. If water gets saturated into the base of the shower, then there should be some gravel around it so the water can soak through and go down into the drain pipe. If moisture soaks through the tile grout, then it can bring out the se...

How To: Install a new mailbox post and box with Lowe's

In this tutorial, we learn how to install a new mailbox post and box with Lowe's. First, you will need to gather all your tools and a new mailbox. After this, print out directions for the project through the Lowe's website. Now, call 811 to call your utility company to make sure you aren't digging through an electrical line. Mail boxes have a specific height they need to be installed at, so make sure you follow these guidelines. After this, dig out the hold from the ground, then fill in grave...

How To: Make concrete moulds and ornaments

The Concrete Jungle guide to making concrete moulds and ornaments as a hobby or business is presented here. This is a short excerpt of a longer film. Mixing the concrete is presented. It is important to get the correct consistency to make the ornament successfully. Other features include the ingredients used and the filling of the latex mould and removing the mould. The mixing ratio for the cement is 4 parts gravel (6-10mm), 2 parts coarse sand, 1 part cement and water. The consistency should...

How To: Build a raised garden bed for sustainable living

Having a raised garden bed is great in the city because you can fill it with good soil and create a healthy environment for your plants. Install a hoop house made from PVC pipe. To build the raised bed, use 2x10x8 lumper. Predrill the holes at the corners to make it easier to assemble. Butt the ends together and use exterior deck screws to assemble it. If you want the raised bed higher, build another box the same size and stack them. Fasten a wire screen onto the underside of the frame to ke...

How To: Clean beach coins

According to Outer Banks, cleaning coins found on the beach is an easy job. First of all he doesn't clean pennies as he doesn't think its worth the time. First use a rock tumbler. They're not expensive and cost under $100.00. Toss the coins in a tumbler with small rocks or gravel as this helps clean and separate the coins. Use a couple of squirts of dishwashing liquid and water about 3/4 full. Let it tumble about three to four hours. Using a colander rinse your coins once tumbling is complete...

How To: Use an exercise ball to work-out

Kathy Kaehler, a Personal Trainer, talks about how to use an exercise ball. Exercise balls are very effective because they allow you to do multiple exercises at once. Even just sitting on an exercise ball makes you use your core muscles, so you can sit on an exercise ball at your desk and exercise your core muscles at the same time. First you will want to buy your own ball. Make sure to get a quality ball from a reputable seller or brand. Make sure that it is the right size for your height. S...

How To: Walk in high heels with some helpful tips

In this video you can see how you can walk in high heels. Heels do not need to be long and thin to be considered fashionable. But no matter the length of your heel, take extra caution to keep your balance and place the least amount of strain on your muscles. Step with your heel down first, then let the sole follow quickly and smoothly. Walk with your toes pointing straight ahead or as close to straight ahead as possible. Swing your arms as you walk for balance. Keep your legs straight, close ...

How To: Build a raised garden bed & hoop house

In this video you are taught how to build a raised garden bed and hoop house. You first begin with a layer of gravel and then place the layers on top of it. You can use leaves you can find to fertilize the soil. The video also teaches you how to build a hoop house using PVC pipes. This video is for urban gardeners or anyone who wants total control during the planting process of beautiful plants and flowers.

How To: Make an aquarium with a USB powered LED light

This is a video tutorial on how to make a USB aquarium powered by a under-gravel LED bulb that is powered by a USB port. With a bit of simple engineering, build a circuit to provide elegant lighting to your aquarium. Connect the wiring to the air pump for a cool lighted bubble effect. Plus, it's powered by your computer! Don't use expensive fish, or those which are sensitive to DC Currents. Don't do this project in a saline water tank, because salt conducts more electricity.

How To: Find gold in rivers and streams

This film is about gold. Gold diving. Use of the hookah rig to find gold. Gold flakes, nuggets, and platinum nuggets are shown. Gold and platinum are 15-19 times heavier than other streambed materials and concentrate in low pressure areas and cracks that run across rivers and streams. You look for a crack on the bank, and follow it out until you meet the "gold line" and there you suck it out with your dredge. Gold will be on the outside edge of a river gravel bar, at the head of the bar (larg...

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