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How To: Hack a Skype Password

Skype is a great way to stay in contact with friends and family over the internet, and people tend to share a lot in their chats, so why not try and find a way to hack it! Once a Skype account is hacked, you can view all conversations within the last three months, see how long each video call was, and even access files that were shared through chat.

How To: Stop Apps from Asking to Track Your iPhone Activity in iOS 14.5 for More Control Over Your Privacy

If you're like me, you're not too keen on being tracked. So when an app asks you if it can track your iPhone activity across other programs and websites for ads or data brokers, the answer is pretty much always "no." If you're tired of choosing "Ask App Not to Track" over and over again, there is a way to stop apps from even being able to ask in the first place.

How To: This HomePod Setting Keeps Other People Out of Your Notes, Reminders & Calendar for Good

HomePod and HomePod mini are excellent smart speakers if you're entrenched in the Apple ecosystem. They even offer ways to protect your sensitive information from friends and visitors who try to ask Siri to spill your secrets. But there's an extra layer of privacy you can put in place to make sure nobody gains access to any important notes, reminders, and calendar events.

How To: Completely Prevent Apps from Accessing Your Camera & Microphone on Android

We're thinking more and more about our digital privacy these days. When we first started using smartphones, we'd download apps with reckless abandon, allowing permissions lists as long as novels in order to play free games. Now, we know that apps have access to things like our cameras and microphones, even when they shouldn't. Luckily, taking away these permissions is easy.

How To: Leverage a Directory Traversal Vulnerability into Code Execution

Directory traversal, or path traversal, is an HTTP attack which allows attackers to access restricted directories by using the ../ characters to backtrack into files or directories outside the root folder. If a web app is vulnerable to this, an attacker can potentially access restricted files that contain info about all registered users on the system, their permissions, and encrypted passwords.

How To: Crack Shadow Hashes After Getting Root on a Linux System

After gaining access to a root account, the next order of business is using that power to do something more significant. If the user passwords on the system can be obtained and cracked, an attacker can use them to pivot to other machines if the login is the same across systems. There are two tried-and-true password cracking tools that can accomplish this: John the Ripper and Hashcat.

How To: Timehop Breach Impacts Everyone Who's Ever Used the App — Here's How to Check What Info Leaked About You

Data breaches are all too common now, and the latest one you need to know about involves Timehop, a mobile app that makes it easy to reminisce over old photos. The breach, which took place on July 4, was revealed on Sunday, July 8. At the time, Timehop disclosed that 21 million users had been affected by the breach, but it now appears that all users were impacted in some way.

How To: Hide Your IP Address with a Proxy Server

Proxies can be quicker to use than a VPN for specific applications, like web browsers or torrent clients. Both services will hide your true IP address, but a VPN is slowed down because it encrypts all data through a VPN network, while a proxy just acts as a middleman for fetching and returning requests from a server on your behalf. When speed is needed, go proxy.

News: Today Is World Emoji Day & Apple's Giving Us All Gifts to Celebrate

As we all know, and certainly have marked on our calendars, it's World Emoji Day! Considering that over five billion emojis are sent daily on Facebook Messenger alone, emojis deserve to be celebrated, and Apple's doing just that. On this monumentous day, the tech giant is gifting us all with images of its newest emojis. From dinosaurs to headscarf-clad women, the releases are sure to please emoji fanatics throughout the world.

How To: Send & Receive Apple Pay Cash via Messages on Your iPhone

You can send and receive money from your iPhone using Venmo, Square Cash, Facebook Messenger, and even Snapchat. There's also Zelle, which offers quick-pay solutions in major banking apps such as Bank of America, Chase, and Wells Fargo. However, Apple has a built-in system to transfer money, with person-to-person payments being available in the Messages app ever since iOS 11.2.

Dark Side of the Prism: Get Alerted Whenever You Visit a Website Owned by a PRISM-Targeted Company

Since The Guardian published leaked documents exposing the depth of the NSA's spying powers, many people who've never put much effort into protecting their privacy are finally starting to pay attention. Evidence of public opinion concerning PRISM can be seen from the rise in traffic for pro-privacy sites like DuckDuckGo to the petitions demanding that the program be scaled back or done away with altogether. Some would argue that you waive your right to privacy by signing the terms of agreemen...

How To: Draw the face of Michael Jackson with pencil

Michael Jackson appears to be more popular know than he ever was, which always seems to be the case with fallen pop icons. Not just his music either… we're talking about art. Since MJ's death, more and more artists are looking for ways to create their version of musical master, and you can draw him, too. With the help of this step-by-step drawing tutorial, you can have your own Michael Jackson masterpiece.

Hacker Fundamentals: A Tale of Two Standards

If you read my article on the OSI model, you got a good overview on communications from that model's perspective, but how does that relate to TCP/IP? We're going to take it a step further, getting into the idea behind the two address concept. How does an IP address and a MAC address work together? If you want to hijack sessions and all sorts of lulz like that, you need to understand these concepts. Let's get into it, mates!

How To: Block requests on Facebook

Don't want to see the nine millionth request to join Farmville? Tired of some people sending you stuff on Facebook? Stop the madness with this video! Go to the requests at the top page, right side of the site. Click the requester you received then you can see the options below. Block this application and ignore all invites from this friend. Then click the ignore button if you want to ignore that requester.

How To: Generate a Clickjacking Attack with Burp Suite to Steal User Clicks

Users are often the weakest link when probing for vulnerabilities, and it's no surprise they can be easily fooled. One way to do this is called clickjacking. This type of attack tricks the victim into clicking something they didn't mean to click, something under the attacker's control. Burp Suite contains a useful tool called Clickbandit to generate a clickjacking attack automatically.

How To: Exploit Remote File Inclusion to Get a Shell

A simple security flaw can allow an attacker to gain a strong foothold with little effort on their part. When a web application permits remotely hosted files to be loaded without any validation, a whole can of worms is opened up, with consequences ranging from simple website defacement to full-on code execution. For this reason, RFI can be a promising path to obtaining a shell.

How To: Perform Directory Traversal & Extract Sensitive Information

With all the web applications out on the internet today, and especially the ones built and configured by novices, it's easy to find vulnerabilities. Some are more perilous than others, but the consequences of even the slightest breach can be tremendous in the hands of a skilled hacker. Directory traversal is a relatively simple attack but can be used to expose sensitive information on a server.

Networking Foundations: Exploring UDP via Wireshark(Part 1)

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm back with another informative(hopefully) article for you all. Once again I would like to apologize for my absence for about a week or so. I have some stuff going on with my life and university and I haven't found enough time to make a fully in-depth article. In this article I'm going to walk you through one of the main networking protocols when it comes to communication across the Internet between programs, aka UDP(User Datagram Protocol).