Retain Thinking Search Results

News: Not Digging the Notch on the Leaked OnePlus 6? Don't Panic Yet

Last week, the first possible image of the upcoming OnePlus 6 leaked. It was met with mixed reactions, most notably for its apparent iPhone X-style "notch." OnePlus fans seem concerned that the company is implementing a design choice based on what it thinks is trending, not necessarily what's best for the product. If you're one of those uneasy about OnePlus' future, don't be. At least not yet.

News: Kids Are Going to Hate Samsung's New 'Marshmallow' App

Stop me if you've heard this one before. You plop a marshmallow down in front of a kid and propose the following: You can eat this marshmallow now, or you can wait twenty minutes and eat two marshmallows. What do you think the kid is going to do? Better still, what do you think you would do? Personally, I'd eat the first marshmallow without hesitation. But now we're getting off track ...

News: Announcing the Null Byte Suite!

Hello, everyone. If you've been following my recent articles, you'll know that I've been rather busy lately working on a project, a rather large one. I've been working with Pheonix750 and Ciuffy to build the Null Byte suite of tools! I got the green light from our admin a while ago, and we've been developing like mad ever since! I'm very excited to launch this project. So, let's start by explaining what it is...

How To: Science Says You're Taking Too Many Showers (Are You?)

My morning just doesn't start without a cup of coffee and an incredibly hot shower. There's nothing better than sloughing off sleep with a dose of warm, cleansing water. Except, as scientists are pointing out, our habit of showering daily isn't exactly the healthiest choice. Though it feels great, if you have a shower-a-day habit like I do, you're showering all wrong.

News: How Skittles Shots Changed the Way I Think About Alcohol

A couple months ago, I attended a Pokémon-themed party. Everyone dressed as their favorite Pokémon or trainer, Poké balls flew around the backyard, and more importantly, there was a lot of Poké booze. My friend who created the colorful drinks you see below informed me that they were infused with Skittles. This, my humble readers, was a defining moment in my life.

How To: Get People to Trust You with Their Secrets

Prying into people's lives without them putting up their guard can be difficult, unless you can convince them that you already know them very well. Most people don't have many friends they can be honest with, and this can be exploited. Once they're convinced you already know their secrets, they'll start to fill you in on the little details.

How To: Is Facebook's New Graph Search Creepy or Cool?

Facebook has been looking to launch a new product for a while now, and it seems they've finally realized what they're best at—being as creepy as possible. If you thought your boss checking out your girlfriend's beach photos was weird, Facebook's new Graph Search has only upped the ante. Now, I don't want to be an alarmist, because I'm sure there are a bunch of great things a Facebook search would find. If you're single, perhaps you could search "Girls that are single that like Goodfellas." Th...

How To: Trick Verizon into Thinking You Never Modded Your Samsung Galaxy S III

One of the main reasons why the Samsung Galaxy S III has dethroned Apple's iPhone 4S as the best-selling smartphone in the world is due to Android's open-source operating system. The vast spectrum of customization that comes with Android has become one of its focal points, allowing n00bs and programmers alike to build and destroy. The open-source OS has allowed rooting and modified ROMs to flourish within Android community. The only problem with this is that rooting and installing your own RO...

How To: Miniature TP Tube Dioramas, Plus 4 Other Ideas for Reusing Toilet Paper Tubes

It may be surprising, but those cardboard toilet paper tubes are dead useful for so many things besides just keeping the circular shape of your TP roll. As shown before, you can make car dash mounts for your mobile phone, but that's just one of the many beneficial uses from a seemingly junk cardboard tube. You probably go through quite a bit of bathroom tissue over the course of a year, especially if you're using it for facial tissues, too. So, the next time you throw away that lonely little ...

How To: Play "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus on the piano for beginners

Think you can't play any modern songs (i.e. the ones you hear on the radio) just because you're new to the piano? Well, we're here to tell you that mentality is SO five seconds ago. Because now that you've stumbled upon this piano tutorial, you'll learn all the essentials you'll need to play Miley Cyrus' hit single "The Climb" on piano. This tutorial is intended for beginners.

How To: Delete your iPhone photo library

Well, you've shot one too many compromising photo and it's time to wipe your iPhone photo library. But, for some reason, this isn't the easiest thing to do. Well, with this how-to video, you'll learn how to get rid of those 212 photos of your niece in her sailor suit you thought looked adorable. Those cat climbing photos. Gone. That girl/boy you were recently dating. Bye bye. Delete at will and clear your iPhone photo library.

How To: Make a Ke$sha inspired garbage bag dress

If you're looking to create something cool for less than $2, check out this video and see how to make a Ke$sha inspired garbage bag dress. This dress is similar to the one Ke$ha wore this year to the MVA show, turning the fashion world on its head and showing everyone that you don't have to spend a million dollars to turn heads. For this project you'll need a trash bag, some scissors, some tape and a stapler. For your own flair, grab sparkles, streamers or whatever else you can think of to ma...

How To: Fold Beautiful Origami Hearts Using Real Dollar Bills or Any Other Paper Money

With Valentine's Day looming in our midst, it's high time to start thinking about what you'll be cooking up and crafting for your sweetheart. But instead of spending any money on anything, just keep one thing in mind—everybody loves cold hard cash, even as a valentine gift. So, instead of spending your dough, fold it into a beautiful origami heart to give your loved one. Better yet—make a whole bouquet of folded dollar bill hearts. What could be sweeter than a bunch of heart flowers made of m...

How To: Perform a superheated steam science experiment

This is a cool experiment that shows what happens when we superheat steam. Wath as we move beyond a gas to something else! Steve Spangler is the science man and he'll turn you on to something cool. We usually think of water as a substance used to put out fires... but what happens when water turns to steam and that steam gets superheated? Watch in amazement as the steam created in the experiment is used to create - not extinguish - fire!