Reuters Report Search Results

How To: Use reported speech with modals in English

In this video, we learn how to speak English: reported speech with modals. Modal verbs include: must, should, and could. The expressions include: have to and supposed to. By reading the sentences, you will see which words can or cannot be changed. If the word changes the meaning of the sentence, you cannot use it with the sentence. In reported speech, you do not change perfect modals, which are word that are in their past forms. Modal verbs that do change include "can" being switched to "coul...

How To: Easily write an SEO report

If you don't know what SEO means, it stand for search engine optimization. It's something that is commonly used with the process of improving the quality of traffic that a website recieves. In this tutorial, you will find out how to easily write an SEO report giving details about how things are going with making sure your website is being viewed by everyone. Enjoy!

How To: Deal with an incompetent boss

Millions of workers report to a moron. Here’s how to deal if you’re one of them… A worker, that is. Reporting to a moron. Going over your boss' head can be dangerous, so be careful not to jeopardize your career and reputation. Watch this video job advice tutorial and learn how to deal with an incompetent boss.

How To: Get your official SAT score from College Board online

The SATs are a very valuable college entrance test and could determine if you're accepted or denied to your favorite university. So, once you've learned to ace the SATs and have already taken your test, get your scores as soon as they're out! Don't sit in dreaded anticipation— go to College Board and get your SAT test results now!

How To: Create & work with pivot tables (PivotTables) in Excel

Whether you're interested in learning Microsoft Excel from the bottom up or just looking to pick up a few tips and tricks, you've come to the right place. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, ExcelIsFun, the nth installment in his "Highline Excel Class" series of free video Excel lessons, you'll learn how to create and work with pivot tables (PivotTables) in Microsoft Office Excel. Specifically, this video covers the following topics and examples:

How To: Make your school reports or papers look longer

This subtle trick will lengthen your school report without your having to write a single extra word. Learn how to extend the length of your papers with this simple video. You will need a paper and flexible ethics. The trick is to enlarge the font of all the periods in your paper! Fact: If you have a 16 page, 12 point paper, changing the periods to 14-point will stretch the paper to 19 pages!

News: After Error 53 Disaster, Apple Is Making It Much Easier to Fix Touch ID

Replacing your iPhone fingerprint sensor has been one of Apple's most cruel tortures. It's a slow and painful process made worse last year when Error 53 messages started appearing on the phones of users who had tried to repair their sensors outside of Apple. The error rendered the phones essentially useless. Since then, Apple has provided fixes but is now finally making it much easier to replace your iPhone fingerprint sensor with the releasing of "Horizon Machines" to official repair locations.

News: The Vatican's Hidden Steampunk Treasure Inside the Sistine Chapel

While the pope himself may not be Steampunk, you might be amazed at what is: the coronation stove. For those who don't know, it's been a tradition for a very long time to signal the election of a new pope (or the lack of a new pope) via colored smoke. More specifically, once the cardinals have all voted for the new pope during the conclave, the ballots are burned in a special stove in the Sistine Chapel, and the smoke is visible in St. Peter's square.

How To: Use imperatives or reporting verbs in English speech

In this tutorial, we learn how to speak English: Imperatives or reporting verbs. Imperative sentences are sentences like "open it!", where you are asking someone to perform an action. You can also say this in a nice fashion, asking "please open it". There are many different forms of imperative sentences, which include: commands/orders, directions, instructions, requests, and warnings. All of these different types of sentences are asking someone to do something, just changing up the way they d...