Revealed Search Results

News: Windows 8 Tablet Revealed
At a windows partner conference in Taipei, Microsoft unveiled their Windows 8 tablet. First impressions: WOW! Looks like they are actually innovating for once.

Illusion Revealed: The Moiré Mind Trip
Beautiful textile illusion by artist Timur Si-Qin! How Does it Work?

News: Bioshock Infinite Revealed!
Amazing trailer. A sequel that's not a sequel, but takes the series to the open skies! From the official website:BioShock Infinite is a first-person shooter currently in development at Irrational Games, the studio behind the original BioShock (which sold over 4 million units worldwide). Set in 1912, BioShock Infinite introduces an entirely new narrative and gameplay experience that lifts players out of the familiar confines of Rapture and rockets them to Columbia, an immense city in the sky.F...

News: Festival - Matador at 21 Las Vegas Lineup Revealed
Matador, the label behind our favorite indie bands is turning 21 this year. To celebrate they're having this awesome festival in Vegas! Guided By Voices will be reuniting to play the Matador at 21 Festival along with Belle & Sebastian, Cat Power, Cold Cave, The New Pornographers, Sonic Youth, Spoon, Yo La Tengo and many more. Matador at 21 will be taking place at The Palms in Las Vegas from Friday, October 1 - Sunday, October 3 in collaboration with Los Angeles promoters FYF Fest. No on-sale ...
Loom Knit: NEW Triple Rib Stitch Revealed
OMG I'm soooo excited! I did a totally original loom video!!! My YouTube - Please subscribe! This stitch is usually done on needles only and I've never seen it on a loom...until Now! Yay!

News: The New Unreleased iPhone 4, Revealed: Get the Dirt Now
Bad weekend for Apple, or so the New York Times reports. The top secret version of the next iPhone was mistakenly left in a bar, resulting in a complete breakdown of the yet-to-be released product.

News: Kinect Price Revealed; Sony Move Comparison
From Major Nelson, Xbox 360's spokeperson: Kinect Pricing: Existing Xbox 360 owners can purchase Kinect and Kinect Adventures for $149.99 (U.S. ERP). Remember, Kinect will work with every Xbox 360 ever made.

How To: See revealed the floating person trick
Impressive and amazing magic trick revealed. You`ll be able to do it anywhere, amaze friends and family. See revealed the floating person trick.

How To: Perform the bandarama card trick
This video shows you how to perform the Bandaram trick. Things you'll need: deck of playing cards, elastic band. Select a card and show it to the spectators. Ace of Spades is chosen as the selected card. Return this card back to the deck. Do a table cut trick of the deck so that this selected card is brought to the top of the deck. After the selected card is placed at the top of the deck give it a few shuffles and cut but keep it on the top only. Do a double turnover so that another card come...

How To: Earn 'Doctorate' by finding all the eBooks in Deus Ex: Human Revolution
In this two part segment, all of the eBook collectibles locations in Deus Ex: Human Revolution are revealed. Reading all 29 of the books in a single play through of the game allows you to unlock the 'Doctorate' achievement on the Xbox 360--so find those books and get to reading!

How To: Perform the amzaing alternate beginner card trick
This video shows the reveal of a great beginner card trick, called the Alternate trick. It's an easy and impressive one to learn. MrStuckyJ's performance and tutorial of this card trick are here.

How To: Adjust to daylight savings time and beat the winter blues
Daylight savings time is here. On November 7th, everyone and everything turned back the clocks to standard time, but how well you adjust to the new time is up to you—

How To: Create an elaborate floral nymph crown for Halloween
Thanks to Sookie Stackhouse, whose fairy lineage was revealed recently in season 3 of "True Blood," fairies are hotter than ever, and after so much blood, gore, and overall gruesomeness with our culture's fascination with vamps and werewolves, it's nice to finally bring pretty back.

How To: Read a micrometer in mechanical engineering
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to read a micrometer. This tool allows the user to accurately measure components. They have the ability to measure dimensions accurately to within one hundredth of a millimeter. Micrometers are designed with a wide variety of styles and sizes for normal or specialized applications. Micrometers are able to measure the internal or external dimensions of a component. They are the most important basic measuring instrument used in the metal industry. There...

How To: Perform the magic stick trick
brusspup has tons of ingenious tips and tricks for everybody! In this video tutorial, he shows you how to perform the magic stick trick.

How To: Perform the "ultimate transportation two" card trick
In order to perform the ultimate transportation two card trick, you will need the following: 2 jokers, 2 contrasting cards, the remainder of the deck of cards, and a flat surface.

How To: Perform the "tell the truth" card trick
This video shows you a mind-reading card trick. This particular trick requires 8 cards: 4 kings and 4 queens. First, the subject is asked to memorize one of the 8 cards as they are laid out before the subject, face-side up. The cards are picked up and sorted in various ways and the subject is asked a series of questions. The questions are always asking whether the card the subject memorized is in a certain group that the trick performer presents. The card in question always is in the group th...

How To: Easily remove tattoos in Photoshop
Hidden features of the Patch tool revealed as we wipe out some nasty looking tattoos. Use Photoshop CS4 to fix the tattoos or body scars with the Patch tool. Remove your ugliest mistakes with the Patch Tool, a tutorial from TutorialBucket.

How To: Perform the one-handed revolution cut card trick
What to be a magician, but only when it comes to card tricks? Just Flourish will help you improve your magic skills with that deck of cards. This video specifically covers how to perform the one-handed revolution cut card trick. This basic "magic revealed" tutorial into the land of card tricks will show you just how to do the revolution cut.

How To: Make your own Masked Magician mask
Make a Magician's Mask Have you ever heard of the Masked Magician? With the television series Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed, the so-called Masked Magician (Val Valentino) revealed secret after secret of the magicians repertoire. Valentino creates “the magic” then proceeds to reveal the reality of the illusions before a captivated television audience.

How To: Perform the swing cut card trick
What to be a magician, but only when it comes to card tricks? Just Flourish will help you improve your magic skills with that deck of cards. This video specifically covers how to perform the two-handed swing cut card trick. This basic "magic revealed" tutorial into the land of card tricks will show you just how to do the swing cut.

How To: Perform the pivot cut card trick
What to be a magician, but only when it comes to card tricks? Just Flourish will help you improve your magic skills with that deck of cards. This video specifically covers how to perform the one-handed pivot cut card trick. This basic "magic revealed" tutorial into the land of card tricks will show you just how to do the pivot cut.

How To: Perform the one-handed Charlier cut card trick
What to be a magician, but only when it comes to card tricks? Just Flourish will help you improve your magic skills with that deck of cards. This video specifically covers how to perform the one-handed Charlier cut card trick. This basic "magic revealed" tutorial into the land of card tricks will show you just how to do the Charlier cut.

How To: Create Natalie Portman's avian inspired "Black Swan" makeup look
Natalie Portman's bulging red avian eyes in her new movie "Black Swan" may be scary, but the rest of her makeup is like a work of art. WIth wing-inspired feathery black and white eye makeup and deep blood red lips, she looks every part a girl who's psyche is falling apart and consuming her as well as a beautiful prima ballerina.

How To: Make a secret stash safe out of an ordinary candle
Check out this tutorial and hide your goodies inside a seemingly ordinary house candle. The candle will still burn once you've hacked it, but be careful not to burn it all the way down! You don't want your stash to be revealed! So, the next time you have something you need to keep from robbers, your mom, your brother or the police.. try this mod and keep it out of sight!

How To: Put a hole in a dollar bill big enough to fit a body
In this video, learn a cool bar trick that will win you tons and tons of beers. In this two part tutorial, you will learn exactly how to bet someone that they can't fit a human body through a hole in a single dollar bill. They will be completely confused and have no idea what to do.

How To: Uninstall a program from your Android phone
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to uninstall the program on an Android phone. Begin by clicking on Settings and select Applications. Click on Manage applications. Now users will be revealed a list of all the applications that are installed on the phone. Simply scroll through the applications and select the unwanted application(s). Users will now see the information about the application, click on Uninstall. Now click OK and click OK again when the application is finished uninstallin...

How To: Perform the Christ Ace card trick
kammagic shows you the Christ Ace card trick. You start off with a regular deck of cards and choose 4 cards, these should be signed, and split the deck into 4 piles. Place each card into a pile then put all the piles on top of each other. After the first two cards are revealed, you can ask the member of the audience what their card was and using letters as cards, spell that out. You will get to their card. For the final card simply turn the deck and reveal that there's only one card facing do...

How To: Make a bottlecap fly out of your hand
Create a nice burst of air and you can make the bottle cap go flying. Watch as the bottlecap soars into the air when you clap your hands together.

How To: Perform a one-handed aerial launch magic card trick
If you like cards, and you like tricks, you've come to the right spot to learn how to do some amazing card tricks. You're probably not a magician, but that doesn't mean you can't perform any magic, especially with a deck of cards. Just watch this magic revealed... see how to make some card illusions.

How To: Perform a triple Charlier magic card trick
If you like cards, and you like tricks, you've come to the right spot to learn how to do some amazing card tricks. You're probably not a magician, but that doesn't mean you can't perform any magic, especially with a deck of cards. Just watch this magic revealed... see how to make some card illusions.

How To: Perform a ribbon spread magic card trick
If you like cards, and you like tricks, you've come to the right spot to learn how to do some amazing card tricks. You're probably not a magician, but that doesn't mean you can't perform any magic, especially with a deck of cards. Just watch this magic revealed... see how to make some card illusions.

How To: Identify if you have aphids and webworms on mesquites
The video shows how to effectively be aware and get rid of possible webworms or aphids on your mesquites so they won't get damaged later. Here, John White invited Annete Peterson to show how to do so. She starts by informing from what she saw that many mesquites from her neighborhood have deformed leaves and mainly several of them have stripped branches at the tips of the trees. He explains that one of the problems is a webworm on the leaf of the mesquite, and it eats the leaves of the plant ...

How To: Walkthrough Heavy Rain - Chapter 5: Killer's Place
Now that the identity of the Origami Killer has been revealed, it should be easy to find him. In this walkthrough of Heavy Rain (PS3), you'll be in the killer's apartment. See how to beat Chapter 5 - Killer's Place.

Do prediction card tricks: "X Marks The Spot Card"
Polish up your prediction card tricks. Easy and amazing prediction card trick revealed in this tutorial.

How To: Talk intelligently about Malfurion Stormrage in World of Warcraft
So you've just joined World of Warcraft, and everyone keeps talking about someone named Malfurion Stormrage. You want to ask who he is, but are worried about being revealed as a noob. No worries, this video is here to fill you in on all the important bits!

How To: Bite a quarter and spit it back together
This is a classic trick David Blaine did in his first special and here the secret is revealed. Bite a quarter and spit it back together.

How To: Understand the secrets of the palm in palm reading
Intrigued by the world of palm reading? Understand the secrets of the palm with help from this video presented by Chuan Online. In this video, the secrets of palmistry, hand shapes and lines are revealed!

How to Beat Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrows on Nintendo DS
Pull out your Nintendo DS and your Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrows video game and get ready to demolish it (as it in beat it). This extensive video walkthrough series on Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrows provides all the maps and secrets you need to know about in the DS game.