Risk Factors Search Results

News: Your Custom Snapchat Lens or Filter Could Cost You $1,000

Snapchat just rolled out a feature that lets you create custom Filters and Lenses. While the average Geofilter won't run you more than a few bucks, it's not that hard to exponentially jack up the price. Amazingly enough, Snapchat's latest attempt to monetize their platform can ultimately cost you as much as $999.99. Ignore the penny, let's call that a cool grand.

News: This Group Is Backing Up SoundCloud Content in Case It Shuts Down

After laying off 40% of its staff this month to cut costs, SoundCloud appears to be struggling to stay afloat. While blog posts from the company have assured fans that the music platform is not in danger of shutting down, some people aren't so sure this is the truth. Internet Archive — a non-profit dedicated to preserving websites and services — announced today that they will be conducting a partial backup of SoundCloud to safeguard the site's content in case of closure.

How To: Use Project Management Guidebook

In any project management career, there is no such thing as a person who knows everything for each project. Many times, those who got too much confident with their jobs fail because they were not able to make things clear before and during the project implementation.

How To: Turn Your '57 Chevy Classic (Or Any Old Car) into the Best Couch Ever

Antique car collecting and restoration is a very popular hobby practiced by many around the world. A quick drive through my town turns up with a handful of classic cars parked in their respective driveways, some in pristine condition, and others not-so-much. While some people end up eventually fixing up their classics, many also do not. Some cars end up rotting away, left to be either salvaged or sold off in pieces—mostly due to time consumption and excessive costs.

How To: Adjust a Sliding Door

How to adjust a sliding door. Sliding doors are great when they are sliding but can be a real pain in the bum when they don't. Today's video will concentrate on adjusting the wheels to help alleviate some of these annoying issues. It doesn't matter if it's a robe sliding door, a closet sliding door, a glass sliding door or a patio sliding door, the principle is still the same. Obviously there can be other factors like the sliding door track or the sliding door wheels being in a state of disre...

How To: See If Anyone's Hacked into Your Dropbox, Facebook, or Gmail Accounts

Dropbox announced Tuesday that a recent security breach compromised a list that included the email addresses of certain Dropbox users. To avoid future complications, the service announced that it would be implementing two-factor authentication, and even more useful, a security page that lets you monitor all activity on your account. In light of this and other recent web security threats, you might also want to know that services like Gmail, Facebook, and Yahoo! Mail have similar pages where y...

How To: Build a handheld version of the TSA's microwave-based body scanner

With the TSA's full-body scanners occupying a great deal of airports nationwide, the debate remains as to whether air travelers should continue to be subject to immoral security techniques and possible health risks due to the x-ray scanning devices. The "advanced imaging technology" may help keep obvious weapons out of major airports, but scanning naked bodies seems more voyeuristic than crucial to national security. But while the argument continues, one woman is taking a stand… well, not rea...

How To: Prepare fish fillets safely to avoid exposure to contaminants

The Fish Contamination Education Collaborative (FCEC) has made this video to reach the public about fish preparation safety, to make su. It's important to prepare fish in a certain way, because some species of fish have contaminants that pose health risks. Those contaminants are stored in the fatty portion of the fish, so by cleaning and cooking the fish in a certain way, you can reduce your exposure to those toxins.

How To: Solo camp in the Brazilian Bush with minimal equipment

Solo camping is a scary and exciting prospect. Alone in the woods at night, no one can hear you scream. But for those who crave solitude and love the wilderness, there can be no greater thrill, no greater connection to the primitive part of yourself. In this nine-part video, we learn all kinds of useful survival and camping skills by watching our host Colhane experience a three-day solo camping trip in the Brazlilian bush. You will learn how to cook, how to make fire, how to prepare a campsit...