Risk Factors Search Results

How To: Light Hard-to-Reach Candles & Pilot Lights Without Extra Long Matches or Lighters

One of my least favorite tasks is crouching in front of the kitchen oven or gas heater, and burning my fingers as I try to restart the pilot light with regular matches. I end up cursing the fact that I don't own extra-long matches or a stove lighter, but then I never go out and buy them, even though I know this issue will come up again. What can I say? I'm cheap. Now, instead of risking life, limb, and burned fingertips to reignite your pilot light or to kindle the wick on hard-to-reach candl...

News: Doctor Says Google Glass Saved His Patient's Life

There's been a lot of discussion lately about the practical uses of Google Glass. Sure, you can use them for translating text instantly or further engraining yourself in social media, but how about saving someone's life? That's precisely what Dr. Steven Horng of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center has says happened with a recent patient of his. After launching a Google Glass pilot program late last year, the device was seen as a critical factor in saving the life of a patient in January.

How To: De-Stink Old Smelly Jars with Two Simple Ingredients

It's so nice to be able to reuse old glass jars for food storage. Occasionally, though, even the sturdiest container has to be recycled because it retains the smell of its previous contents. Usually the culprit was garlic, garlic-based, or something pickled, and you're certainly not going to store your fresh herbs or fruit in that. There is, however, a quick and easy way to get that old stink out of your jar and make it usable again. You just need two things...

News: Why Skim, Low, & Reduced-Fat Milk Are Actually Worse for You Than Whole Milk

I don't drink a lot of milk, so when I do, it's always whole milk. I'll drink two-percent if it's the only kind available, but skim? I'd rather have none at all. Tons of people buy reduced fat milk because they're trying to eat healthier, but to me, the extra calories are totally worth it. And, contrary to popular belief, whole milk is actually better for you anyway. Just like diet soda, the downsides of reducing the number of calories in milk outweigh the benefits. Studies have found that co...

News: Why Men Should Choose Designer Shirts

Have you ever heard the expression "Dress for Success" or "Clothes Make the Man"? When you're wearing a perfectly fitted designer shirt, something inside just shouts, "I look good" and when you genuinely think that, those feeling are radiated outward to all your come in contact with. That said, what kind of designer shirt are you interested in, a bargain basement discount, or one tailored made, outlining your best features?

How To: Become Anonymous & Browse the Internet Safely

We all know about PRISM. The Surveillance Program allowing the U.S Government to access private user information. Such as, Google Searches, Tweets, Facebook Posts, Private Images, and other private user data. "Hiding" yourself can be very difficult, but it is possible. I'm here to show you How to Become Anonymous & Browse the Internet Safely.

How To: Shake Cream into Butter Like a Boss

Don't panic the next time you pull an empty tub of butter from the fridge. If you have some heavy whipping cream, save yourself a trip to the grocery store and just make your own. When heavy cream is shaken violently for a long enough duration, it turns to butter—and if you're doing it by hand, it also feels like your arm turns to jello.

How To: Make Sure People Will Understand Your Writing by Testing Your Readability Score

There is a substantial number of helpful tools at your disposal in Microsoft Word when it comes to writing; grammar check, word count, dictionary, thesaurus, and tons more. One tool that doesn't necessarily make itself obvious is testing your document's readability. With this built-in tool, you can not only check your spelling and grammar, but also the reading level of your document.

How to : Avoid SEO Mistakes You Should

Search Engine Optimization is important for every successful SEO or blogging campaign. Therefore it is required to be implemented in the correct manner. Google consider many factors while ranking a webpage and it keeps on changing. Some of the common SEO mistakes which you must avoid are as follows:

How To: Get Siri to Play Music for You on Spotify—Without Jailbreaking Your iPhone

While Siri's integration with the iPhone is becoming increasingly substantial, restrictions with the intelligent personal assistant are apparent when it comes to third-party apps like Google Maps, Netflix, and Spotify (unless your iPhone is jailbroken, of course). As an avid Spotify user, it's distressing that I can't use Siri to navigate through the music streaming service's extensive library. In the car, I use Spotify about 90% of the time and it can become increasingly frustrating to chang...

How To: Is Facebook's New Graph Search Creepy or Cool?

Facebook has been looking to launch a new product for a while now, and it seems they've finally realized what they're best at—being as creepy as possible. If you thought your boss checking out your girlfriend's beach photos was weird, Facebook's new Graph Search has only upped the ante. Now, I don't want to be an alarmist, because I'm sure there are a bunch of great things a Facebook search would find. If you're single, perhaps you could search "Girls that are single that like Goodfellas." Th...

How To: Cut and Sand Your Micro-SIM into a Nano-SIM Card for Your New iPhone 5

Planning on getting the iPhone 5, but want to keep your SIM card? The new nano-SIMs that manufacturers are adopting will be even smaller than the micro-SIMs that most of us currently use. It's fairly easy to cut a regular SIM down to a micro-SIM, but because the nano-SIM will be thinner as well as smaller than the micro, cutting it down to size will require a little more work. Photo by Tech Digest

How To: Moving Soon? This DIY Alarm Will Make Sure Your Stuff Stays Safe in the Truck Overnight

The worst part of moving into a new place is, well...moving. It's tedious, a lot of hard labor, and it can take forever, and don't even get me started on all those labels. It's also one of the only times in your life when everything you own can be stolen at once, since it's sitting in a movable container. Rather than risk losing everything, try this DIY Moving Truck Alarm System by Tim Flint that lets you know when the loading door is opened so you can catch would-be thieves red handed.

News: Have an NFC-Enable Phone? This Hack Could Hijack It

Some of us use our smartphones for almost everything. Manufacturers know this, so they try to make their devices as convenient as possible to use, but sometimes that convenience comes with a cost to security. The very same technology that allows you to easily share music with friends and make purchases can also put you at risk. Photo by sam_churchill

How To: Brew Your Own Sun Tea

Assuming that you are living north of the equator, ‘tis the summer season for brewing your own sun tea. Unlike the conventional method of dunking tea bags in boiling hot water for several minutes, sun tea is brewed over the course of several hours through the natural heat of direct sunlight.