Risk Factors Search Results

News: Can bad lawyer commercials turn out any good?

More than often, lawyer commercials tend to be the butt of many jokes. Fact is many lawyer commercials are just plain awful. Is it because the style is heavily commercialized? Is it because the end product is what the client wants? Or is it a combination of two factors-- the client does not know what s/he wants and the producer is afraid to explore possibilities outside of the "parameters" (for fear of being sued)? What if someone had balls to explore the possibilities?

How To: Your DIY Bug Repellent Guide to Common Household Pests

Contrary to popular belief, eliminating household pests from your home can be accomplished without completely bombing your living space with a mess of toxic fumes. Whether you have annoying fruit flies in the kitchen, fleas on your beloved pet or silverfish lurking around your bathroom, it is very likely that a DIY, non-toxic and super inexpensive solution exists for your household bug problem.

News: It-doesnt-pay-to-be-intelligent

If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich? Although money and mental muscles may seem a natural match, brains, alas, may be more hindrance than help when it comes to getting rich, concludes a new study in the journal Intelligence.”It is still not well understood why some people are rich and others are poor,” writes study author Jay Zagorsky of Ohio State University. “Luck, timing, parents, choice of spouse and many other factors play important roles in shaping an individual’s circumstances,” he...

News: Eeek!! FREAKS!

Via Motionographer: "Ben West wrote, directed and did the animation for this warming mockumentary promoting the 2008 Australian Directors Guild Conference. Ben’s witty script, combined with a bit of Christopher Guest meets Chris Cunningham is a refreshing change of pace from the über epic conference promos of late.

News: Jabulani, the new toy.

I'm somewhat of a skeptic when it comes to the "advantages" (the quotation marks should indicate the tone I'm taking) of a new ball. What's wrong with having a man made ball with slight imperfections and differences? So much of the game depends on the moment (of truth or shame) and everything leading up to it anyways, that to bring technology into different areas of the sport seems like tiny steps into that ever looming 5th referee and instant replays that will take the human factor out of th...

How To: Use IT admin features in Windows 7

InfoWorld has some expertise advice for the new Windows 7 operating system from Microsoft. Now that Microsoft has made the Windows 7 beta available for public download, many people are trying to figure out what's new and different. And many others not willing to risk their PCs by installing a beta OS are curious, too.

How To: Use Control Panels apps in Windows 7

InfoWorld has some expertise advice for the new Windows 7 operating system from Microsoft. Now that Microsoft has made the Windows 7 beta available for public download, many people are trying to figure out what's new and different. And many others not willing to risk their PCs by installing a beta OS are curious, too.

How To: Change network settings in Windows 7

InfoWorld has some expertise advice for the new Windows 7 operating system from Microsoft. Now that Microsoft has made the Windows 7 beta available for public download, many people are trying to figure out what's new and different. And many others not willing to risk their PCs by installing a beta OS are curious, too.

How To: Install Windows 7 correctly

InfoWorld has some expert advice for the new Windows 7 operating system from Microsoft. Now that Microsoft has made the Windows 7 beta available for public download, many people are trying to figure out what's new and different. And many others not willing to risk their PCs by installing a beta OS are curious, too.

How To: Protect Yourself Against Chapped Lips

chapped lips is a very common issue and usually face us in summer especially when sweating is excessive and water intake is at its minimum. all that affect our body and it induce inflammation in our lips which leads to fissuring in lip mucosa which is famously known as chapped lips.

How To: Do a Complete Back Exercise with the Powertec Workbench

This video guide demonstrates the best back exercises to use with the Powertec Workbench Multisystem. A lot of people focus more on training the chest and forget about the importance of developing the back muscles - creating an odd posture. This doesn't only look odd but also makes you more susceptible to injury. Be sure to use exercise equipment properly, otherwise you risk hurting yourself.

News: Warm up before running with some stretching exercises

When training for the running segment of the triathlon, it's very important to warm up properly. Warming up before the actual run with stretching prepares the muscles for the actual exertion of effort, and minimizes the risk of injury that may occur. Here are some light stretches for the shoulders and hamstrings along with light movements

How To: Soften butter by pounding it

Baking recipes often call for softened butter, but if you put it in the microwave you risk butter soup. Leaving it out at room temp is fine if you’ve got lots of time. But when your butter is cold and hard and you want it to be warm and soft, just pound it. Soften butter by pounding it.

How To: Make the C section decision

A quarter of all pregnant women deliver via cesarean section, yet most aren't prepared for it. Unless a c-section is needed for emergency reasons, the decision to undergo the procedure is a judgment call to be made by you and your doctor. Learn the risks and benefits of a cesarean delivery for you and your baby, and what questions to ask your doctor before agreeing to the surgery.

How To: Play perfect open chords on an electric guitar

If you're a musician in need of some lessons, there's no better way to learn than with Music Radar's so-called "Tuition" instructions. Although the title tuition is misleading, this video class is anything but costly, because it's free, right here. Whether you're looking for help with your voice, bass, electric guitar, drums, guitar effects, piano, Logic Pro or production techniques, Music Radar is here to show you the way.

How To: Master sixth grade mathematics

Math class got you down? We all know sixth grade mathematics is where we all start to lose it. We get frustrated with all of those numbers, try to figure it out, but ultimately flunk out or barely pass the class. Maybe the teacher just wasn't good enough to educate us, who knows, but there's no worries anymore.

How To: Enable the Windows firewall and Windows Defender

Check out this computer software tutorial from Dummies.com. This tutorial is made for PCs. Increasing a PC's Windows Vista security is easily done by turning on the Windows firewall and Windows Defender. There's no need to download the firewall or Defender. Protection against spyware and other security risks increases upon enabling these free, built-in Windows solutions. Enable the Windows firewall and Windows Defender.

How To: Groom your horse

Maylyn McEwan describes how to give a horse a perfect groom. She says you must clean the hooves, remove any dirt and sweat marks, remove hair and promote circulation, remove any dirt and grease, groom the head, brush the mane, brush the tail, sponge the eyes, nose, and clock, lay the mane and tail, strap your horse, and oil the hooves. There are many benefits to grooming your horse. It improves your horse's health; promotes muscle tone and circulation; strengthens the bond between horse and o...

How To: How Anyone Can Retire Early & Wealthy, Part 3: The Stock Market

If you've read Alex Long's last two articles in this series (Part 1 and Part 2), you know by now that making money rarely is risk free, and generally plays out to be a high risk-high gain/loss scenario. The best way to make money is to have money, so for this article, lets assume a financial backing of about $10,000 dollars. For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to be working with online trading systems in this article. Some stocks are traded on exchanges, where buyers meet sellers and decide...

News: The 5-Second-Rule Is BS, Say Scientists

There's no reason to waste a perfectly good Cheeto just because it dropped on the kitchen floor, right? The "5-second-rule" makes it fair game if you can swipe it up fast enough (this doesn't apply for liquids or foods with floor fuzz stuck to them.) But, is that errant piece of chocolate really safe after it's mixed with the bacteria-laden mud from your shoe?

News: The Who Owns My Heart lyrics by Miley Cyrus

Here we have a unique piece of work. Miley Cyrus, the girl that started out as a 12 year old acting on Hannah Montana, is now 17 and showing some skin. Do we care? Apparently, parents do. So it seems as if if Cyrus wasn't able to do what she wants in her music videos because of these complaints parents are making. Of course, those complaints are natural, I mean, 8 year old girls look up to her, which really pressures her being a role model.