Risk Factors Search Results

How To: Perform the Pop Around the Back Swing Lift

Lifts and throws look amazing and are great fun! Especially the pop around the back lift, which looks fabulous with any style of dance, not just swing dance. The clip below will walk you through the pop around the back lift, step by step, so you can add a new masterpiece to your dancing!

How To: Perform the Crocodile Roll Swing Lift

Lifts and throws are great fun and look amazing! And this crocodile roll lift looks fabulous with any style of dance, not just swing. The clip below will walk you through the entire crocodile roll lift, step by step, so that you can add a new masterpiece to your dancing!

How To: Perform the Standstill Backflip Swing Lift

Lifts and throws are great fun and look amazing! The standstill backflip swing lift looks fabulous with just about any style of dance. The clip below will walk you through the standstill back flip lift step by step, so that you can add a new masterpiece to your dancing!

How To: Chemically strip furniture or woodwork

Stripping furniture or woodwork can be like a treasure hunt, revealing a beautiful wood surface beneath old paint and varnish. An old finish can be removed mechanically using a sander, but you run the risk of sanding off fine detail and contours in the woodwork. Chemical stripping enables you to soften the finish and then remove it with a scraper. Chemical stripper will remove most painted, shellacked or varnished finishes. For complete, step-by-step instructions for this DIY project, watch t...

How To: Jump further in the long jump

Jade Johnson has risen from virtual obscurity to become Britain's number one long jumper. She domonstrates how to jump further. Make sure you warm up properly - it's vital to make sure you perform to your best and lower the risk of getting injured. Increase your run-up speed as you approach the board - but remember to stay in control. Don't forget your arms! Keep them under control - whatever they do, your legs will follow. Jump further in the long jump.

How To: Chemically strip wood

Wood can be refinished by sanding off the old stain or paint but sanding runs the risk of removing fine details on the wood. Chemical strippers are the best to remove paint, varnish and shellac. Prepare the area on and around the project, strip, scrape and scrub. You might encounter some tricky situations like finding it hard to clean details on the wood. After project is stripped and cleaned, let it dry over night. It is time to refinish the wood. Bleach wood if needed, stain or leave natura...

How To: Clean Up Hard Drive Space by Deleting iOS Device Backup Folders from iTunes

By now, you probably know that your iPhone secretly tracks and stores the locations you've visited in a backup folder on your computer's hard drive. The files are unencrypted, which means anyone with access to your computer or device can retrieve the information, which is downright scary. But Pete Warden and Alasdair Allan are making it fun with their iPhone Tracker application, which lets you map out everywhere you've been with your smartphone.

How To: Pattern with two attractor points in Rhino 3D

In this Rhino 3D / Grasshopper software tutorial we expand on a previous video from the site, Rhino - Patterning Based on Point Distance with Grasshopper. The idea is to use 2 points rather than one. The logic is borrowed from Andy Payne on a 3ds Max model with wire parameters. Basically the idea is to drive the radius of the circles with the distance between the point(s). The circles then use the MIN component and a “range” factor to limit how big the circles can get as well as the area of i...

Vaccine bombshell: Baby monkeys develop autism after routine CDC vaccinations

If vaccines play absolutely no role in the development of childhood autism, a claim made by many medical authorities today, then why are some of the most popular vaccines commonly administered to children demonstrably causing autism in animal primates? This is the question many people are now asking after a recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Pittsburgh (UP) in Pennsylvania revealed that many of the infant monkeys given standard doses of childhood vaccines as part of the...

News: Emergency Preparedness

The first thing you need to do in case of any emergency no matter what it is, it would be make a family plan you need to be aware on what are you going to do and this is not no option. Emergency's happen all the time it could happen right know or it may occur tomorrow it does not matter when it happens your suppose to be prepared already.

News: Now Thats eating Fresh!

The two fast food restaurants, Farmer Dinner and Burgerville both run their restaurant in a way that supports their local farmers. This provides freshness to their customers. “Our mission is to increase the economic vitality of local agrarian economies,” (Murphy). That’s a bright idea in which local restaurant should take in consideration. We the people should consider the support of local farmers. This will stop the extortion that happens in other countries and stop fast food chain restauran...

News: The Backflip Brothers (Tandem Isn't for Sissies Anymore)

Some may say riding tandem is reserved for girly girls, seniors and little kids, but anybody would be hard pressed to call brotherly X-Gamer duo Colton and Caleb Moore sissies. At first thought, executing a two-men-clutching-each-other-on-a-snowmobile-backflip might be construed as somewhat odd, but the risk of two dudes potentially falling to their death is two times more thrilling than just one.

News: People Are Awesome

Usually there's something semi-dissatisfying about greatest hits compilations on YouTube, but People Are Awesome is pretty amazing. And being this is WonderHowTo, we are all about celebrating people doing amazing things. (*In fact, if you're continual reader, you will see many familiar faces below.)

News: Human Superman Flies Under the Arms of Christ

Wingsuits are an invention of the Gods. Why? Because they give human beings incredible superhuman powers. First in the gallery below, a compilation of world renown daredevil Jeb Corliss' most amazing jumps. Second, Jeb's epic flight under the arms of Rio's gigantic Jesus Christ. Previously, Adrenaline Rush vs. Death: The Science of Risk.

HowTo: Blood Slide Candy (à la Dexter)

Season 5 of Dexter is set to premiere on September 26th, and it's looking bloody as ever. The trailer for the highly anticipated season debuted at this year's Comic-Con. Things aren't looking so good for Dex... Not a fan (yet)? Instructables user Forkable offers a brief synopsis, and more importantly, an edible party favor for your upcoming premiere party.

HowTo: Protect Yourself on Public Wi-Fi Networks

Life is getting more and more convenient. You can pick up a wireless signal at nearly any coffee shop these days (Starbucks is now officially free in every location across the nation), as well as airports, libraries, hotels and more. However, along with this convenience comes the risk of security breach. Passwords. Emails. Account numbers.

How To: Nursery Breeding Guide

Here is a chart I created which indicates what each baby will grow up into when it is placed in the Nursery Barn. Be forewarned that the foal or calf you put into the Nursery will NOT usually grow up into the large version. This was done to keep it fair for those who bought special horses with farm cash.

How To: Give your cat eye drops

Cats are particularly prone to eye infections, which can cause serious health risks. Protect your cat! Learn how to safely and easily give your cat eye drops or ointment, with advice from Battersea Dogs and Cats Home in London. To keep your pet healthy you have to be able to apply the medicine it needs. Tips include: wrap your cat in a towel to prevent her from scratching you and point the tip of the bottle at an angle, not directly down onto the eyeball. Give your cat eye drops.

How To: Eat to maintain a full head of hair

Hair loss can be caused by genetic factors, certain illnesses or medications like chemotherapy. But you may be surprised to know that your diet can also play a big role in how much hair you lose. Join our experts as they explain why a healthy diet is an important factor for maintaining healthy hair. Eat to maintain a full head of hair.

How To: Dream Vividly And Remember Your Dreams

Dreams may be defined as succession of thought, images or feelings experienced during sleep but they also provide avenue to learn about ourselves, psyche, and about the mysteries of life. Many people have been conditioned to believe that dreams are unreal and illusory, but no matter what we believe the dream world is as real as our waking state.