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Zanti: Introduction

I've been doing tutorials on Rasberry Pi and I would like to thank everyone that have both read the tutorials and gave me feedback on how well I'm doing. But now I've decided to take a small break and start a mini series that I'm hoping to be at least five tutorials. This doesn't mean I'm gonna stop posting Raspberry Pi tutorials, but since I'm learning so much at the same time I've decided to share some of that knowledge. Hence this tutorial. Please sit back, relax and read on.

News: Sneak Peek at Super Bowl 50's Commercials for 2016

Up until the last 15 years or so, watching the commercials during the Super Bowl was arguably more exciting than the game itself. Super Bowl XXIV featured the San Francisco 49ers blowing out the Broncos, 55-10, in the worst Super Bowl beatdown of all time. The game might not have been that exciting, but the commercials sure were.

How To: Get the Classic Volume Controls Back in Windows 10

Windows 10 definitely has a sleek and modern look to it, but some of these visual changes have been made at the expense of functionality. For instance, the slider that appears when you click the volume icon in your notification tray now sports a completely minimalist look that lacks the quick link to the full volume mixer from past Windows versions.

How To: The Trick to Taking Perfect Selfies with Your iPhone

Unless you have a newer iPhone 6S or 6S Plus, the front-facing "FaceTime" camera on your iPhone has a pretty weak, low-res sensor, which means unflattering selfies. You could use the rear "iSight" camera to take a high-res selfie, but framing your mug properly and hitting the shutter is difficult, takes many failed attempts, and usually results in a lackluster photo.

Game of Thrones: DIY Lady Stoneheart Makeup Effects for Halloween

Who doesn't love the world of Game of Thrones? Whether you're a fan of the hit HBO show, or can't wait for George R. R. Martin's next novel installment, it's a story loved by nearly everyone. It's an excellent source of inspiration for Halloween costumes too, ranging from the disturbed to the beautiful. Lady Stoneheart, Catelyn Stark risen from the dead, is the perfect scary choice—bloodied, battered, and carrying a desire for vengeance.

How To: Find Hacked Accounts Online ~ PART 1 - haveibeenpwned

You must have read news about hackers dumping the data online, recent one was Ashely Madison. It's only the big companies' data, which gets noticed once it is out. There are many other small leaks which don't even get a mention. So this article is the first one of my series which will help you to find hacked accounts. Some of you must already know about this, but this post is intended for the new learners. This also serves as an example of my learning how a good service can be used in other w...

News: Microsoft Beat Google to the Punch with a "Now on Tap" Clone for Android

One of the biggest new features in the soon-to-be-released Android 6.0 Marshmallow is something Google is calling "Now on Tap." Essentially, this service will be able to scan the contents of any screen on your Android device, then after you long-press the home button, it will provide you with relevant information about anything—from movie times to directions or dinner reservations.

How To: Make a Client/Server Connection in Ruby

Recently, I've been learning Ruby as a second scripting language. But one topic I never covered with the many lessons online were sockets. So I did some research and came up with a very simple client/server connection that sends a string over the socket.

How To: Hack Metasploitable 2 Part 1

This tutorial is for people who want to try different types of hacks in an environment that is the same for everyone so it will help people to ask questions and learn. This series assumes you know how to run a VM and network them together. This series also assumes that the services running on the Metasploitable machine are needed to be running.

How To: Use the Middle Finger Emoji on WhatsApp

Hidden deep in WhatsApp's emoji database is a middle finger emoji, and there's a really easy way to use it. Much like Spock's "live long and proper" Vulcan salute, this one can be used simply by copying and pasting the emoji from our tweet. Note that the emoji, for now, does not display properly on iOS devices, but it can still be sent. So if you're in a conversation with an Android or computer user, they'll see it just fine.

How To: Last All Day Long in Uncomfortable Shoes

We've all been there: slipping on a pair of perfect yet slightly uncomfortable shoes, hoping they'll stretch to fit perfectly. After about 30 minutes of wear, suddenly those fantastic shoes aren't feeling very great. By the end of the day, your poor feet are covered in throbbing blisters.

How To: Get Apple's 3D Touch Feature on Android

Apple's latest round of devices—including the MacBook Pro, Apple Watch, and the iPhone 6S—use a new touch input method that can detect when you've applied a bit more force than usual. Dubbed "Force Touch" ("3D Touch" on the new iPhones), this gesture simulates a long-press or right-click, but it usually requires special hardware to detect the amount of pressure you've applied.

How To: Add & Delete 'Friends' on Your Apple Watch

Accessing and getting in touch with your favorite contacts has never been easier thanks to the "Friends" feature on the Apple Watch. However, this only applies to users who are running watchOS 2.2.2 and lower. When Apple issued watchOS 3, the "Friends" option was completely removed. So if you're running watchOS 3 or higher, you won't be able to follow these instructions.

How To: Automatically Upload Videos to YouTube When Recording Police with Your iPhone

The shooting of Walter Scott (who was unarmed) has been dominating the news these past few weeks. Scott, who ran away from police officer Michael Slager after a routine traffic stop, was shot in the back and pronounced dead shortly thereafter. Unlike similar cases where a cop shoots an unarmed person, the police officer involved in this particular shooting is currently in jail, facing a potential murder charge.