Root Cause Search Results

How To: Root your T-Mobile G1

Rooting a cell phone can give you so many different perks and advantages that you wouldn't normally have. But at the same time it can also cause damage to the phone itself that it may even cease to function properly causing any money that you spent, to go down the drain. This tutorial shows you how to root your T-Mobile G1. Be careful and good luck!

How To: Identify if you have aphids and webworms on mesquites

The video shows how to effectively be aware and get rid of possible webworms or aphids on your mesquites so they won't get damaged later. Here, John White invited Annete Peterson to show how to do so. She starts by informing from what she saw that many mesquites from her neighborhood have deformed leaves and mainly several of them have stripped branches at the tips of the trees. He explains that one of the problems is a webworm on the leaf of the mesquite, and it eats the leaves of the plant ...

How To: Optimize SQL performance

Gain insight into best practices for SQL Server optimization and ways to alleviate many root causes that can impact performance of your SQL Server database. Kevin also will discuss how to manage for planned and unplanned changes, speed time to implementation of your applications and ensure that your databases are running as they should.

How To: Get rid of indoor gnats

Indoor gnats, which are also known as fungus gnats, are not only annoying. Their larvae feed on plant stems and roots and can cause considerable damage to seedlings and small plants. Luckily, you can get rid of these obnoxious little pests without using harsh chemicals.

How To: Root the New Kindle Fire HD

Yesterday, the entire Internet was talking about how the new Kindle Fire HD was supposed to be incredibly difficult to hack. Turns out, the folks over at XDA Developers are smarter than they thought—one day later, the mystery has already been solved. The exploit is the same one found by sparkym3 in Ice Cream Sandwich, but Amazon must have forgotten to patch it. As with any root, you can cause some serious damage, or brick your device completely if it's not done properly, so proceed at your ow...

How To: Identify and control problems with pine trees

First of all whenever there is low rainfall and higher heat then there are problems.You shall notice that there are brown colored needles which dry up and then drop of. Sometimes they start at the tip and then move towards the branch. This shows drought and you need to soak in lots of water to overcome. However if you notice the brown needles going from the middle to the tip then these are due to natural process. Another problem is the presence of spider mite. Take a white sheet of paper and ...

How To: Root a Samsung Epic 4G Google Android smartphone

In this clip, you'll learn how to gain root access on a Samsung Epic 4G mobile phone. Whether you're the proud owner of a Sprint Samsung Epic 4G Google Android smartphone or are merely considering picking one up, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, including a complete demonstration of the rooting process and detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started rooting and running custom ROMs on your own Samsung Epic cell phone, take a look.

How To: Root a Motorola Droid 2 Google Android smartphone

In this clip, you'll learn how to gain root access on a Motorola Droid 2 mobile phone. Whether you're the proud owner of a Verizon Droid 2 Google Android smartphone or are merely considering picking one up, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, including a complete demonstration of the rooting process and detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started rooting and running custom ROMs on your own Droid 2 cell phone, take a look.

PSA: Don't Update Your Pixel if You're Rooted or Have Custom Recovery Installed

The May 2017 security update has begun rolling out to Nexus and Pixel devices, which is usually great news. It means that your device is now being updated to protect you from the latest exploits and vulnerabilities found in Android. At other times, though, security updates patch root methods like Dirty COW, which is extremely frustrating for users and developers alike. Especially since most OEMs don't condone rooting or even unlocking the bootloader on their devices.

How To: Simplify square roots in less than a minute

A square root of a number is a value which when multiplied to it self gives you the original number. The square roots of perfect squares are whole numbers. Like square root of 9 is 3, because 3 times 3 is 9. Similarly square root of 81 is 9 because 9 times 9 is 81. Others numbers do not have a perfect square root and in those cases you can only simplify the number to an extent. So to find out the square root of any number first you need to factorize that number. Factorize the number into smal...

How To: Simplify square roots w/ product & quotient rules

In this math tutorial, you will learn how to simplify square roots with product and quotient rules. To begin, you will need to multiply the square roots so that the two square roots in your equation are reduced down into one. The rule for non-negative "A" and "B" is that the square root of "A" multiplied by the square root of "B" yields the square root of A x B.

How To: Simplify radicals before adding or subtracting

This video in the Education category will show you how to simplify radicals before adding or subtracting. By doing this you will find all like radicals which will then ensure that you have all radicals in the simplest form. Let’s say you want to subtract square root of 45 from 3 square roots of 20. Now square root of 45 can be written as square root of 9 x square root of 5. Because, 9 and 5 are factors of 45. Similarly, 3 square roots of 20 can be simplified to 3 x square root of 4 x square r...

How To: Simplify fourth roots

In this video the instructor shows how to find out the fourth roots of a number. The properties of fourth root says that for any positive number of a, its fourth roots are real. And for any negative value a, its fourth roots are not real. So split the number inside the fourth root as the product of two perfect squares and then cancel out the power with the fourth root giving its roots. As the fourth roots of a positive number are real, the answer you get is correct. But you cannot find out th...

How To: Simplify cube roots

In this video, the narrator presents the viewer with a quick, painless way of simplifying cube roots. The narrator presents many methods to simplify square roots to appeal to different learning styles. By doing things like dividing the power by the root to figure out the power of a number x, the viewer is better able to tackle square-rooting numbers that may not have friendly roots. The video gets more complex as it goes on, eventually teaching the viewer to split the inside of a root up if t...

How To: Root Apps Not Working with Magisk? Here's What to Do

It's the icing on top of your cake (or whipped cream on top of your Android Pie) of despair. You may have not had the easiest time rooting your device, but you feel like you overcame all of the obstacles. Only now to discover that those very apps and mods you were rooting for still won't work — and the signs point to a lack of root access. Don't lose hope, because we have some tricks up our sleeve.

How To: Solve equations involving square roots

Equations involving square roots are difficult to solve because of the complexity involved in performing operations on the square root terms. But you can follow a series of steps to solve these problems easily. To solve these kind of problems first isolate the square root term on one side of the equation and the non square root terms on the other side of the equation. Now in the next step square both sides of the equation. This gets rid of the square root on the left hand side and the equatio...

How To: Simplify square roots in math

In this video the instructor shows how to simplify radicals. A radical is nothing but another name for a square root. To find the square root of a simple number the first thing that you need to do is factor it. If you need to compute the square root of a number, you first need to find a number which multiplied by itself gives the original number under the root. For example, to find the square root of 9, you need to find a number which multiplied by itself gives 9. Here the answer is 3. When 3...

How To: Solve quadratic equations by square root method

In this video the instructor shows how to solve quadratic equation by the square root method. The square root property of equations states that if k is positive and a*a = k, then a is equal to square root of k or -1 times the square root of k. So to solve a quadratic equation by square root property first get the equation in the form of a*a = k. Now apply the square root property explained in the previous step to get the result. The instructor now demonstrates these concepts by solving some e...

How To: Square expressions involving radicals

Here we look at squaring expressions that involve radicals because people tend to make some common mistakes while solving such expressions. Take 5 times the square root of y quantity squared, the answer here is not 5y. Here's the reason, square means to multiply something with itself so the square of 5 root y would be 5 root y into 5 root y. So 5 x 5 is 25 and under root y into under root y equals just y so the answer will be 25y.

How To: Understand nth roots and operations on radicals

This video teaches us the concept of nth roots. The video starts with the square root of constants. We find the number which when multiplies by itself for two times results in the constant inside the square root. Then we find the square root of variables. Here again the same concept is used. We find the variable which when multiplied by itself for two times results in the given variable. Then we find the cube root. Here we find the number which when multiplied by itself for three times result...

How To: Simplify a quadratic formula result

In this video the tutor shows how to simplify a quadratic formula result. You can solve a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula. The first thing you have to do when given the quadratic equation is bring all the terms to one side so that you have a zero on the other side of the equals to sign. Now the formula to calculate the roots of the quadratic equation ax*x + bx + c = 0 is x = (-b + root of(b*b - 4*a*c) ) / 2 * a. The other root can be obtained by using the minus sign before the ...

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