Screen Real Search Results

How To: Clean Your Computer

I love my laptop. It goes wherever I go. Unfortunately, that means that it also gets pretty grubby after a while. The screen gets dusty. The frame gets smudgy. The spaces between the keys fill up with crumbs of questionable origins. And my desktop? That thing is a dust bunny magnet.

Family Fun: Three Kids in The Yard

This picture is the basis of my first how-to blog post. I made it a couple summers ago with a neighborhood family. I really wanted to show how much fun the kids. I could have tried to capture each of them individually in one perfect shot but this picture is the real story! Such a fun family!

Size Matters: World's Largest Touchscreen Hacked Together with Ordinary Hardware

It's gigantic! It can handle over 100 simultaneous touch points! It has a curvature of 135 degrees! And best of all, it is not the newest, insanely expensive gadget to hit the market. Instead, this touchscreen was hacked together with a bunch of PCs, video cameras, projectors and cheap infrared illuminators at the University of Groningen, in the Netherlands. It works like this: "The cameras, illuminators and projectors are all placed behind a large, cylindrical screen (formally used as a 3D t...

News: Shrimp made Scampi Style

This are photos from the first dish I made which was Shrimp made Scampi style, I made a few mistakes but far less than I had predicted so an overall success for my first real cooking attempt although the shrimps lacked flavor which I believe is due to lack of salt.

News: NYC's Secret Video Game World

While it's unlikely you'll encounter this caliber of insane pixelated madness in real-life, everyday New York City, you might be lucky enough to walk past a tangible "portal" of sorts. Below, images from Pixel Pour 2.0, an installation on Mercer Street in Soho.

News: Kinect Hacked To Play Full-Body World of Warcraft

The world has been overflowing with Microsoft Kinect hacks, each more amazing than the last. The latest innovation, created by a group of engineers at USC, promises an exciting future in gaming (and gets gamers off their asses). The program is called FAAST, and allows for full body motion control in different PC applications, such as World of Warcraft, as demonstrated below: Previously, Hacked Kinect Captures 3D Video in Real Time.

News: Spanish-Language Ads Attack Meg Whitman

A translation via msnbc.comMeg Whitman says she's a different kind of Republican...But Pete Wilson is in charge of her campaign.Whitman attacks undocumented workers to win votes, but an undocumented woman worked in her home for nine years.She says she'll create jobs---but wants to eliminate forty-thousand state job, including teachers and nurses.Whitman says one thing in Spanish---and something different in English.The real Meg Whitman has no shame. She's a two-faced woman. Resource:http://ww...

HowTo: Print Clouds

While I'm waiting for artist Doug Aitken to figure out how to manufacture real clouds, this foam cloud printer will do just fine in the meantime. Demonstrated at Berlin's consumer electronics fair, IFA. Previously, MEGA 3D Printer To Create World's First Printed Building.

News: Crazy Old Poo Men

Basically what you do is go around the street as old people (again) and throw poo at people. but make it look like you just shat yourself and pull it out your pants and just lob it. totally awesome! the stunt involves all the jackass crew and i doesn't have to be real shit but you can if you want. hope to see you guys in hollywood.

News: The Witcher 2 Trailer

Just to go along with the Dragon Age 2 screenshots is the Witcher 2 trailer. No CGI, all real time graphics. My favorite part is when the clothes magically disappear from the woman. Finally, a useful spell.

News: Dragon Age 2 First Images

The first images for the hotly anticipated Dragon Age 2 have come out, courtesy of Game Informer. The developer, Bioware, went on record earlier saying that the sequel will have better graphics and art direction than the first one.

How To: A Beginners Guide

I've created this guide to give you some ideas for how to progress quickly as well as some basics for how to operate FrontierVille. My tips are merely suggestions based on my experience and you are welcome to explore and play the game at your own pace. I hope you benefit from my posts and look forward to answering questions and bringing you more useful information here and on the Facebook page in the future! (All these blue links take you to more content just like this page, click them for mo...