Scrub Smelt Search Results

How To: Dry Your Soaking Wet Shoes Faster — Without Shrinking Them in the Dryer

Wet shoes are uncomfortable, no one can deny that. Just think about walking around with soaking wet footwear ... and each squishy step you take. Makes you cringe, doesn't it? It can happen in heavy rain, at the beach, or from an unforeseen puddle on the street. And while you can't always avoid soggy shoes, you can rest easy knowing that the next time this happens to you, you know the secret trick to drying your shoes faster without damaging them with excessive heat.

How To: Write an autobiography

No matter what age you are or what kind of life you've lived you can put your story out there by writing an autobiography. Every life can be interesting if written about in a well formulated, and honest manner.

How To: Clean and detail an engine

Learn how to clean your auto engine with these great tips. • Apply spray wax to fenders to prevent spotting on the paint, from engine degreaser. • An alternator is a crucial electrical device which must be protected from water and other chemicals. as a precaution, cover it with a plastic bag and the distributor cap if it is visible. • Spray WD40 on any exposed wires to prevent water or chemicals from penetrating. • Wet underneath the hood; wet the engine; use low pressure water on the engine ...

Herb Slapping: You've Gotta Get Physical for More Flavor

Fresh herbs can be delicate, and it's not always easy to figure out how to cut, crush, or muddle them to make the most of their flavors. Get too rough, and you have a bunch of bruised and muddy-tasting herbs, which is due to too much chlorophyll being released. Don't do enough prep, and the herbs don't release the essential oils and volatile molecules that are the foundation of their flavor.

How To: Kill or Keep Away Flies & Other Small Pests with Homemade Sticky Flypaper

Despite being disgusting, houseflies are actually beneficial to humans in a few ways. As scavengers, they help the environment by eating rotting organic matter, and make great food for pet tarantulas. Regardless of the advantages to their existence, having them in your home can be infuriating. There are countless sprays, traps and devices made to kill or deter the little pests, one of the most common being flypaper that hangs from the ceiling. These sticky strips are incredibly easy to make a...

How To: Make Sticky or Stubborn Wooden Drawers Slide More Smoothly

When I was moving into my current apartment, I had to store some of my things in my ex-roommate's garage for over a month while I was getting settled. One of those things was my dresser. Upon moving it into my new place, I realized something was horribly, horribly wrong—none of the drawers seemed to fit quite right anymore (if they fit at all). The combination of the differences in temperature and humidity in the garage caused them to swell and change shape. Several months later, they fit bet...

How To: 14 Practical Uses for Nail Polish Remover That Have Nothing to Do with Removing Nail Polish

Acetone-based nail polish remover is great for removing nail polish, and it's also great for some DIY uses around the home. From eliminating scratches to fixing the consistency of correction fluid, its uses are varied but all effective. With nail polish remover, you can also clean your computer keyboard, get rid of ink stains, and even remove leeches from your skin. Talk about versatile!

How To: Keep Mosquitoes & Other Annoying Bugs Away from Your Campfire or Backyard Fire Pit

I'll be honest—I've never been a huge fan of camping. It's not that I have anything against nature, I'm just partial to showering and sleeping in my own bed. In fact, the only part of camping I've ever really enjoyed is sitting around a campfire. Outdoor fires are perfect for socializing and cooking hot dogs, but they're also great at helping remove one of camping's biggest annoyances.

How To: Select a ripe avocado at the grocery store

Need some help figuring out how to pick the perfect avocado? Learn how with this green grocer's guide. As you might expect, once you know what to look, feel and smell for, the process of selecting ripe avocados is a simple one. So simple, in fact, that this clip clocks in at just 26 seconds. For more information on how to tell when an avocado is ready to be eaten on the day of purchase, take a look.

How To: Everything You Should Do Before Posting Protest Photos & Videos on Social Media

As protests surge in the wake of George Floyd's murder by a Minneapolis police officer, powerful photographs and videos from the demonstrations have gripped the world, putting our nation's very real and very justifiable widespread civil unrest out into the digital world. Unfortunately, these pictures could put you or others in danger if precautions aren't taken before uploading them online.

Knives 101: How to Care for Your Knives Like a Pro

Ask 100 chefs what the most important tool in their kitchen is, and you'll get 100 chefs saying the exact same thing: their set of knives. For home cooks and professional chefs alike, nothing is more important (or exciting) than a good knife. A good knife allows you to work more quickly, more efficiently, more consistently, and more safely. And best of all, they're just a lot of fun.

How To: Annoy Your Friends on iMessage with a Barrage of Automated Texts

Back in its infancy, the App Store was filled with text bomb apps that allowed users to send a barrage of text messages to friends, family, and foes. It was a fun way to annoy people, but Apple quickly scrubbed the apps because of technical issues. Although text bombs are still banished, you can now use a Siri Shortcut to send text bombs through iMessage on your iPhone.

How To: Mark Episodes As Played in Apple Podcasts to Remove Them from Your Up Next Queue

A typical hours-long podcast can cover a broad range of topics, and it's not uncommon to stop listening halfway through an episode or to skip through the parts you don't want to hear. Unfortunately, in the Apple Podcasts app, unfinished episodes remain within the app's My Episodes list and will play again automatically once you've finished a previous episode.

News: The Fantastical, Flavorful Fiddlehead Fern

Fiddlehead ferns look like something from Alice in Wonderland, or something that you might see when you close your eyes while listening to Pink Floyd and enjoying some herbal refreshment. What they don't look like is a tasty vegetable that's perfect for any spring or summer dish. Yet that is exactly what these bizarre spirals are. What Are They?

How To: Your Photo Texts Might Be Giving Away Your Location (Here's How to Prevent It on iPhones)

Location Services, a native feature on iPhones since iOS 6, is used to pinpoint your approximate location using a combination of GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and cell tower information. Apple uses this on their smartphones for many useful reasons: so that you can tag locations in Instagram, get better directions in Maps, and check for matches based on your location in Tinder.

How To: Get rid of yellow nails

If your nails aren't looking nice and healthy, either are your fingers or your hands. You can't have one without the other, and yellow nails is a horrible sign of unhealthy hands, especially if you're a smoker. But you can get rid of that yellow tint. Scrub your yellowed nails with whitening toothpaste. The same principles apply to your nails as your teeth, so toothpaste is the perfect solution… Nailed it!

News: The 5 Best Reddit Apps for iPhone

These days, using Reddit on your iPhone is just as good, if not better, than Redditing on a desktop browser. While there's an official Reddit app for iOS, there are plenty of third-party clients that have similar features as well as custom perks to enhance the experience. But figuring out which Reddit client is best for your daily use can be a lot of work — work that we can make easier on you.