Scrub Smelt Search Results

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: MIASMIC

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: MIASMIC [adj] Miasmic is an adjective for miasm (or miasma), which means a noxious vapor—"bad air" harmful to health. The word miasma comes from the ancient Greek word for pollution. And the concept of bad air also gave rise to the name malaria, from old Italian "mala" (bad) "aria" (air).

How To: Scrub on your iPod

Scrubbing is when you fast forward through a song without actually listening to the song as you move through it. This video shows how to quickly scan through a song by scrubbing it. Just select the song you want to listen to, click the center button, and slide your finger along the click wheel until you reach the desired spot. Scrub on your iPod.

How To: 11 Non-Alcoholic Uses for Vodka

Who would have suspected that vodka had so many practical uses? Vodka can alleviate the sting of a jellyfish, treat poison ivy rash, and help relieve toothaches. For using vodka around the house, soak a clean rag and use it to get rid of bathroom mold, clean your kitchen and bathroom fixtures, and keep your clothes smelling fresh.

Nostalgia Challenge: Ex Libris

When I see Kindles and e-readers, I can't help but get a little sad over all the things those e-books are missing. The weight of literature in your hands. The feeling of turning pages one by one. The texture of the cover. The wonderful smell of an old book that's been sitting on a shelf for years, waiting for me to choose it.

A Primer on Vintage Makeup: History You Can Hold, Smell and Touch

Lisa Eldridge is one of the most preeminent makeup artists in the fashion editorial space today, working with nearly every A-list female in Hollywood. Her blog is full of interesting tutorials and articles, and Eldridge recently posted a fascinating interview with Madeleine Marsh, historian and author of Compacts and Cosmetics: Beauty from Victorian Times to the Present Day.

How To: Peel and slice mango, kiwi and passion fruits

Martha Stewart answers questions about serving tropical fruit. Allow mangos to ripen; when it's ready it will give slightly when pressed. As with any other fruit, make sure to smell it first, good ones will have a fragrant aroma. Choose kiwis that are large and plump and give slightly to gentle pressure. Passion fruit is ripe when it has a wrinkled, dimpled purple skin. Peel and slice mango, kiwi and passion fruits.

How To: 18 Amazing Uses for Essential Oils

An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. Commonly used for aromatherapy purposes, essential oils can also be used to remove sticker gunk, make your room smell nice while vacuuming, concoct DIY toothpaste, deter rodents from hanging out in your house, and more.

News: Train the cat to poop in the toilet

How to train a cat to use a toilet - really. I could not invent this stuff. When I first saw this video, I knew my life would never be quite the same. This ranks up there with the invention of electricity or the discovery or DNA. Now, I don't need to smell that litter. I don't have to change it. I don't have to buy it in the store anymore.