If you're using Telegram for its "Secret Chats" feature, which provides end-to-end encryption for your messages, then I'd highly recommend locking down the app itself with a passcode, PIN, or password. While your phone itself may have a secure lock screen already, if that gets compromised, you'll at least have an extra layer of security on your important conversations.
Welcome back, my nascent hackers! Although my favorite TV show, Mr. Robot, had completed its first season already, I have not completed demonstrating the hacks that Elliot used in the show. (By the way, I can't wait for season 2!)
The internet is forever. When you put something out there, it can easily be re-shared, floating from server to server indefinitely with no way of taking it back. It's a scary thought when you consider that a young adult's grandchildren will one day have access to their drunken party pics.
Over time, the dryer belt can become hard and brittle when the drum is turning loud noises such as squeaking, squealing or thumping noises can occur. Replacing the belt is an easy task for the do-it-yourselfer. All that’s required is a few simple tools. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you install a new belt in your dryer.
I was kinda disappointed with last year's James Bond movie, Skyfall. Don't get me wrong, it was a solid flick, but only made me jealous with all its super spy hacker stuff.
The narrator starts by explaining what a squash book is. A squash is designed to keep photos, journalling or what ever you like. To start we require a 4x4 pattern paper and 3x3 chipboard. We then glue the chipboard onto the pattern paper. We then cut the corners of the pattern paper. We then fold the flap in and glue down. We repeat this to form another cover. Next we grab a 6x6 pattern paper, we then complete a series of folds. One diagonal, half horizontal and half vertical folds. We repeat...
To create almost any headband look, start by using a real human hair headband with extensions. Mostly, the extensions will come with an interchangeable headband for different colors. Now, start by pinning back the front crown area of your hair, if you have bangs you can leave them out of the hair that you are pinning back. Secure the crown of your hair with bobby pins. The headband with extensions should have three little combs. These will help secure the extension and the headband onto your ...
This video shows how to encrypt files with OpenSSL in Debian Linux. First we check if open SSL is installed on the system. If not, install it using packet manager. Next create the file going to be encrypted. Now encrypt the file. In this case AES algorithm in ypher block chaining mode is used. AES is US-government standard and can be considered secure. Now we are prompted for a password. In order for the encryption to be secure, we need to choose a strong password. Now we can delete the origi...
Debra Hardy provides detailed instructions on how to make darling decorative Santa soy votive candles in this video. She first cuts the red felt into 6 3/4 inch by 2 inch strips for the Santa suit, wraps it around and adheres it to the bottom of the glass votive. Next, she secures a smaller strip of the white faux fur on top of the red felt also towards the bottom of the candle to create the bottom of Santa's jacket. Debra then instructs the viewer to cut a 6 3/4 inch by 1/4 inch black felt s...
Cocorais shows you how to style your hair into a Selena Gomez style up-do with short hair. Start by curling your hair, which is optional but it gives the hair shape and volume. Take your curled hair and sweep it to one side (opposite side of side-part if you have one), leaving a little hair on the other side to frame your face. Ignore any hanging hairs. Comb your hair into a ponytail, and tie it to one side. Gather your hair and tie it into a bun, using bobby-pins to secure it. For the rest o...
Crimp can be made easily and covered to the jewelry by using the following instructions. First purchase the proper supplies of crimping tool. This tool acts like pliers and is used by placing the bead in the appropriate slot at the tip and then squeeze the handle together. The multiple slotted tips are the key to the tool, and are needed to create a proper crimp. Then, select the proper crimp bead. The thin metal crimp beads come in a variety of materials and sizes. This will be used to secur...
Learn how to tie a perfect bow. To do a basic pony bow, place the gathered hair in the center of the ribbon and tie a single knot to secure it. Making two loops, cross one loop over the other and pull the loop on top through the hole you've created. Straighten out the ends and tighten so the two loops are on top and the two tails on bottom. Make a headband bow. Run the ribbon along the hairline, drawing the ends up on top of your head. Secure a knot and tie a bow. By tweaking the loops out a ...
This video teaches the viewer how to make a memo book with a paper bag. For this craft you will need two paper bags, memo paper, adhesive, ribbon, and scissors. To begin, you'll need to cut off the bottom of the bag and discard it. She explains where to make decorative edges on the bags before sewing them together or using hot glue. Fold and crease the open end down about one third of the way. Open and then fold a little farther down to allow room for the spine of your memo book. Repeat this ...
This video shows you how to use couplers for cake decoration using these steps: 1. Couplers usually come in two plastic pieces, a base and a ring. This system fits inside cake decorating bags or cones and allows you to use the same icing with different tips.
Worried about your baby or toddler either wrecking or wrecking themselves in your home? Baby proofing time! Make sure your house is safe and secure for your child when they start exploring their turf.
Save money on prom transportation by turning your parents’ station wagon into a one-of-a-kind limousine.
Seat belts save lives… but are you wearing yours the right way? Size up yours for a safe ride. You Will Need:
It’s never too late to clean up your credit record – and save yourself thousands of dollars in exorbitant interest rates in the process. Learn how to repair your credit with this guide from Howcast.
Moving is one of the top ten most stressful life experiences. Here’s how to pack it up without wanting to pack it in.
The modern knot is an updated version of the classic chignon. Here’s how to get the look. You Will Need:
Create a cute headband out of your own hair with this braiding trick. You Will Need:
Learn how to make an origami catfish. Get a piece of square paper. Fold diagonally from the upper right tip to the lower left tip of the paper. Fold the lower right tip to the upper left tip and open it up halfway. Hold the right fold and slightly open it placing your finger inside the flap. Gently press downward to create a square-shaped fold on top. Grab the left side of the square and fold it towards the right. Grab the other fold, the one made earlier, and do the same fold as the one done...
As a root user, you have a lot of responsibilities to make sure your phone stays secure. Expectedly, some things may slip through the cracks. Remembering to check which apps have been granted root access is extremely important. All it takes is one bad app, so it's good to learn how to avoid that at all cost.
Based on its continued research, it appears Microsoft recognizes that the next HoloLens needs a wider field of view (FoV). Based on a recently-revealed documentation, the company's research team has found another way to accomplish that objective.
Smartphones are still "phones," which means communicating with others is usually a primary use. Ranging from a simple "hi" to a more personal conversation and even sharing passwords, our messages should remain private so that only the intended recipient sees their content. While many apps tout end-to-end encryption, not all apps prioritize security and privacy.
As the Samsung world anxiously awaits an official Android Oreo update, some Galaxy Note 8 users are waking up to find their devices have jumped the line. Are you one of them?
Hackers are claiming money for a security flaw in Apple's new update. Quick Summary:
With just a Phillips head screwdriver and this walk-through, you can open and close any bObi robot vacuum. So long as you have a replacement wheel, follow these steps to install it yourself.
bObi has four floor detection sensors on her underside that warn her not to drive over ledges and stop her from falling down stairs.
Android's permission system doles out access to certain system-level functions. Without it, our favorite apps wouldn't be able to perform their most basic operations. Picture a camera app that didn't have permission to access your camera sensor—now that wouldn't be much fun at all.
Accessing notifications and quick settings from the lock screen just makes things move quicker and more efficiently, unless of course we're using a secure lock screen. It makes sense that if we have face, pattern, or pin security enabled, we may not want notifications accessible, but really, that should be something we decide for ourselves—and now we can.
This homemade hairspray-powered PVC rocket takes less than an hour to construct and only costs about 20 dollars to make. Check out my video below for the step-by-step instructions on building your own backyard rocket, and follow the written guide below for reference.
Rooting a mobile device may not be a big deal these days, but not being able to root definitely is. Even the Library of Congress, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, and White House can agree on that.
There are lots of people who want to stay anonymous online, and lots of reasons they want to do this. Staying anonymous on the internet isn't easy, and it's probably possible to trace almost anyone with enough time and resources. A lot of people think that they're completely secure with just one method of cover. For example, a lot of people thought anyone using the Tor network was nearly untraceable, but then things like this often cast doubt on just how secure these networks are. Unless you ...
Oh how we love open source software. If it wasn't for Open Office, we never would have been able to write that seven-page English paper while on our friend's Microsoft Office-lacking laptop during an impromptu road trip to Mexico. And Ubuntu, an open source secure operating system, offers you similar convenience. A much more intuitive computer operating software than your standard Windows or Mac OS, Ubuntu is great if you know what you're doing.
Cake pops would cease to have a reason for existence without lollipop sticks. After all, the stick is the only thing distinguishing cake pops from plain cake.
Celebrites make party hopping look so easy. Flitting around from red carpet event to after party to after after party, they always seem to look so flawless in their pictures. But here's a little secret: They have some help from Hollywood's top hairstylists.
Wire wrapping is like the bread and butter of jewelry making. It doesn't matter if you're into vintage inspired, assemblage necklaces or Steampunk pieces - wire wrapping is essntial for securing everything in place and often times is even used as part of the decor.
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a photo cube. This project can be done in a couple of hours and only costs a couple of dollars! To start, you will first get an exact measurement of the width of your wood. After marking these, you will cut the wood using a band saw. After the eight blocks are finished, line them up in a cube and use clear packing tape to secure them together. Use a sharp blade to trip the tape. You can then open up the cube to show six different sides and tape your phot...
If you're scared of using public Wi-Fi networks with Firesheep out and about, then maybe you should fight back. Don't switch to another web browser— keep using Firefox safely with the help of a new Firefox Add-on that combats Firesheep's password stealing capabilities. It's called BlackSheep, and when installed and running, it will alert you whenever Firesheep is active on your network connection.