Seemingly Healthy Search Results

How To: Keep iguanas healthy

In this video series, learn how to maintain a healthy iguana. Our expert, Nichole Bragg, gives you information to keep your lizard as healthy as possible. Learn how to clean an iguana's cage, and learn how to keep your iguana safe from other pets. Nichole shows you how to identify mites, ticks, dehydration, and respiratory infections in iguanas. So, if you have a beloved lizard that you want to keep healthy, learn how to care for iguanas today!

How To: Keep your teeth healthy

In this how-to video clip series on how to maintain healthy teeth and gums, learn how to practice good dental hygiene, including how to prevent gingivitis, plaque buildup and cavities, how to brush your teeth properly, whether to use an electric toothbrush, how to clean your tongue, how to prevent bad breath, how to floss correctly, and other tips and techniques for a healthy mouth.

How To: Cook 30 minute healthy meals

In this video clip series, our expert will discuss not only the benefits of maintaining a healthy, low fat diet, but will demonstrate several recipes that you can prepare at home that are easy to prepare in under 30 minutes to get you started with your goals.

News: Microsoft Japan Helps Godzilla Invade Real World Tokyo via HoloLens

The company behind Japan's beloved Gozilla, Japan's Toho Studios, has for years tried to give fans the sense of what a giant, nuclear-powered lizard invading Tokyo might feel like. Until now, those attempts have been limited to the movie theater, but now, with the help of the Microsoft HoloLens, Godzilla is finally getting its chance to invade the actual city, with terrified fans looking on from a safe distance.

News: HomePod Firmware Leaks iPhone 8 Design

Who knew the HomePod would stir up so much excitement? Apple's soon-to-be home speaker is an intriguing product, if not a "must-have." I know I'm excited to compare it to the other big-name Bluetooth speakers out there to see if Apple is putting their money where their mouth is. But there's more important news to discuss — the HomePod's firmware has revealed some pretty big secrets about Apple's highly anticipated phone, most notably its bezel-less design, and facial recognition technology.

News: Intestinal Viruses Directly Associated with Development of Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an attack on the body by the immune system — the body produces antibodies that attack insulin-secreting cells in the pancreas. Doctors often diagnose this type of diabetes in childhood and early adulthood. The trigger that causes the body to attack itself has been elusive; but many research studies have suggested viruses could be the root. The latest links that viruses that live in our intestines may yield clues as to which children might develop type 1 diabetes.

News: This Video Might Resonate with Anyone Addicted to Candy Crush

You've got some free time, so you decide to try out that new puzzle game on the App Store. After a half hour of fun, the game stops. It seems you've run out of lives, and have to wait until tomorrow to play ... unless you drop $0.99 on extra lives. What are you going to do, wait until tomorrow? Some of us might, but others ... not so much. If you dropped some cash to keep playing for the day, you, I'm sorry to say, were played. And this video shows you why.

News: Leap Motion's Interaction Engine Brings Natural Gestures into Virtual Worlds

Leap Motion created gesture control for all sorts of things, including virtual reality, long ago, but developers must build in support for their tracking peripheral to use its full potential. As a result, they've created an "Interaction Engine" for Unity, the primary platform for developing virtual and mixed reality experiences, to try and take gesture interaction to the next level.

How To: Use Chayote Squash for Fries, Salad, Pie, & More

Several years ago, I moved to Brooklyn, New York, just outside a Spanish neighborhood. It was here that I was introduced to chayote. Fast-forward to present day: I live in Los Angeles and buy several chayote squash a week to cook with—yes, I said several. It's so versatile and healthy! For the uninitiated, chayote (chai-YOH-tee) is a light green squash shaped like a pear originating from central Mexico. Although it's considered a fruit, chayote is a member of the Cucurbitaceous (gourd) family...

How To: 12 Tofu Hacks That Even Tofu-Haters Can Appreciate

Tofu has been a staple food in Asia for over 2,000 years, but due to the health craze of recent years, it's enjoyed a surge of popularity in the Western world. Derived from the milk of soy beans and typically coagulated by calcium or magnesium salts, tofu can be found in consistencies ranging from extra-soft or silken to extra-firm. Based on which firmness you prefer, there are a myriad of ways to prepare your tofu for consumption.

How To: Fix Stuck or Dead Pixels on Almost Any Screen

If you've noticed a tiny discolored spot on your computer screen that just doesn't seem to go away, chances are you have a stuck pixel. With modern LCD and OLED screens, there are millions of incredibly small dots (pixels) that make up all of the contents of your display—and within these pixels, there is a set of red, green and blue subpixels. These mix together at various levels to create all of the different colors you see.

News: How to Make the Best of the Durian Fruit

One shrinks their nose when the name of Durian fruit is brought up but are you aware of all the health benefits it can provide? The Durian fruit on its own can help control Blood pressure, blood sugar, Anaemia and depression. Not only this, the fruit has the miraculous qualities that can prevent cardiovascular diseases, better the digestive system, better the Libido and provide instant energy. For all the skin conscious people, here's news for you! The fruit can delay ageing process and make ...

Create Groot's Mask & Makeup: Advanced DIY Guardians of the Galaxy Costume

Considered a huge gamble on the part of Marvel and Disney due to its seemingly small fan base, Guardians of the Galaxy turned out to be well worth the risk, nearing $800 million in world-wide box office numbers. Many may not have known about the comic book prior to the movie, but you can definitely count on plenty of Guardians of the Galaxy costumes this Halloween.

FingerSense: The Future of Touch Input

Over the past decade, touch screens have changed the way we interact with our electronic devices. Gone are the days of clicking and pecking at keyboards, with these gestures replaced by swipes, taps, and long-presses on most of our newer devices. From the early years spent swapping out vaccuum tubes and reading light indicators, human interaction with computers has been constantly evolving. Can Qeexo's FingerSense usher in the next era in manual input?

How To: Charge a Lumia 920 or Nexus 4 with No Cables or Wireless Charging Stations in Sight

Most of us have a designated spot where we like to charge our devices, but no one likes to look at a giant, tangled mess of cords. That's why inductive chargers are so awesome. They allow for wireless charging, and are a lot easier on the eyes. But what if you don't even want to leave the charging module sitting out? This relatively simple hack by YouTube user lobbamobba lets you hide the charging module inside a nightstand or other piece of furniture so that you can juice up your device with...