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How To: Choose a dog

Bringing a pet into your household is an important decision. Consider these factors when choosing a breed. Watch this video to learn how to choose the right dog breed for you.

How To: Open a New Gmail Account

Gmail is a free, advertising-supported email service provided by Google. Users may access Gmail as secure webmail, as well as via POP3 or IMAP4 protocols. Gmail initially started as an invitation-only beta release on April 1, 2004 and it became available to the general public on February 7, 2007, though still in beta status at that time. The service was upgraded from beta status on July 7, 2009, along with the rest of the Google Apps suite.

How To: Help kids understand civil rights and racism

Having universal rights for all genders and colors. Segregation was wide spread. In 1954 the law said that it was unconstitutional for schools be divided because of color. It took some time for these laws to be enforced. 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his famous "I have a dream" speech. Help kids understand civil rights and racism.

How To: Find friends on MySpace

This video demonstrates how to find friends on MySpace. From the people who brought you the Dummies instructional book series, brings you the same non-intimidating guides in video form. Watch this video tutorial to learn how to find friends on MySpace, For Dummies.

News: Watch this Baby (Cake) Get Mutilated

While some parents prefer to preserve an element of surprise upon delivery of their baby, most choose to learn the sex from their doctor as soon as they can. More recently, some are even opting for a more "festive" route: announcement in the form of a "gender party", where the boy-or-girl status is revealed in cake form for the first time—not only to the guests, but also to the parents.

How To: Become Fashion Friendly By Painting Your Nails

Do you wanna be that person who stands out in a crowd? Our society dictates our fashion sense. We believe we all must look like who ever is the "most popular" in the media (TV, film, magazines etc.). Our choice to express our self is very limited because of the stigma of what patterns, styles and colors belong to which gender. I have found by adding just a hint of feminine flair to my person that I am able to catch peoples eye's faster than a supermodel walking onto a runway.

StarCraft 2 Drama: Eve - the First Female Pro

Wow, this story, written by Becky, is riveting. I know we've got some StarCraft 2 fans in here. I'm glad that Eve seems really stoked to be playing StarCraft 2, and I think a lot of the grief she's getting is from jealous players who are mad that they didn't get selected for a pro-gaming teamE.

News: Human Dissection Illustrated in Anatomical Pop-Up Books

Before there was Gray's Anatomy, physicians and medical students used anatomical flap books to explore the inner workings of the human body—a scientific illustrated guide that takes its name from the moveable paper flaps that can be "dissected" to reveal hidden anatomy underneath. Similar to pop-up books, these instructional tools mimic the act of human dissection, allowing doctors and students to study the intricacies of the body normally concealed by flesh.

How To: Measure body fat with a digital caliper on a female

In figure competition, or female bodybuilding, measuring and keeping tabs on body fat is important. Check out this three part tutorial for information on how to use a digital caliper to measure body fat. Some of the advantages of a digital or electronic caliper include the fact that it takes an accurate, easy to read measurement in seconds, that it beeps so you know exactly when it is ready, and it is very simple to use. Another great feature of a digital caliper is that you can set it with y...

News: These Apps Know Your Age, Gender, Emotions, & More

I think it was 1986 when I first discovered my love for making computers say stupid things out loud. My older brother got a Commodore 64 for his birthday, which came bundled with software that would speak out any term you typed in—and boy, that computer sure made a fool of itself after my five-year-old imagination got a hold of the keyboard.

How To: Start and join an Xbox LIVE Party (Xbox 101)

In this video from theXBox360GameReview we learn how start and join an Xbox Live party. Once signed into Xbox live, scroll to the friends channel, and select the friend you want to have your party with and press Y. Now that you have a party going, you can play some Halo wars. If you want more friends to join the party go to your friends list using the guide button and tap X to select who you want to invite. If you want everyone in the party join in, select Party and choose Invite Party to gam...

How To: Select different items in Finder in Mac OS

In this video, Gary from MacMost demonstrates how to select items on a Mac computer. He explains that there are different ways of selecting items, both with the mouse and with the keyboard. Click to select a single item, and click an empty space to clear the selection. Hold Command or Shift to add to a selection or remove items from the selected group. Drag around an area to select multiple items, and use Command and drag to add more areas. To select items in a list, click to select a single ...

How To: Perform the bandarama card trick

This video shows you how to perform the Bandaram trick. Things you'll need: deck of playing cards, elastic band. Select a card and show it to the spectators. Ace of Spades is chosen as the selected card. Return this card back to the deck. Do a table cut trick of the deck so that this selected card is brought to the top of the deck. After the selected card is placed at the top of the deck give it a few shuffles and cut but keep it on the top only. Do a double turnover so that another card come...

How To: Create animated glowing text on Flash Professional 8

1. The following lines describes how to create animated glowing text on Flash. 2. Open a new Flash Project and select first Key Frame and place a Text Box and Type "HELLO" 3.Select TextColor as red. 4. Then Go to Filters->Glow a. select color as Dark Yellow b. increase the Blur x,y Property value to 5 c. strength value to 200 d. Quality: Low 5. Select 15th Frame and Right click->Select Insert KeyFrame. 6. Then increase the Blur x,y Property value to 50 and strength value to 300. 7. Then selec...

How To: Use channels to select hair in Photoshop

In this video tutorial on Adobe Photoshop CS3, we will cover using channels to cleanly cut out complex hair selections of both brunette and blonde hair on a studio style background and an outdoor scene. You will learn a lot about how to select things in Photoshop using the techniques displayed in this video, which will aid you in selecting many different things, not just hair.

How To: Do a full fresh install of Snow Leopard OS X 10.6

Insert DVD containing Mac OS software into system drive. Reboot system. Confirm installation and agree with license. When prompted to select drive, select disk utility from menu bar. Select hard drive and click on erase button. Select Mac OS extended file system. Confirm erasing all data. Once drive formatted, close disk utility. Select to install in hard drive that was erased. After installation completes and system reboots, select Language and Keyboard for your country. When asked if alread...

How To: Add music to PowerPoint 2007

In this Software video tutorial you will learn how to add music to PowerPoint 2007. You will be using Partners in Rhyme for background music. On the site scroll down to ‘free midi files’. On the right of the page, you will see all the genres to choose from. Select your genre and select the band or song of your choice. Preview the music, download and save it. Open up PowerPoint 2007, select ‘insert’, select ‘sound’ and select the file you saved. Next select ‘animations’ > custom animation and ...

How To: Do text effects in GIMP

Click in File and New to create a new document, press OK and select the text tool and click once on your file and write something, then close the window. Click in move the active layer to make easier to move the text. Go again to the text tool and click on the Color to change the text color. Press Crtl+O, select the background layer and change the color to the one you want, now select the bucket tool and click on the background to paint it with the color you have selected. Go back to the text...

How To: Create a life sized cardboard cut out of a photo

Select the image whatever you want from anywhere. For example, choose Google search and type high res yoda and select IMAGES choose the picture and save in your computer. Enter into rasterbator software. From the dialog box select the language what you know. Select the image using 'BROWSE..' button and we have to select '3D-Yoda.jpg' and click open button, and then click the CONTINUE button. We have to choose the standard paper size. Next press the CONTINUE button. In this dialog box we have ...

How To: Create an envelope icon in Illustrator

From task that how to create an envelope icon on illustrator. First draw a rectangle change the angle to 90 degrees then select gray color, select pen tool draw a shape and then go to layer select duplicate then rotate the shape using left mouse button by selecting the rotate tool. Now using down arrow key move the shape to down ,choose select tool and resize the shape then select the path go to gradient and change it angle to 90 degrees. Finally select the layer and go to effect...

How To: Record Your Sleep Patterns with Samsung Health — No Wearables Needed

The quality and length of your sleep will almost always dictate how the rest of your day unfolds. Sleeping fewer hours increases your chances of spending the day in a tired and cranky state, while having a restful night's sleep contributes greatly to being alert and productive. Luckily, if you want to track your sleep patterns to figure out how you can improve your circadian rhythm, Samsung Health has you covered.