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How To: Market a Self Storage Facility

Self-storage may not be a new industry, but it is one that is rapidly reshaping its operations to suit a progressively more modernized customer base. In order to stay competitive with your self-storage facility, you'll need to keep an open mind, embrace current marketing trends, and most importantly, have a well-defined set of marketing goals. Your main focus should revolve around the following points:

How To: Turn one of your sims into a zombie in Sims 3

Here's how to zombify your sims in Sims 3 without cheating! Kill off one of your sims, and then give another one a job working with the paranormal. Once they've been promoted high enough, you can find the special resurrection phone... a direct line to the Grim Reaper. Buy back your dead sim, and he'll return as a zombie!

How To: Use key modulation in a musical piece

This how-to video will show the proper use of key modulation in music. Follow Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio as he takes you through the uses of key modulation in music writing. Watch as he explains the difference between direct modulation and pivot chord modulation. Once you know the different types of modulation, you can learn how to introduce both of them to your music writing as you continue growing as a muscian.

How To: Use Remote Server in Axosoft OnTime

Remote Server is a very handy tool for users wishing to utilize OnTime Windows and OnTime VS.Net without having direct access to SQL Server. This installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite covers Remote Server in detail and how to set it up. Take a look.

How To: Use the reporting features in AxoSoft OnTime

Need some help getting started running reports? This installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite covers the basics of running reports and sending data to those reports. Did you know there are four ways you can manipulate what data is sent to a report without any direct report customization? Take a look!

How To: Ski for women

Learn how to ski by watching "The way to better skiing." This skiing tutorial sequence consists of 11 professional teaching videos taught by six of the best Danish ski instructors for all levels in all terrain: Lasse Lyck, Klavs Klavsen, Rasmus Lundby, Tue Bak, Martin Hulten and Pernille Hornhaver. In the eleventh lesson, learn about women in skiing. Although skiing is for everyone, it is only within the last several years that particular attention has been directed towards women.

How To: Clone any plant for hydroponic or conventional gardens

In this video gardening tutorial, you'll find step-by-step instructions for cloning any plant from a clipping (or "cutting"). Plant propagation is very simple and can save you a lot of money in the long run. To learn more about the cloning process, watch this cloning how-to. (NB: Do NOT, as the video suggests, put freshly cloned plants in direct sunlight while in a hot house or you will have steamed plants!)

How To: Implement URL writing in ASP.Net

In this video tutorial, Scott Golightly shows how to create an ASP.NET HttpModule to “rewrite” the URL when a request for a web page comes in. You may want to rewrite URLs to create friendly URLs or to direct an old URL to a new URL. We will look at the code needed to implement URL rewriting and also how to handle page post back events.

How To: Do the Hustle "Wobble" dance step by step

As strange as it may seem, the Hustle "Wobble" is actually a form of line dancing. But rather than tossing your cowboy hat on and your boots for an old West rendition of the Cowboy Boogie, the Hustle Wobble is more about shakin' what your mama gave you and getting down with your bad self.

How To: Draw Gizmo from the "Gremlins" with Wizard

We don't remember much about the 1984 movie "Gremlins," but we do remember the adorable protagonist/lead Gremlin Gizmo! Who can forget his big, pleading eyes, doll-like stature and chubby tummy? Our four-year-old selves swooned over the fantasy that we could own our very own Gizmo as a pet. Unfortunately for us, our pipe dreams went bust when we discovered that Gizmo shockingly wasn't real, but at least we can still recall the tender days of yore by drawing this Gizmo character.

How To: Add geolocation data to posts on a WordPress blog or website

Want to add location data to posts on a self-hosted WordPress blog or website? This clip will show you the way. Every version of WordPress brings with it new features, new functions and new ways of doing things. Fortunately, the very same technology that allows an open-source blog publishing application like WordPress to exist in the first place also makes it easy for its users to share information about the abovesaid things through videos like this one. Take a look.

How To: Extend your pretty summer glow with makeup artist Michelle Rosen

Summer's almost over, which means going back to school (boo for 6 AM wake up calls), getting back on the fast track, and, most depressingly, losing our hard-earned summer glow. Okay, maybe it wasn't THAT hard-earned (unless you count lounging on the beach with a martini in hand hard), but we're quite saddened that we will once again rebound to our former sallow selves.

How To: Make chocolate ruffle cake

Stop serving a scoop of ice cream and put some effort into your next dessert dish! Steal this recipe from Sue McMahon, cookery editor at Woman's Weekly, for a delicious chocolate ruffle cake. To make this ruffle cake you will need about two-and-a-half hours and the following ingredients:

How To: Pierce your own septum

In this video, Megan shows us how to do a self septum piercing. First, take your favorite brand of astringent and clean the area you are piercing. Next, take a clean needle and clean it with the astringent. Now, place the needle inside your nose and poke through on both sides of the nostril until it's all the way through. Once the needle is in, grab your nose ring and keep pushing the needle through replacing it with your nose ring when it leaves. Make sure to clean regularly with the proper ...

How To: Use a machete safely

This short safety guide Colhane gives you several tips to use a machete safely without harming your self or others. These tips are not only limited to machetes but can be applied to the general use of all large knives. The first rule is always cut away from your body as shown in the video the consequences of not following this rule can be deadly. The next tip gives you the optimal angle to cut through trees and other foliage. He also gives several tips on how to create a trail and follow it i...

How To: Style very short hair for the busy mom

For a mom, there is always so much to do that your own personal care routine may take a back seat. But in this video, top hair stylist Gary France offers tips on how to style very short hair for the busy mom. France shows us his process on a busy working mom. The client receives a lighter color to brighten up her look, a trim to texturize her hair and styles the hair without using a blow dryer, which is great for saving time. France shows us that just because you have kids to take care of doe...

How To: Use Adobe Bridge and why

Adobe Bridge -- why should you use it? That is one of the most frequent questions for Adobe Design users. Most don't even know what it is. This entire video explains some of the great reasons why you should actually use the Bridge. By the end of the video, you should be a die-hard Bridge user. Don't use the plain old regular file browser!

How To: Control Adobe Bridge via the Bridge Center

Check out these tips on the Adobe Bridge Center. Not only does the Bridge have excellent features for file browsing and file organization, but it also has the central area, consider it the hub, where you will find features that will further streamline your workflow. In this video tutorial, learn how to use the Adobe Bridge Center, which is a default favorite in the Favorites pane.

How To: Use Smart Collections in Adobe Bridge

Here, see some tips on the collections and smart collections in the Adobe Bridge. Bridge has a lot to offer and is a great organization tool. Collections and smart collections are great workflow features available to you. In this video tutorial, learn about organizing your files without messing up your folder structure and automatically bringing files in that you want based on your settings you assign to that collection. Check them out and learn a great new feature of Adobe Bridge CS4.

How To: Create pure CSS website layouts in GoLive CS2

Today, see how to use GoLive CS2 to create pure CSS layouts. That's using CSS to lay your website out, which is a really nice way to layout your webpages. It's laying it out without tables, and allows the site to change based on the users resolution. In this video tutorial, see how to create website layouts made entirely of CSS using GoLive's new CSS tools and the new liquid layouts available in GoLive CS2.