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Messages 101: How to Turn iMessage Read Receipts On/Off Per Person

With iOS 9.3.5, as well as all of the versions prior to that, you had two choices when it came to "Read Receipts" for iMessage — either on for everybody or off for everybody. So if you weren't comfortable with one or two of your contacts knowing whether or not you've read their messages, you had to keep the feature disabled and miss out on Read Receipts for people you're a bit closer to.

Bottled vs. Tap: 5 Reasons Why You Should Choose City Water Over Plastic

There is a huge myth that most Americans believe, and it might be the marketing triumph of the 20th century. We pay an absurd markup (Zero Hedge says as much as 280,000% for "designer" water) on something we can get for free because most of us believe that bottled water is healthier than tap water. But is it? Here are 5 reasons why tap water is probably better than that bottled stuff you drink. 1. It's Not Cleaner (& Might Be Dirtier) Than Your Tap Water

How To: The Secret to Turning Your Flashlight Off Faster in iOS 7 on Your iPhone

The days of D batteries and bulky Maglites are over thanks to that handy little device in your pocket called a smartphone. Everyone has one, and thanks to the Control Center in iOS 7, your iPhone now has an easy-to-access flashlight, no matter what screen you're on. Just swipe up from the bottom of your home, lock, or app screen and tap on the flashlight icon. As easy and quick as this is, there's one problem.

How To: Wax and scrape your snowboard

In this video by 585 Productions, Jake teaches you how to wax and scrape your snowboard. You will need an iron, a plastic, scraper, and a Scotch-Brite pad. Before you begin, loosen the bindings because heating the board with the screws tight can warp the base. First take the Scotch-Brite pad and wipe down the entire board in order to get all the grime, dirt, and old wax off of it. Next, using an iron that has temperature control, set it to get hot enough to melt the wax, but not so hot that t...

How To: Write a landing page that converts

Starting up a website can be daunting if you know nothing about web design or setup, but there are some tips to get the right people finding, looking, and returning to your site. A good landing page gives visitors exactly what they are looking for, and converts them from browsers to customers.

How To: Set up your email on the Apple iPhone

You have an iPhone now… but how do you add your email, so you can stay connected to everyone wherever you go? Setting up your email accounts always seem trick, but not on this device. Want to know how? Best Buy has answers. The Best Buy Mobile team explains how simple it is to set up your email on the Apple iPhone.

How To: Do an Eva Mendes inspired updo

BeautyTipsNTricks shows viewers how they can do a Eva Mendes Inspired Updo! All you need for this is a comb and bobby pins. You will also need clear elastic pony tail holders! First, you want to section off your hair. Take your hair up to the top of your ear and go all around - this is your first section. Tie this section off. Now, the bottom of your hair, you should split into two bottom sections in half. Tie each of these off with pony tail holders also. Now, with your bobby pins, starting ...

How To: Make fizzing bath bombs

Janice Cox shows how to make fizzing bath bombs like the ones you see in bath and beauty boutiques or department stores. These bath bombs can be very relaxing when dropped into a warm bath and can be given as gifts. She starts with about a cup of citric acid crystals which is also called powdered vitamin C or ascorbic acid. Citric acid can be purchased in places that sell wine and beer making equipment and online. The next ingredients come from right out of the kitchen cupboard: a cup of baki...

How To: Read a balance sheet in accounting

In this Business & Money video tutorial you will learn how to read a balance sheet in accounting. Yu can learn to read it quickly and easily as to where the company’s came from, where it went and where it is now. There are four main financial statements; balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements and statements of shareholder equity. In the balance sheet, under assets are listed things that the company owns that have value. Liabilities are amounts of money company owes to other...

How To: Find the capital to start your own clothing line

The video presents "How to start your own Clothing Line Business". The steps include getting the financing, designing the prototype outfit/s, producing the line of clothing, promotion and sales. A good way of financing for a small business such as this is to sell your idea to family, friends and even colleagues. Research and prepare the business plan for your clothing line and be passionate about it in your presentation to convince them to fund your business. The next step is to get the produ...

How To: Perform a front flip on a wakeboard

In this how-to video, you will learn how to do a front flip using a wake board. The goal is to take it big and take it out to the flats. Do not cut out as far as you can. Take the handle locked in the same position, comfortably towards the chest. This is held in the same position throughout the flip. As for the body position, notice that the rider is in a comfortable knees bent position. Slowly ride off the edge as you approach the wake. This will lessen the pull of the rope at takeoff. This ...

How To: Wash your car with the two bucket method

Every time people wash their car paint can easily be scratched off on accident. To avoid that CarCareProducts (CCP) demonstrates how to clean your car in a safe and efficient way using the two bucket method. In the first bucket add a small amount of PH Neutral wash shampoo and in the second bucket should be filled with clean, clear water to refresh your mitt as you wash your car that way all the dirt is collected into that bucket and not the one with shampoo. The first step to cleaning your c...

How To: Remove fake nails with acetone

Joyce teaches viewers how to remove fake nails by using acetone. First, you should get acetone solution and submerge your nails into the solution for a few minutes and the nails will come off by themselves. For fake nails, you can apply nail polish remover and the nails will easy pull off. You can also just wait for your nails to grow and the fake nails will naturally fall and you can just easily pull them off. You can also get a cutter and slip this in between your fake nail and real nail an...

How To: Stage your home for sale

In this video Andrea Osterkorn demonstrates how to stage your home for sale. It is not a comfortable process to transform your home into a home for sale. The entry way should be inviting because first impressions are important. Closets should be cleaned out. Consider renting different furniture for the living area to make it more open and inviting, and move it around to create an impression of space. Add accessories and let natural light in. Try to depersonalize the room and remove clutter so...

How To: Refurbish brass door furniture with cleaning polish

The video is a description of how to refurbish a brass door frame, and door knob that has gone dull due to the lacquer. Purchase lacquer and metal polish at a hardware store. Before beginning work, remove the circulate at the back of the door knob with circulate pliers. Take the component parts of the door knob apart and set the spring and clip aside to be replaced later. Take a clean cloth and put metal polish on it. Using the cloth, polish the knob. It may take a while to get all the grime ...

How To: Open a coconut with meat cleaver

Step 1. Understand that opening a coconut requires a considerable use of precise force. Because you are using a knife or cleaver, it is very important that you keep your fingers and other body parts away from the blade. Step 2. Clear off a stable cutting surface. Step 3. Begin scraping off the white, sinewy upper layer around the pointed top of the coconut, using your knife. Scrape off the top layer until a brown ridge is revealed around the base of the pointed top. Right where this brown lay...

How To: Calculate percentages in your head

This video explains how to calculate percentages in your head. To calculate a percentage in your head, start by breaking the percentage off into smaller units. For example 25% is 10 + 10 + 5. 30% is 10, 10, and 10. Now you have numbers you can easily work with in your head. Find 10% of the number. This is easily done by one of two methods. You can either move the decimal point one place to the left or you can drop the last number. Dropping the last number sometimes gives you an estimate, thou...

How To: Debone a whole chicken

Place the whole chicken on the cutting board breast side up with the wings facing away from you. You will need a sharp heavy chef's knife to cut up the chicken because you will be cutting through bones. Start by finding a joint in the wing and cut off the wing at that joint. Then do the same thing with the second wing. Next, cut off the chicken legs by running your knife down on the side of the chicken toward where the leg joint is. Bend it back until the joint pops. Cut through the joint and...

How To: Walkthrough The Legend of Dragoon on PS1: Part 45

Start your battle with the Magician Faust in this section of The Legend of Dragoon for PlayStation. This video walkthrough takes you from where Dart and company fight and defeat Belzac and Kanzas, they head to Deningrad to buy/sell some stuff, through the Kashua Glacier to the Flanvel Tower, and they explore the Tower to where they are fighting Magician Faust.