Severe Situation Circumstance Search Results

How To: Cut back ornamental grass

Adrian Higgins is the extraordinary garden writer for the Washington Post and shares with us his tip for cutting back ornamental grass. Spring is late in Washington this year which is good because we haven't gotten around to cutting back our grasses. This is a vital late winter chore because if it isn't done before new growth emerges, cutting could damage the new growth. Different people have different techniques depending on the grass and tool. Adrian doesn't like to use pruners for this tas...

How To: Work with Standard Materials in 3ds Max

In this how to video, you will learn how to work with standard materials in 3D Studio Max. The material editor is found by clicking the multicolored button to the right. You can see sample spheres where you can see examples of materials. Below, you can see surface properties such as shaders and ambient colors. You can select the type of material to be applied here. You can select the standard material to get familiar with it. First, decide the shaders. Blend is the default shader, although th...

How To: Assemble a wilderness survival kit

This is a video showing how to assemble a wilderness survival kit. To do this there are some basic things in every kit. One of the things is water, food, or ways to make food, and shelter, or ways to make shelter. There is one prepared kit with pieces of equipment necessary to survive. To prepare your own, a sturdy knife or a multi-tool is important. Ways to start fire, either lighters or matches are important. Something like a first aid kit, or at least bandages and antibiotic ointment are i...

How To: Properly focus your video camera

This video shows you how to properly focus your video camera. Usually cameras have two focusing modes, manual and automatic. Despite the sophistication of modern cameras and their auto focusing modes, manual focusing still gives the person operating the camera the most control. To focus in manual focusing mode you must first focus your eyepiece. To focus your eyepiece fully zoom in on your subject, then rotate your lens' focus ring until the subject becomes sharp and clear. Finally rotate you...

How To: Prepare the right safety gear for kayaking

This video will show you the right and proper safety gear for kayaking. Kayak safety gear is one of the most important aspect of kayaking. The most important kayak safety gear is the life jacket. It should be short torso so you can move freely and it does not rise up. Make sure that all the straps are tighten when you wear it. The next important kayak safety gear is a whistle. You will use it when you are in trouble or in emergency. Blow it once to catch attention and 3 times during emergency...

How To: Start a fire with a single match

This how-to video is about how to start a fire with a single match stick by Shannon Davis. This video is really helpful especially for those who are going for trucking. If we get struck in the middle of nowhere and if we are in a situation to spend the whole night in the forest definitely this video is very helpful. Before we begin to start a fire we need to gather wooden sticks of different sizes varying from tiny tender straws to hard wooden sticks having thickness of our wrist. First we ne...

How To: Drive safe and deal with emergency stops (Ford DSFL)

What do you know about braking in an emergency situation? If you're not even sure what kind of brakes you have on your car or truck, then you need to do some research. Learn how to drive safe and deal with emergency stops (Ford DSFL). A professional driver explains the differences between braking with Antilock Braking Systems (ABS) and standard braking systems.

How To: Raise well-behaved children

Are you a mom or a dad that has run into a road block with your kids? Are they out of control disobedient? Follow this advice on how to raise well-behaved children and raising your children will be much more rewarding.

How To: Stay safe driving in fog

Driving through thick fog can sometimes be intensely scray. Luskily we have a how to video for how to deal with situations like these. When you run into fog on the road, keep your head and follow these simple tips to stay safe.

How To: Quit drinking

Thinking it's time to give up the juice? If your need to drink has become a problem, quit. This lifestyle change requires planning and ferocious self-discipline, but everyone has it in them.

How To: Write a letter

It might seem easy to a few, but some of us out there grew up with email and consider "the letter" an artifact. However, writing a letter is the ultimate in class and shows someone you took the extra time to get in touch with them. Whether you are writing a business letter or a friendly letter, these tips will guide you in properly writing that letter to a special someone, friend, or client.

How To: Eat a pomegranate

If you try to eat a pomegranate fresh off the shelf, it's probably going to be a messy and difficult situation. This video shows you how to extract the seeds from the pomegranate, giving you options on how to eat them.

How To: Blend a healthy peanut butter split smoothie

Beat the snack attacks with this healthy banana and peanut butter favorite. You'll love how simple and quick this fruit smoothie is to prepare. This cooking how-to video is part of Healthy Appetite with Ellie Krieger show hosted by Ellie Krieger. Cooking healthy food can be quick, easy, but most of all, delicious. Nutritionist and author Ellie Krieger has created fast and simple healthy recipes for the real world. She'll show you how simple it can be to stay on the healthy track no matter how...

How To: Make a teriyaki pork tenderlion

This meal is simple enough for every day and special enough for guests. Follow along and learn how to make a teriyaki pork tenderloin. This cooking how-to video is part of a Healthy Appetite with Ellie Krieger show hosted by Ellie Krieger. Cooking healthy food can be quick, easy, but most of all, delicious. Nutritionist and author Ellie Krieger has created fast and simple healthy recipes for the real world. She'll show you how simple it can be to stay on the healthy track no matter how busy a...

How To: Make honey roasted sweet potatoes

Bake an incredibly simple side dish of honey roasted sweet potatoes, Follow along to learn how easy it is to incorporate healthy vegetables into your diet. This cooking how-to video is part of Healthy Appetite with Ellie Krieger show hosted by Ellie Krieger. Cooking healthy food can be quick, easy, but most of all, delicious. Nutritionist and author Ellie Krieger has created fast and simple healthy recipes for the real world. She'll show you how simple it can be to stay on the healthy track n...

How To: Make old cabinets look like new

Cabinets are usually the most prominent feature of a kitchen and greatly determine the room's overall décor. Peeling paint, nicks and scratches, or a dull, dirty finish can plague older cabinets and really sap the pizzazz out of the living space. On the other hand, a fresh coat of paint can do wonders for cabinets and breathe new life into the kitchen. A repainting project can also save tons of money when compared to full cabinet replacement, which can easily total several thousands of dollar...

How To: Use squash terminology

As a strategic and active racquet sport, squash has its own unique terminology to denote a number of shots and situations. Learn about squash terms, including a number of shots, court terms, and others in this free video from a squash instructor.

How To: Fake Confidence

Do you feel like you need a confidence boost in social situations? Fake it 'til you make it—and in the meantime, try incorporating a couple of body language and posture tricks to appear confident before others. Appear verbally confident by speaking only when necessary, acting decisive, and make a point to say the other person's name.

First Thoughts: The writing is on the wall

After last night’s sweep, the writing’s on the wall: Romney, unless the extraordinary occurs, is going to be the GOP nominee… And Santorum isn’t going to win… Updated delegate count: Romney 573, Santorum 212, Gingrich 137, Paul 34… Santorum’s no-win situation heading into Pennsylvania… Obama’s speech yesterday achieved one thing: It drove the conservative intelligentsia crowd nuts… Romney, at 11:45 am ET, gets chance to respond to Obama at the very same venue… And Scott Brown embraces Obama.

How To: 4 Crafty Ways to DIY an Emergency Oil Lamp

If you're ever in a survival situation where you have no electricity and you're fresh out of flashlight batteries, fear not. By using commonplace items such as glass containers, old T-shirts, and cheap vegetable oil, you can very easily put together your own DIY oil lamp that will brighten up that darkness for hours. And no matter how fancy those store-bought scented candles can smell, none of them will smell as good as a DIY lard candle made with your leftover bacon grease.

Extreme Frugal Living: Tips For Living In Your Car

Whether you really need to pinch pennies for a long road trip or are really at the end of your rope with your financial and living situation, desperate times call for desperate measures--and sometimes that involves living in your car for an extended period of time. It is certainly not easy, but with the right equipment and know-how, making your car your abode is certainly possible if you make the continuous effort to keep things clean, be smart about where you park your car and avoid arousing...

How To: Get the 'Overachiever' Achievement in Modern Warfare 3

Modern Warfare 3's Spec-Ops mode is what's keeping me coming back every other day, and I'd imagine that's the same situation for everyone that owns the game. Today, the Achievement Hunters are going for all 48 stars in the Spec-Ops missions. This is pretty tough, because you have to play on the hardest difficulty. Because I'm a sissy-man, I can only imagine that it'll take me a long time to complete this one.

Eye Candy of the Day: WiFi Networks Visualized

Norwegian designers Timo Armall, Jørn Knutsen, and Einar Sneve Martinussen visually capture invisible WiFi signals by light painting signal strength in long-exposure photographs. The trio set up a four-meter long WiFi-detecting rod with 80 LED bulbs to depict cross-sections through the WiFi networks of various Oslo neighborhoods. Armall says:

HowTo: Build Your Own Anti-Slip Ice Claws

Ever experience a devastatingly embarrassing fall on the ice? Perhaps as a child in front of, say, an entire school bus of your peers? (Let's just say I haven't tread lightly on icy sidewalks since the age of 12.) If you've been battling icy terrain this winter, you may want to avoid such embarrassment and consider building a pair of cheap ice cleats. All you need is a couple screws, two metal plates, and some mesh straps, and you'll be prepared for the slipperiest of situations.

News: Segway + Skateboard + Tank Threads = SICK Off-Road Shredder

I don't know how else to say it. In a word, the DTV (Dual Tracked Vehicle) Shredder from BPG Werk is just plain awesome. "Built as a first response modular platform to better equip the soldier to deal with crisis situations, the DTV is a new class of vehicle that can handle any terrain at high speed. It’s low center of gravity and rugged design make it ideal for a wide variety of applications including, reconnaissance, rescue/recovery, mobile surveillance/offensive platform, med-evac, rapid r...

News: A Pet Butterfly That Lives Forever

Everybody loves butterflies. What's not to love? They're beautiful. But extremely fragile. Touch a wing, and the butterfly is immediately weakened, if not rendered completely flightless (BTW, if you happen upon this situation, we have just the HowTo for you).