Shangri La Security Search Results

How To: Make an Unbreakable Linux Password Using a SHA-2 Hash Algorithm

In Linux, all password hashes are normally stored using the MD5 hashing algorithm in the /etc/shadow file, but MD5 is algorithmically weak due to collision vulnerabilities. The new recommended standard are the higher level SHA-2 hashing algorithms, SHA256 or SHA512. As a friend pointed out to me, Ubuntu is currently the only distro implementing SHA-2 as the default. With SHA-2, your passwords take an unreasonably larger amount of time to calculate. This will greatly decrease how many password...

News: Hideo Kojima and Fox Engine Make Special USC Appearance

Hideo Kojima is one of the biggest names in Japanese game design. He's the man behind every Metal Gear game, each of which has been beautiful but divisive. He's an auteur, a rarity in AAA game design, managing business, design, and programming for Kojima Productions. Last week he made a rare public appearance at the USC School of Cinematic Arts, which contains the school's video game programs, and gave a 90-minute talk about his career, influences, and the specifics of his new Fox game design...

News: jackass LA

i keep giving detailed descriptions but i cannot copy and paste on this website and it keeps having errors and kicks me out! about to pull some hair out because of view my true description here is a link:

News: Sweatshop Free Clothing in L.A.!

There is no need for sweatshops! They exist because the greedy people on top cannot get enough of profit. Here are some stores in Los Angeles where you can shop without feeling guilty. Shop with a conscience. Boycott sweatshop companies. Join the movement!

Music Video: Jesse Rose - Non-Stop

This is a music video for British artist Jesse Rose that I DP'd for Scion A/V and director Chris Cruse. Filmed over 2 nights on the Canon 5D, we mixed rear screen projection with live action shot on a street corner in downtown LA. Here are a few behind the scenes photos:

Tres French: food+sex+scat=happy death

For an ivy league freshman in 1973, it was simply a rite of passage to take a date to a foreign film. I would pretend (oscar worthy effort by yours truly) to adore each film...for the simple purpose of maybe getting lucky with an ivy league female. By accident, I actually enjoyed this insane film. Border-line pornography, it made excess an art form.

News: "How I’d Hack Your Weak Passwords"- The Art of Cracking

Lifehacker posts an article on the art of cracking weak passwords, courtesy of Internet standards expert, CEO of web company iFusion Labs, and blogger John Pozadzides. Pozadzides certainly knows a thing or two about password logic. (Note: this information is not intended to hack into accounts, but rather to protect you from using weak passwords).

News: Alzheimer streaker

Dress up Johnny Knoxville as his old man counterpart. He then needs to strip down to his underwear at a MLB or soccer game and streak across the field. If possible he should really bring a walker and hold it out while he is scrambling from security. Most people wont know who he is, but it will be a huge hit with all of us fans who will recognize him immediately and be thrilled with the opportunity to see a prank in action without being able to interfere with the filming.

How To: Tie a Half-Hitch knot or Double Half-Hitch knot

Half-hitches are great knots, but only when use in combination with other knots. By itself, a half-hitch is unsafe and unreliable, but when joined with other knots, can be quite the opposite. Tying two half hitch knots together is great for attaching a rope or line to any object. The half hitch and double half hitch are used throughout specialities, most notably as a boating knot, outdoor knot, and paddling knot.