Sheers Teamed Search Results

HowTo: Get FREE In-flight Wi-Fi From Google

If you're flying AirTran Airways, Delta, or Virgin America over the holidays, Google has teamed up with the aforementioned airlines to offer free in-flight wi-fi from November 20 to January 2, 2011 on all domestic flights. Why? Out of good will and holiday cheer, of course (plus promotion for the Google Chrome web browser).

How To: Pass A Soccer Ball With The Inside Of Your Foot

Passng Technique: The instep pass is the most common way and the most efficient to pass a ball in soccer. It requires the use of your inside foot. Passing a ball is similar to shooting. It requires you to have your plant foot a foot away from the ball. Bend your standing leg, and follow through the ball with the inside of your foot making sure you lean forward and with a locked ankle. In this article I will guide you to help improve your passing by talking about the different things you need ...

News: PAARRRTY! Robo-Drummers and Pole Dancing Stripper Bots

Artist Giles Walker's robot peep show/DJ installation piece gives us a little glimpse of what strip clubs could look like in the future (well, let's really hope not, guys). Walker also teams up with Frank Barnes and his robot drummers (second video in the gallery below, check it out - pretty sweet). Previously, Sexxxy Roxxy: World's First Sex Bot (NSFW).

Hammock - Breathturn (DP: Larkin Seiple)

I hesitate to even post screengrabs from this piece.  The storytelling by this creative team (dir. David Altobelli & DP Larkin Seiple) is so perfect that taking stills out of context doesn't do it justice.  At first, I was disappointed that the automatic thumbnail Vimeo chose was so nondescript but ultimately it's for the best.  Here's just a tease:

News: DIY Steve Jobs Cheese Head Is Kinda Gross

Spicy Steve Nachos, iPad Thai and an Apple Cheese Plate. Artfully crafted, but... um, ew. Husband and wife team Ken and Diane Aversano, create a loving (though not exactly appetizing) tribute to Apple founder Steve Jobs. Diane is also the creator of the amazing Jar Jar salad.

How To: Make saag aloo

Saag aloo is a popular, spicy side dish made from potato and spinach and comes from Northern India. It's easy to prepare and tastes delicious. We teamed up with Shahena Ali from the Maharaja restaurant in Benfleet, to show you how to make it. Make saag aloo.

How To: Make chicken pilau

Simpler to make than biryiani, and a variation of pilau rice, Chicken Pilau is a tasty dish with origins in Southern India. We teamed up with Shahena Ali from the Maharaja restaurant in Benfleet, to show you how to make it. Make chicken pilau.

How To: Make prawn pakora

Prawn Pakora is a wonderfully tasty appetizer or side dish eaten across India. So we teamed up with Shahena Ali of the Maharaja restaurant in Benfleet, Essex, to show you how to rustle them up. Make prawn pakora.

How To: Control pain the NLP way

Are you constantly fighting pain? Do you wish you could turn pain off like a switch? Well, we've teamed up with NLP expert Andy Austin to show you how to use Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to change the way your mind interprets the pain signal, so the pain is effectively reduced or even turned off. Control pain the NLP way.

How To: Draw a cartoon man

Cartoonist Stephen Marchant and Videojug team up to demonstrate how to draw a cartoon man. It's best to rough out an outline with a pencil first in case you make a mistake. Once your outline is done, outline with a pen or marker and fill in details. Draw a cartoon man.

How To: Draw a cartoon woman

Cartoonist Stephen Marchant and Videojug team up to demonstrate how to draw a cartoon woman. Its best to rough out an outline with a pencil first in case you make a mistake. Once your outline is done, outline with a pen or marker and fill in details. Its that simple! Draw a cartoon woman.

How To: Draw a cartoon palace

Cartoonist Stephen Marchant and Videojug team up to demonstrate how to draw a cartoon palace. Its best to rough out an outline with a pencil first in case you make a mistake. Once your outline is done, outline with a pen or marker and fill in details. Draw a cartoon palace.

How To: Perform international Waltz twists and turns

Video Jug teams up with Martin an international ballroom dance performer to explain international waltz twists and turns. This video explains how and when to add turns to the waltz, as well as add some key moves to the standard steps to make this classic dance even more exciting. Perform international Waltz twists and turns.

How To: Do a basic routine on the balance beam

Beth Tweddle, part of the GB and England gymnastics teams, and twice a bronze medallist at the world championships, walks you through the basics of the balance beam. Start with a walk with arms outstretched for balance, when you've mastered that move on to a jump, and then end with a cartwheel dismount. Do a basic routine on the balance beam.