Shock Wave Search Results

News: New Biometric Device Steals Fingerprints from 6 Feet Away

Dactyloscopy isn’t going anywhere. Forensic science has much relied on fingerprinting as a means of identification, largely because of the massive amount of fingerprints stored in the FBI’s biometric database (IAFIS), which houses over 150,000 million prints. And thanks to the departure of messy ink-stained fingertips, biometric analysis isn’t just for solving crimes anymore.

News: Survey Reflection

Why we did the survey? We did the surveys to find out how much people know about their rights, the government, the amendments, and the Constitution in different areas. We passed out surveys to many people of different age, gender, zip code, highest level of education, and ethnicity. We also wanted their opinion on what they know about the government. We also surveyed the highest level of education to find out how much people know from their education.

How To: Electron Spirographs with a Cathode Ray Tube

In this article, I'll be showing you how to make a cool visual representation of sound using an old cathode ray tube (CRT) television, a stereo, and a sound source. You'll also need a pair of wire cutters, and a few screwdrivers. To properly understand this project, it's a good idea to learn a little bit about how CRT TVs work. Check out this article on how they work.

News: Math Craft Inspiration of the Week: The Curve-Crease Sculptures of Erik Demaine

Erik Demaine is a Professor of Electronic Engineering and Comp Sci at MI, but he is also an origami folder who has had work displayed at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC. He makes some beautiful models and intricate puzzles, but in my opinion the really inspirational work is the curved creased models. In Erik's own words describing the above models: "Each piece in this series connects together multiple circular pieces of paper (between two and three full circles) to make a large circular ramp ...

How To: Get the 'But How?' and 'Cheney?' Trophies in Payday: The Heist

The easiest way to get these two trophies in Payday: The Heist is to load up the map Slaughterhouse. Now, to get the 'But How?' trophy, you have to let the armored car fall into the building by itself. But how? Well, after the armored car gets knocked onto the roof the building, just let it sit there. Do not shoot the support cables. If you survive two waves of enemies coming in to get you, the car will fall by itself.

News: Hulu Plus a Negative on Xbox Live?

If you powered up the ol' Xbox 360 last night to watch Netflix, you probably noticed that a new streaming service moved into Xbox LIVE—Hulu Plus. Netflix finally has some competition. Or maybe not. But with a week of free service, they're sure to attract some would-be watchers.

Printable Tactile Astronomy: How to "See" Outer Space if You're Blind

Have you ever felt the desire to reach out and touch a galaxy? Or "feel" those stunning nebulas and planets you see in Hubble photos? As alluring as it sounds, it's safe to say the odds of your whim coming true are nonexistent. You'd have to travel about 6 earth years and spend millions of dollars building your own personal spacecraft to get close enough to actually wave your hand through one of Saturn's rings. But in an attempt to help the blind "see" what they're missing, some semblance of ...

How To: Play Music With Your Mind

Tired of getting calluses from incessantly strumming along to 'No Woman No Cry'? Just hook up to the brain-music system and use your brain power to play a tune instead. I'm not talking—humming along in your head. The machine, created by composer and computer-music specialist Eduardo Miranda of the University of Plymouth, UK, is composed of electrodes taped directly onto your skull that pick up tiny electrical impulses from neurons in your brain and translates them into musical rhythms on a co...

How To: use terminal on MAC to hack or edit plz notice this is advanced computer programing not for middle school

Warnings this only for educational use i dont take responsiblety for any use of this article if you want to use this for use at a school plz contact me at hi im a computer enginer/programmer (NOT games) but i am good at hacking and i want to help. notise that this is just a help site not hacking site but this will help firstimers

News: See the Famous Burning Monk in Shocking Color

In 1963 a Vietnamese Buddhist monk named Lâm Van Tuc burned himself to death on a busy Saigon road in protest of the persecution of Buddhists by South Vietnam's Ngô Ðình Di?m administration. Malcolm Browne's photo and journalist David Halberstam's account of the event circulated the world, winning both of them a Pulitzer Prize.

News: Gigantic Carpet of 750,000 Begonias (Assembled in Just 4 Hours!)

Every summer the city of Brussels assembles an enormous carpet of begonias, under the advisement of one hundred experienced gardeners. The project is planned far in advance, with illustrations and scale models based on a chosen theme (previously chosen have been the arms and shield of a town or commemoration of important events). This year's theme features Saint Michael striking down the dragon, the official protective image of the city, founded over 1,000 years ago.

News: Handmade Living Paper Dolls

Inspired by Jules Verne sea demons, Bea Szenfeld's “Sur la Plage” collection includes 12 pieces handcrafted with cardboard. The idea of unconventional material constraints is a classic art school "test", as well as a typical (and somewhat tired) formula for competitive design reality shows. However, Szenfeld's garments do transcend the material and would surely win any Project Runway challenge.

News: Transport Yourself to THE Most Dangerous Race Track in the World: The Green Hell

Ever heard of Nürburgring? If you're an auto racing enthusiast, you likely have. According to Wikipedia, the racetrack was nicknamed "The Green Hell" by Jackie Stewart (famed Scottish racing driver) and is known as "the toughest, most dangerous and most demanding purpose-built racing circuit in the world". Located in Germany, the older track was first built in the 1920s around the village and medieval castle of Nürburg in the Eifel mountains.

Red Dead: Bring back a live bounty easily

Bring back a live bounty without chases. There is always a bandit pursuit whenever you try to bring in a live bounty in Red Dead Redemption. If you kill the initial wave of bandits, more appear seconds later. They can kill your horse or your bounty, and if you can't outrun them, it's going to be a very messy return.

News: Terror Bird - Sociopaths Are Glam Cassette

I don't know what they are feeding the kids in Canada but there are so many great bands coming out of there. Vancouver's Terror Bird are no exception. Made up of Nikki Never (Modern Creatures) and  Jeremiah Haywood (Twin Crystals), these two have released a few cassettes and a couple singles now. "Sociopaths are Glam" is my favorite so far. This was a cassette release on Night People out of Iowa City. The music is dark and murkey, lo-fi synth pop. They pull from mid 80's dark wave but their m...

How To: Disintegrate Objects at Super Speed (You Will Need: Sandpaper & After Effects)

Largely self-taught, Ryan John Kothe is an animator working out of Auckland, New Zealand. After picking up some rudimentary After Effects skills, he went on to create an impressive portfolio of beautifully rendered stop-motion animations with a distinctly tactile feel. Curious about the process behind Worn Out—Ryan's depiction of objects disintegrating in fast-forward (shown below)—we contacted him for a brief Q&A on the techniques behind his work.

How To: Become Fashion Friendly By Painting Your Nails

Do you wanna be that person who stands out in a crowd? Our society dictates our fashion sense. We believe we all must look like who ever is the "most popular" in the media (TV, film, magazines etc.). Our choice to express our self is very limited because of the stigma of what patterns, styles and colors belong to which gender. I have found by adding just a hint of feminine flair to my person that I am able to catch peoples eye's faster than a supermodel walking onto a runway.

News: Army Admits Re-Education Camp Manual “Not Intended For Public Release”

Fort Leonard Wood Public Affairs director Tiffany Wood has provided the first official response to the shocking U.S. Army document that outlines the implementation of re-education camps, admitting that the manual was “not intended for public release” and claiming that its provisions only apply outside the United States, a contention completely disproved by the language contained in the document itself.

Photo of the Day: Meanwhile, in Afghanistan...

From's The Big Picture, what a real-life version of the Green Hornet's gas gun might look like. Taken in Afghanistan in February of this year, an Afghan army recruit is pictured shrouded in a cloud of shocking green smoke as he participates in a graduation parade after an oath ceremony at Ghazi military training center—an American effort to strengthen Afghan forces so they can fight against Taliban strongholds.

Water Music: Conducting with Conductivity

What do you get when you mix water-filled bowls with electrical wiring and human hands? The answer may shock you. Artists Ion Furjanic & Isaac Souweine write, "Electric Tea 1.0 is the first in a series of works that put sound where it doesn't belong. [It] uses porcelain bowls, metal orbs, speaker wire, water, and the conductive power of the human body to create a water based musical controller."