Shooting Stars Search Results

News: Amy Sedaris Reveals All

Amy Sedaris is one multi-talented lady. Nude-frosting-sprinkle model. Star and co-creator of beloved cult classic Strangers With Candy (see her in character as Jerri Blank below), sister of famed author David Sedaris, and best of all (in CAKES! CAKES! CAKES!' humble opinion): talented baker.

News: The 2010 World Cup is upon us.

The 2010 World Cup is upon us and there isn't much that hasn't been said already. All the leagues around the world are finished and champions have been crowned. The media has covered every angle imaginable. Or have they? Or should they? Is this about the sport anymore? What will we remember about this World Cup? A great goal, a new venue, a great comeback, injured players who never made it, a bad call by a referee, a new star rising, overlooked players, 4-4-2, 3-4-1-2, 3-4-3, bad subs, FIFA 2...

News: Taylor Swift Invites You to Dance to Her Music in Augmented Reality

Facebook's camera platform is the augmented reality vehicle of choice to promote the latest musical effort from Taylor Swift. T-Swift's new album, Reputation, dropped today. To get her fans psyched, an AR effect electrifies the user with virtual lightning, while a snippet from one of her songs plays in the background. Previously, Lady Gaga opted for a Facebook filter to promote her Netflix documentary, Gaga: Five Foot Two, which premiered Sept. 22. (Personally, I'm more excited about the new ...

News: Your First Look at the HoloLens Development Edition

We received our HoloLens Development Edition from Microsoft, and well, we're pretty giddy. But before we set everything up, we wanted to give you all a look at just what you get for $3,000. Let's get the plastic off and pull this baby out. And what do we have here? A fabric-laden orb of sorts. Alright, alright, enough of the box. Unzip the casing you get to the real deal. There's a hole, let's see what's under it. Waiting for us was the instruction manual, a cleaning cloth, charging cable and...

News: Dethrone the King

In this prank, all of the cast members will be involved because let's be honest, it's funnier when all of the "talent" is getting hurt.The premise is that each one of the cast members will have to complete a stunt in order for the next one to start. There will be eight individual stunts -- one for Preston, Wee-Man, "Danger" Ehren, England, Dunn, Bam, Pontius, and Steve-O. Each cast members will start in an enclosed box. Once their box opens they will be released into a 60x60' area that will b...

How To: Use the Google Body Browser for a Crash Course on Human Anatomy

Forget backpacking through the Himalayas— Google lets you enjoy the vistas from the comfort of your own home with Google Earth. Forget about snorkeling on your next trip to the Bahamas— you can go under the sea without even getting wet with Google Ocean. Forget about stargazing with your portable telescope— Google Sky brings a million stars to your fingertips. Forget about that application to NASA— you no longer have to be an astronaut to enjoy the terrain of nearby planets, thanks to Google ...

News: pizza guy

we should someone go get a pizza dressed as osama bin ladin or some tarerest he should walk in and ask for a "large pizza with extra american i mean cheese" the pizza guy should be set up kinda like the taxi cab one.he should pull out a real pistol full of blanks and say"get the F**k out get out ill shoot" and have one of knoville walk in, the guy sould shoot knoxville and start spilling fake blood and then tell whoever got the pizza to get out there and pull down his pants then slip a fire c...

News: The Real Laser Tag

My idea is simple but, imo, funny. Have the gang have an all out laser tag war with running, diving, obstacles, the works, in a padded arena or outdoors. But each harness is connected to one of those flat tasers (the kind that looks almost like brass knuckles) pushed in their backs, or chest, or crotch (or all three if you prefer, each one connected to a different sensor: back shot is back shock, front shot is chest shock, head shots are crotch shocks). When you get shot you get shocked. It w...

News: Catapult Olympics

Similar to earlier submission I did with catapults, but this time there would be two or three catapults. Each of the guys would be put into one of those giant plastic hamster balls and then shot from the catapult at each other so they would hopefully hit in mid-air. Then roll them down a hill into thorn bushes so it pops.

News: Backwards Roller Coaster Buffer

Get each guy to eat a ton of mexican or some other heavy food, or get them all drunk, then modify the seats of some really intense roller coaster, one with flips and corkscrews and stuff, so that they ride all backwards. Or, after each run they each have to take a shot. See who can go the longest or see who pukes the most. Hooray!

News: unruly child

go to a store with a kid have he act up and try to get him to com down but he keeps acting up so the dad puts out a fake gun shoots the kid fake blood gos every then pick up the kid say some thing like wait till ur mom hears about this and walk out of the store

How To: Make homemade rhubarb chutney

If you like Indian cuisine, then you have to love chutney! But you don't have to go out to eat in order to enjoy chutney, you can make your own right at home. And in this video, you'll get the recipe for a delicious rhubarb chutney, great for anything, but perfect for desserts.

Changing Positions: Flip Flopping

Politics(the Government) is built to accomplish a few things: maintaining order, providing necessities, operating businesses (stimulating the economy, trade), maintaining public relations and the most important of all, protecting the rights of the individuals it governs. It has a broad role, and as such, an array of bills, laws and rules to regulate itself and the country.

News: The Trayvon Deception

If you've been reading, watching or listening to the news, you sure know about the Trayvon Martin case. If you visit this site often, you may also have noticed that I've not put up any news on this case. I have my reasons. And this post will describe why.

News: Finding Hidden Metadata in Images (Oh, the Possibilities)

Did you know there is hidden data in your digital pictures? Well, there is, and that data might be a security risk to you. Think back at all of those pictures you're in and are connected with. I'm sure some of those you'd like to distance yourself from. And surely you wouldn't mind checking out the metadata in a few of those images. In this article, we'll be going over how to do just that.

Know Your Rights: How to Escape Unlawful Stops and Police Searches with Social Engineering

Law enforcement can make a lot of folks cringe. Too often do we hear on the news, and even experience in our own lives, the unjust way that an unacceptable portion of law enforcement treat the very citizens they are supposed to protect. People's rights are violate each and every day by law enforcement, simply because they are timid and uneducated with the laws of society. This dirty trickery shouldn't be played on harmless citizens under any circumstances.

How To: Remain Anonymous and Chat Securely with Cryptocat

I'm sure we've all heard about MSN and Yahoo! Messenger, right? They can be useful, but the setup can be quite time consuming for those who need to use it just once or twice—and the privacy statements are a real bother. For example, we must provide our real details. You could use Fake Name Generator, but if you get caught, you will have your account suspended. I don't have a law degree, but to my understanding the United States recently passed legislation that gives the authorities the power ...

News: Art as a Weapon

Although most religions have inspired a variety of art, Buddhism seems to have a special relationship with the arts. Something about the endless circle of birth and rebirth seems to intrigue the minds of artists. Of course even if the art is not directly related to Buddhism, the Buddha has always been a fan of art. The Buddha has been quoted several times speaking about art, and most of his sayings are truly profound:

News: 20 Amazing Minecraft Costumes at MineCon 2011

MineCon 2011 (held at the Mandalay Bay in Vegas) was in a word, awesome. The crowd was overwhelmingly young, the vibe was fun and nerdy, and best of all, the costumes were inspired. Below are my favorites, which unfortunately aren't of the best quality (lighting was low and super yellow, which wasn't helped much by my standard point-and-shoot). If you happened to attend Minecon as well, post about your experience to the community corkboard... if you're pictured below, please comment!

Afterfall: InSanity Game Only $1 in Outlandish Plan to Reach 10 Million Pre-Orders

Nicholas Entertainment Group (NEG) is a Polish independent game publisher that recently got their hands dirty with development. Their first game (with Intoxicate Studios) is the forthcoming horror first-person shooter Afterfall: InSanity, which comes out next month—dangerously close to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3 and Assassin's Creed Revelations release dates. That's some stiff competition for small company, especially since it's a $35 debut game.

News: Double Fine Improves the Psychonauts Meat Circus!

Anyone who likes shooters is going to hate me for saying this: the best game of the 2000's for me was Psychonauts by Double Fine Studios. It came out in 2005 for the original Xbox, achieving critical acclaim, but never selling very well due to its sheer kookiness and poor marketing. Over the ensuing years it has become a cult classic, with downloadable re-releases on Xbox 360 (sadly no longer available). PC has allowed gamers who missed out on the original to bask in its ageless glory.

How To: Make Jim Lahey's No-Knead Pizza

Jim Lahey's no-knead pizza dough is more time consuming than Jamie Oliver's "cheat's pizza", but it's quicker and simpler than the more traditional dough recipes. The rise time is only two hours, and the kneading is minimal. I still prefer Jamie's pizza, but I sense this is because I haven't quite mastered Lahey's recipe yet.